What Do You Do?

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A/N: And now I've finally updated this too :D

"I think it's a great idea," Quinn nods. "Perfect timing too, with the new year, everything wraps up around Christmas, then everyone jumps back into after school activities with back to school. Because you're right Josh, I think Scarlett will do fine without therapy, making friends is something she'll do in her own time," she glances briefly at Scarlett sitting away from them playing on her Dad's phone.
     "Well thank you Quinn, you've done so much for her and I'm so grateful for everything," Josh holds his hand out for Quinn to shake, she does.
This is the end of an era, with one week till Christmas.


- Scouts

- Becky Lynch

- Music

- Dance

- Board games

- Art

- Drama

- Sports?

Avi is starting to think that his list for Scarlett should maybe be sorted by things she likes and actual possible clubs or classes she can join. Sports is the only one with a question mark because she probably won't want to that, but just about everything is a question mark with this girl. Avi's pretty sure the only things she actually likes are Becky Lynch and board games and even still, all she ever wants to play is Cluedo. This is far tougher than he first thought when Josh gave him the task.
     Avi is brought from his thoughts when there is a knock at the door.
     "Who do you think is coming to see us Ada?" Avi asks as he passes the play pen.
     "Ka? Who's Ka? Ka-Kevin?" He turns the door handle, "Ka-" And opens the door, "Kirstie," his smile falls, she's dressed so Christmassy that Avi thinks it's physically hurting him.
     "Hi," her own smile is hesitant.
     "Hey," he nods slowly, "What, ah, what are you doing here?"
     "Oh well, funny story, kind of, maybe? I was driving past yesterday on a delivery and noticed that just about every door on this street had a wreath except yours. So I made you one." She holds up a beautiful, fresh and bright Christmas wreath.
     "Oh, wow, um thanks," he tries his best to be really positive and upbeat.
     "You don't like it?" Her mouth falls into a small pout.
     "No-no, I love it, it's just... um."
     "What?" She asks.
     "We're Jewish."
     Kirstie's jaw drops, "Oh my god, I'm such an idiot, I'm so-so sorry," she rushes.
     "No it's okay," Avi has a hint of laughter in his voice, "You didn't know."
    "But I should have, your last name is Kaplan, that's so Jewish," she sighs.
     "Kirstie, I hold you at no fault, I didn't expect you to know. But hey, Sam's not Jewish so maybe we could keep it for him because it really is beautiful. You made it?"
     She nods, "Yeah, but like, it's no big deal, I make heaps of them at Christmas, so it's not like special if you were worried about anything like that," she speaks a little sheepishly.
     Avi smiles, "Well even if you don't think it's special, I do. You still took the time to make it, and that means something," he holds his hands out and Kirstie passes the wreath to him.
     "I'm glad you like it, and I hope Sam likes it, since he's not Jewish and all," she smiles.
     "Are you busy?" Avi asks.
     She shakes her head.
     "Do you want to come in for coffee then?" It's the least I can do for all your not so hard work," he jokes.
     Kirstie tries to hide her giggle with her hand, "I can never say no to a coffee."
     "Then come in," he steps back to let her inside then closes the door behind her.


Paisley sits in her classroom at a table by herself colouring and drawing whatever she wants. Everybody else is off following instructions, but Paisley doesn't have to and she likes it better this way.
     "I'm taking the red and green crayons," a little boy announces and snatches them from Paisley's table.
     "Hey! I need those!" Paisley stands up ready to chase him.
     "No you don't! You're not drawing Chrismouse trees like us!"
     "I'm drawing grass and my hair, I need it!" She tries to grab them back.
     "Ugly hair!"
     "My hairs pretty! Like my Mommy's!"
     "Your dead Mommy!"
     And that's when Paisley tackles the kid to the floor.


"Daddy my arm hurts!" Paisley whines as her Dad in full Police uniform marches her from the school grounds, his face like thunder. He doesn't respond. "Daddy!"
     "Paisley you know why your arm hurts so I don't want to hear it."
     She stays quiet until they get back to the car. "What's she doing here?" Paisley asks as she takes in her Dad's work car and the person currently sitting patiently in the passenger seat.
     "Well Paisley, they had to call me at work didn't they? It's the middle of the day," he opens the back door of the cop car.
     "I'm not a criminal!" She stomps her foot.
     "Uh yeah you are, get in," he points then shuts the door behind the huffy little redhead.
     "So what's up?" Aleen asks quietly as Josh gets in.
     "Oh wow," Aleen barely glances back at her.
     "Only a couple of days, seeing as it's the end of the semester. But that doesn't make me any less mad, nor does it make you any less grounded," he turns to look at Paisley.
     "I didn't even get to explain what happened," she complains.
     "I know what happened Paisley, I know that kid was being mean to you, but that's still no excuse to start a fight."
     "He's teasing me for being Jewish and having a dead Mommy!" She scowls.
     Josh doesn't know what to say, he can't condone that kids behaviour by punishing Paisley for being rightly upset, nor can he let her off because attacking someone like she did isn't okay either.
     "Why is it so bad to be Jewish?" Paisley asks when her Dad says nothing.
     But he still doesn't answer, so Aleen does while hoping she's not overstepping by saying, "It's not, there's nothing wrong with being Jewish."
     "Then why does he tease me? Why is he mean?"
     "Because he's a dick," it slips from Aleen's mouth before she can stop it and her hand shoots to her mouth with an apology.
     Paisley releases suppressed giggles because Aleen just swore and that's funny no matter how much you don't like someone.
     And it's all totally okay when Josh laughs too


