They Turn the Ocean Blue

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Josh walks into the Black and Brave Gym, he still isn't 100 per cent keen on the idea, but Avi was right weeks ago when he suggested this and Sam and Kirstie have talked him into it, this is the after-school activity for Scarlett. He approaches the desk with a smile, "Hi."
     The lady at the desk smiles, "Hey, how can I help you?"
     He reads her name tag, "Brittany, hi, uh this gym does wrestling classes right? Like the stuff on TV?"
     Brittany nods, "Sure do, it's not skill based, so you pick up classes as and when you can, people brand new to it mix it up with people who have been coming for years. And then there's the intensive twelve-week program, you can be brand new at that but it's an intense crash course with classes almost every day, you must be over 18 to do that, but the other stuff kids can start at 13. But no offence Mr, you're a little older than those who usually sign up," her face scrunches up.
     It's a little rude but Josh lets it slide. "No-no, it's not for me, it's for my daughter, but she's only ten, so that's a shame," he sighs. "There isn't anything for anyone younger? Or maybe a special exception for little girl that get's made fun of because of her lisp and struggles to make friends?" He tries on the sympathy card.
     Brittany's bottom lip pops out, "Hold on I'll get the manager."
      Josh inwardly smiles, hopefully the boss is a big softy and they can get Scarlett in. As he waits he looks around the gym, it's not your standard gym, sure there's equipment all around but right in the middle is a full scale wrestling ring. And one wall is decorated with what must be replica title belts, some of them look like the ones from the shows Scarlett watches. It's almost five minutes of waiting around before Brittany comes back with a man who looks like he spends more of his time working out than managing.
     Josh pulls his smile back on and holds out his hand. "I'm Josh."
     "Colby," he shakes Josh's hand. "The manager is out at the moment but I'm the owner, so what's up?"
     Josh can't place his finger on what it is about this guy that's familiar. "My daughter loves wrestling-"
     "There's Marek," Brittany points then waves him over.
     "If she loves wrestling then that's enough for me," Colby nods, "Doesn't matter if she's only ten, if we've got your written and signed permission then we're good," he shrugs.
     "Wait, what? Ten? No I'm not teaching a ten-year-old," Marek panics.
     "It'll be fine, she doesn't have to be as involved yet, but she can learn," Colby argues.
     Josh points at Colby, "Yes I'd like for that very much."
     Marek ignores him, "The 13-14 rule is there so that I'm not babysitting. You're not here half of the time Colby, so it's my decision, and I have half the shares so I have half the say anyways."
     "Fine, if you don't want to teach her then I will," Colby turns away from Marek to Josh.
      "Ooo, your daughter's lucky, he's the best," Brittany claps Colby's shoulder.
     "Thank you," Josh smiles at Colby.
     "Yeah I don't usually do this and the younger classes are practically brand new, my wife's idea since she and I started quite young, so it makes sense to branch out that way. So bring your daughter round on Tuesday after school and ah, we can try this out," Colby nods.
     "Alright, thanks again though, she's gonna love this."
     "It's no worries, I know what it's like to have no friends at school and I wouldn't wish that on anybody."
     That means the world to Josh and he doesn't know how to properly express that so he just nods.


Kirstie hasn't been to visit Avi in a couple of days, and she feels bad but it's not like there's much to do since he hasn't woken up yet. She just reminds herself that good things take time. And besides, she was working today, so she's brought him flowers, hopefully they don't die before he wakes up.
     Kirstie's been to the hospital a few times, just not in the past couple of days, and every single time she's visited Josh has been there. So when she confidently waltz's around the corner to see Aleen instead, she stops dead. She immediately backtracks, but not before she's spotted.
     "It's okay Kirstie, you can come in."
     So hesitantly, she does, "Hi," she waves shyly.
     Aleen gives her a small smile, "Hey."
     Kirstie is very unsure of the best way to ask this, she didn't want it to come out blunt or rude, but "What are you doing here?"
     Aleen glances at Avi then back at Kirstie, "Josh told me and I had to see him."
     "Oh right," Kirstie nods, her newly died red hair bouncing against her shoulders.
     Her eyes are back on Avi, "When something like this happens it really puts the trivial little things into perspective."
     "As I recall," Kirstie speaks boldly, "Avi didn't find that 'trivial' or 'little," Kirstie puts air bunnies around both the repeated words, while not dropping the flowers. She's moved to be at Avi's side, opposite to Aleen, Avi between them.
     "Well when he wakes up he'll realise how silly we were and everything will be fine."
     "So your views on marriage have changed?"
     "No," she scoffs.
     Kirstie places the flowers down on the bedside table. "And yet you expect Avi's will have?"
     "And here I was starting to like you. Who do you think you are to question my relationship?"
     "I'm someone looking out for Avi while the Wicked Witch of the West sits beside his bed plotting his future."
     "Plotting?" Aleen stands angrily.
     "Yes Elphaba, plotting," Kirstie spits back with as much anger as she's receiving.
     "What the fuck is an Elphaba you damn Hobbit?"
     Kirstie smirks, "Guess the jokes on you since you don't even know your supposed boyfriend's favourite movie.
     "What does that have to do with Star Wars?" Aleen is getting louder.
     "The Hobbit, The Hobbit is Avi's favourite movie," her arms are crossed, and she is very smug. "Avi loves Hobbit's."
     Aleen's jaw is clenched, her nostrils flaring, she goes to speak but Avi's heart monitor beats her to it.
     "What does that mean?"
     "I don't know!"
     Kirstie slams the nurses button and two of them are there in a moment, a doctor not far behind, they must have heard the monitor.
     Kirstie and Aleen are ushered away by one of the nurses.
     "What's happening?" Aleen asks.
     "We think he's in distress, something external has distressed him and he's trying to wake up, but he's not ready to yet."
     Kirstie and Aleen watch with worry until their eyes meet and their gazes turn to glares.


