The Paperboy

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A/N: this one is for you Tara, you were the first to get all five answers right on the Our Little Secret quiz :D

The Paperboy

Sam opens his eyes and lets out a girly scream, "There's a baby in my face!"
     Paisley rolls her eyes, "I am not a baby. I'm five," she lays her hand out stretched on his face.
     Sam stares at her through her tiny fingers, "Fine, you're a small ginger monster then, happy?"
     She breaks into a smile and Sam assumes they're good as she pulls her hand away.
     "Call me ginger again and I'll shave you."
     "P-Paisley! U-uncle Avi's here t-too," Scarlett jabs the man on the couch in the shoulder. He doesn't wake or move, just keeps on snoring.
     "Who's birthday is it?" Paisley asks as she leans over the back of the couch, watching her uncle sleep. "Is Ada one already?" she asks in shock.
     Scarlett rolls her eyes then shakes her head. "No-no one's b-b-birthday."
     "Then why is he here?" Paisley frowns.
     Scarlett shrugs.
     Sam leans against the back of the couch with Paisley, "He's come to stay for a while. And I have too," he smiles.
     "P-please p-put on a a sh-shirt," Scarlett laughs, pointing at Sam.
     Paisley turns to look at him disgusted, "Ew Sam, just ew. Look at all those lumps," she pokes at his stomach.
     "Don't call them lumps," he pushes her little hands away. "I worked real hard on these, they're called abs. They're something your dad doesn't have," he smirks.
     "Well put your ab lumps away then," Paisley laughs as she covers her eyes.
     Sam laughs as he walks back to get his Superman t-shirt and pulls it on. "Sorry your majesty's."
     The two girls laugh as their dad walks down the stairs with Ada.
     "Hey, how are you all this morning?" Josh asks with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"
     "Y-yes," Scarlett nods. "C-can we g-get m-m-my b-books t-today?"
     "Of course sweetheart. I have to go to work, but Uncle Avi will take you."
     Scarlett looks down at her hands, "O-okay."
     Josh hands Ada to Sam who takes her with wide eyes, holding her outstretched in front of him, her little legs swinging about. Paisley looks up at Sam and folds her arms, slowly shaking her head. He mouths 'what' and Paisley tries not to laugh.
     Josh gently pulls Scarlett into the kitchen, "I'm sorry I can't take you to get your stationary today."
     "C-can you t-take m-me t-tomorrow?"
     Josh slowly shakes his head, "I can't sweetie," that's why I want Uncle Avi to take you today,"
     "B-b-b-but h-h-h-he-"
     Josh stops her by placing his hands on her shoulders, "Scarlett honey, slow down, think through what you want to say before you say it." He repeats the words that Dr Quinn has said to use when trying to calm her down, to be reminded to slow down when she was rushing or panicking. When her breathing calms again he speaks, "What was it you were trying to tell me?"
      "U-uncle A-Avi, he, he," she pauses with a groan, it was annoying to anyone trying to listen to her speak, but no one quite understood how completely frustrating it was for Scarlett being unable to what she wants to clearly.
     "Take your time Sweetheart," her dad reminds her calmly.
     "Uncle A-Avi, he d-doesn't l-listen so g-good."
     "Uncle Avi is one of the best listeners I know," Josh tries.
     She shakes her head, "He-he, doesn't g-get me." Scarlett was trying to avoid the word 'understand' because there was just too many places for her to trip in it.
     "He just doesn't know you well enough yet, I bet once you've spent the whole day together he'll understand you better than even I do," he smiles having really slowed down the word 'understand' for Scarlett, it was important that she wasn't afraid to say words, but he knew that she was afraid of that one.
     She gives him a small smile.
     "See, there we go," Josh pulls his eldest daughter in for a tight hug. "Now, go wake Uncle Avi up, as well as being the best listener, he's also the best cook!"
     "P-pancakes!" Scarlett cheers.
     "He'll make you whatever you want, you just have to wake him up."
     Scarlett rushes back into the lounge with a great big smile on her face. She wants to jump on Avi like they used to do to their dad on the weekends, but she's worried that he'll get mad at her.      She stops next to the couch, next to the sleeping man and looks over at her dad.
     "You gotta be rough with him, he sleeps like the dead," Josh chuckles.
     "C-can I j-jump?" she asks excitedly.
     Josh pretends to think about it for a moment before nodding, "Just be careful, as far as I know he wants children in the future," he tries to hold back his laughter as Sam snickers behind him. Scarlett just looks at him confused. "Just jump already," he says with a laugh.
     Scarlett jumps up a little then lands on her uncle's stomach.
     His breath is forced out of him and his eyes fly open, only to find a baby's face in his own, Ada's face. Sam was holding her in front of him.
     Scarlett gets off him then helps him sit up. "D-dad said I sh-should," she smiles at Avi.
     Avi gives her a half smile back then turns a full glare on his brother.
     Josh just shrugs as he attempts to hold back his laughter.
     "D-dad a-a-also s-said th-th-th-"
     "Slow down sweetie," Josh speaks.
     Scarlett take a deep breath, "S-said that y-you c-c-could m-make p-pancakes," she grins.
     "Did he now?" Avi asks, giving Scarlett another smile and Josh another glare. "Fine, but you have to help me Scar," he says, lightly poking her shoulder
     "Scarl-lett," she corrects him, but with a smile still on her face.
     "Scarl-lett," he nods with a smile himself, but hers disappears. Avi's does to as his eyes widen, "Sorry, I wasn't making fun of you, just copying you, just and I got it I won't call you Scar, but Scarlett," he nods quickly his words having all been rushed.
     Scarlett watches him carefully before walking off into the kitchen.
     "You better go make those pancakes, cause she can hold a grudge," Josh jokes.
     Avi immediately gets up and goes into the kitchen, almost runs in there.
     Sam turns to Josh, "Don't I know she can hold a grudge, I did the same thing to her a couple of weeks ago and she's barely talked to me since," he shrugs. "By the way, where does the baby go?" he holds Ada outstretched towards Josh.

A/N: I love writing Sam again, I missed him :)

Also I may or may not have done this last week...

I also downloaded a house that looks exactly like the Full House one, someone made it and it's amazing and I'll get some better pics and post them in the Pentasims story at some point :)


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