"Who plays guitar?" Kirstie nods at the corner, Sam's corner that's surprisingly tidy.
     "All of us actually, but that one's Sam's, mine's in my room, all three of them, and Josh doesn't currently own one and that's entirely his children's fault, Paisley," Avi nods.
    "What did she do?"
     "Cut the strings."
     Kirstie's jaw drops. "But can't it be restrung?"
     "Yeah it was, but then Scarlett."
     "And what did she do?"
     "She suplexed Paisley right into it, broke it clean in two."
     Kirstie's jaw is still slack, "I don't even know what a suplexed is, but damn."
     Avi nods slowly, "Poor Josh. And a suplex is a wrestling move, despite the warning before every episode."
     "The do not try this at home?" Kirstie laughs.
     "The very same," he chuckles. "Do you play guitar, or any instruments?"
     "Piano, though I wish I played guitar, it'd be more Shania," she grins.
     "Like as in Twain?" Avi asks.
     "Yeah," she nods like a bobble head. "Are you a fan too?"
     He shrugs, "She's alright, not to diminish your love for her or anything."
     "Oh she's not my favourite, like I love her and I'm auditioning to be her for a New Year's Eve event, but I love Beyoncé, J-Lo and Arianna Grande more."
     "Then why not be one of them? Or is it just a Shania Twain thing? Cause you look quite a lot like J-Lo."
     She nods, "I get told that a lot. But the event is open, like I can audition as whoever I want, but J-Lo and Arianna are already taken by club regulars, and I wouldn't feel right being Beyoncé and I love Shania too, so why not."
     "That sounds pretty awesome," Avi smiles.
     "Oh I'm sooooo excited, but like nervous too, you know?"
     "Yeah I do," Avi nods. "So is this gig a lip sync thing or are you actually singing?"
     "I'm actually singing, and I like haven't sung since high school," she looks down as she plays with her hands.
     "Why not?"
     She shrugs, "I just haven't had the opportunity."
     "Then sing right now."
     "What? With no prep?" She scoffs.
     "Yeah, that's what right now means Kirst," he chuckles with the nickname as he jumps up to collect Sam's guitar.
     "I don't know if I can," she panics.
     "Sure you can, it's just me and Ada, I even know a Shania song."
     She cocks her head, "Really? Which one?"
     He sits back down beside her, "If You're Not in it For Love."
     "I'm Outta Here," Kirstie smirks.
     "Bingo," Avi chuckles.
     "You know, I don't even know," he starts to strum, grin in place, it's been a while since he's done this with someone else.
     Kirstie nods along, waiting for her que and then sings out in a crystal clear voice that's so good it almost makes Avi stop playing. "Mind if I sit down? Can I buy you a round?"
     "Haven't seen your face before are you new in town?"
They sing together.
"It's the same old line. Oh every time. Are you here alone? Can I take you home?" Kirstie sings the first two lines by herself and then Avi joins her again.
     They continue on through the song, perfect at every turn, even Ada kind of claps for them when they finish.
     "What are you auditioning with? Because I think you should do that one," Avi adjusts the guitar to sit flat across his lap.
     "I was gonna do 'Man I Feel Like A Woman,' but that's kind of obvious isn't it?"
     "It might be, but that could also be exactly what they're looking for," he shrugs.
     She nods slowly, you're right. But it is a four minute audition, what if I shortened those two songs and did them both?"
     "That would be cool, but why stop there, four minutes is enough time to do a medley."
     Her eyes light up, "Oooo, yes. Um," she pauses to think of another song, something that everybody would know.
     "What about the one where she's in the desert in the video, or ah, what's that other one?" He clicks his fingers. "You're Still the One?"
     "Or I'm Gonna Get You Good', or 'From This Moment,' god there's so many good ones," she groans, tipping her head back.
     "I think you should do the one we did, then high energy 'Man I Feel Like A Woman,' and 'I'm Gonna Get You Good' and finish on 'You're Still the One."
     Kirstie nods.
     "Really, I mean really, like are you fucking kidding me?" Aleen exclaims, she'd entered through the back of the house with Josh and Paisley.
     Avi just about jumps from his skin as he spins in his seat.
     "Oooo, Aleen said another bad word," Paisley points at the woman who cussed.
     "Paisley go to your room," Josh nudges her along.
     "What's up?" Avi asks, he hasn't done anything wrong and yet he feels flustered.
     "Hi," Kirstie smiles, giving Aleen and Josh a little wave.
     Aleen glares at Kirstie.
     Paisley ascends the stairs very slowly, she wants to see as much as she possibly can, until her Dad snaps her name and she's forced to scatter.
     "What the hell are you doing here?" Aleen asks Kirstie with false calm.
     "She was just leaving," Avi says as an attempt to defuse the situation.
     Kirstie stands up, "I was, it was good to see you Josh and Aleen." She turns to Avi, "And Avi and Ada," she glances over her shoulder at the playpen. She opens the front door ready to leave when Avi speaks again.
     "Let me know if you get the New Year's gig, I'd love to see it."
     Kirstie leaves with a smile on her face that's hard to maintain with the yelling that flares up behind the door.

A/N: 2000 words, I'm pretty proud of myself, not gonna lie XD

What do you guys think Scarlett should do as an after school activity to make friends and do you think Paisley should be in trouble for what she did?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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