"H-How do you always win!" Scarlett drops the controller in her lap and slumps back against the couch.
     "Because I've been playing these games for years. I had a PlayStation Scarlett, it didn't even have a number, that's how long I've been playing games like this."
Scarlett's mouth has fallen open.
     "And the scary part is, your Dad is even older than me," he wiggles his fingers, "Oooo."
     They're trying to keep things as light as possible for the girls given the situation. The girls haven't visited their Uncle in hospital and Josh is adamant that they won't until Avi is awake. He's pretty sure Avi wouldn't want them to see him like this, so Josh is obliging.
     "Yeah, scary, n-now let's play more," she sits up straight.
     "How about a men's match now?"
     "Then can I be Becky Lynch?"
     Scarlett gives him an 'are you kidding me look.'
     "I'm joking," Sam chuckles. "I'll be Lacey Evans this time."
     "No!" She whines. "Lacey can't b-beat Becky!"
     "If you let me be Becky then she'd actually be winning," he teases.
     "One d-day I'll win and I'll always be Becky."
     "Okay, well I'm not gonna let you win," Sam locks in Lacey and Scarlett locks in Becky and they start the new game.
     "Guess what?" Josh bursts through the front door with a big smile for the first time all week.
     Scarlett groans as Sam pauses the game. "What's up?"
     "I've found you an after school activity Scarlett."
     "Awesome," Sam smiles.
     "I haven't liked anything you've tried to m-make me do so far," she remains unimpressed.
     "I am 100 per cent sure you'll like this one," her Dads smile is stuck, he hands her a pamphlet.
     "Black and Brave?" Scarlett frowns.
     "It's a wrestling school," Josh points out.
     Scarlett's jaw drops as she looks up at her Dad.
     "Wow!" Sam says for her and he squints at the paper in concentration. "Does that say something about being trained by a real WWE Wrestler?"
     "Oh," Josh snatches the pamphlet back. "No, that's for the over 18, 12 week wrestling camp. This is a younger group, they're older than you Scarlett but the owner said he'd train you himself until he feels you're ready to join the big group. Doesn't that sound awesome?" He grins.
     Scarlett has no words, so she just nods with her eyes glowing.
     "You want to do this?" Josh asks, Scarlett keeps nodding, her blonde curls bouncing before she jumps up and slams into her Dad with a big hug.
     Sam gives Josh the thumbs up to which Josh just smiles triumphantly in return.
     His phone rings, "Why now?" He sighs as he pulls it out, "It's Kirstie."
     "C-can I talk to her?" Scarlett jumps up and down.
     "Hold on, it might be important," Josh stretches so his arm is just slightly more out of reach.
     "I want to t-tell her about wrestling classes!" Scarlett complains.
     "She already knows," Sam pulls her back to let Josh talk on the phone.
     "Hello – Sorry, what? What do you mean accident? I – No, I'll be right there." He stands up and snatches his keys from the coffee table in one swift movement.
     "What happened?" Sam asks as calmly as he can.
     "Um," Josh glances between Sam and Scarlett as he choses his words very carefully, "There has been a uh, development with Avi and I, um, I must see to it immediately."
     "You s-said accident," Scarlett worries.
     "Misunderstanding," Josh lies, "I misheard," he smiles at her, he hopes she can't tell.
     "Can I come then?" Scarlett asks.
     "Maybe next time, we gotta finish our game," Sam hugs Scarlett a little tighter.
     "I guess," she sighs.
     "Don't worry, you'll see him soon enough Doll," Josh leans over to kiss the top of her head and then he's out the door again.


Josh is just about running down the halls to his brother's room and when it's in his eyesight he gets faster and almost slams into Aleen as she's storming out.
     "Woah," he braces them, hands on her shoulders. He wants to go in and see Avi, but he's also friends with Aleen and she's upset, "What's going on?"
     "He's awake," she looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
     He can't see the problem, "So what's wrong then?"
     "He wants her," a couple of tears roll down her cheeks.
     "Who?" He asks.
     "Kirstie, it was the first thing he said when he woke up," she pushes past him and he doesn't stop her, what is he supposed to do? Tell her it'll be fine? Because it probably won't, he doesn't want to lie to Aleen, he still has to work with her.
     The dilemma completely slips from his mind though when he steps into the hospital room and his little brother's eyes are open and they weakly smile at each other. This is not at all what Josh had been expecting when he got Kirstie's call, his immediate thought was negative. She had sounded like something bad had happened, but this is good, this is happy, and Kirstie's still here too, and smiling, the lying bitch: in the nicest way possible.

A/N: What do we think of Josh getting Scarlett  into wrestling classes and Avi waking up!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment it truly makes my day :)


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