Your Dreams So Soon

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A/N: I listed off my stories for my sister to pick what I should update and she picked this, but I think ya'll are really gonna like this chapter ;)

Avi leads Aleen to the front door of Josh's house. He knows today is the day Josh has made his mind up to clean out Amanda's things. Having her stuff everywhere makes everything just that little bit harder that he didn't need. Josh wants a face of happiness for his girls, as hard ad that is having lost the love of his life; he has to do it for them. Josh isn't throwing Amanda's stuff out, just putting it into storage in the attic, he didn't know what the girls might like one day.
Aleen and Avi stop by the doorway, he smiles at her and she smiles back.
     "What's cooking Cheshire," she giggles.
     "I don't believe that's the saying," Avi jokes.
     "Oh I know the saying, but when you're grinning like the Cheshire Cat it's a better fit than 'good looking.' But I'll amuse you," she smirks. "What's cooking good looking?" She raises an eyebrow.
     "You know I don't even know why the smile is here yet, I don't know what the answer will be," he chuckles.
     She watches him with a warm smile, "What did you want the answer to?"
     Avi nervously scratches at the back of his head, "Well I wanted to ask, I mean we've been we've been on like plenty of dates and well when people ask, what do I call you?"
     Avi laughs and resists the urge to roll his eyes at her joke, "More like what are you to me... and like can this be official," he gestures between them.
     "Official is such a strong word, but you can call me your girlfriend if you'd like?" She says with a cheeky grin.
     Avi nods shyly.
     "Then absolutely, I mean I already accidentally said to Scarlett that you were my boyfriend, so it's good that we've sorted that," she chuckles.
     Avi lets out a deep laugh, "So it was you! I've been blaming Sam for that one, not that I minded, it was just that we'd never discussed it," he gestures between them again. "But now I can call you my girlfriend with no uncertainty," he beams.
     "You so can," she giggles, then leans in to kiss him deeply. "I'll be telling everyone," she says as they pull apart for a moment, "Well everyone I haven't already told." She thinks back on how most of her family already knew how she felt about him even though they'd only been together for not quite two months. "What are you doing for Halloween? I know Josh wants to take the girls trick o treating, are you going with them?"
     Avi nods, "Yeah, you should come with, it'll actually be fun, it's Ada's first time going, her first Halloween actually, not that she'll have any idea what's going on or anything," he laughs.
     Aleen smiles, "I'll come, it sounds great, and we could go to my sisters party afterwards maybe?"
     Avi hesitates but then nods, he wasn't much of a party person, but it is fair she is coming to his thing so he should go to hers.
     "Awesome, I'll let you in on something, I'll have a totally appropriate cat costume for trick o treating with the kids, then something less so for the party and maybe even a little less again for afterwards," she smirks, biting the corner of her lip ready for his reaction.
     Avi's eyebrows shot up, "Really?"
     "Really," she practically purrs as she looks up at him.
     "I can't wait," he smirks back, leaning in to kiss her again.


"I want to get a flower crown made of real flowers for Paisley's fairy costume," Josh tells Avi as they walk down the street on their way to meet Esther. Sam is at home babysitting, but Paisley is at a friend's house, so that makes it a little easier for him.
     "Why?" Avi asks, shoving his phone into his back pocket, he's barely put it away since Aleen keeps texting him.
     "It's what Amanda promised her, but of course Amanda was going to make it as well, she was crafty, I'm not."
     "Maybe Esther will know somewhere we can get one?" Avi suggests, he feels his phone buzz again, and he wants to look but he probably should since Josh has brought up Amanda.
     "Speaking of," Josh points up ahead. Their sister was animatedly talking to someone on the phone, her arms flailing, it has to be something to do with her work. But she almost immediately gets off the phone the second she sees her brothers.
     "Hey!" She grins, pulling them both into a tight hug at the same time. "How are you two doing? You coping with living together?"
     "Avi is the easiest house mate in the world," Josh smiles.
     "It's Sam whose a problem," the bearded man jokes.
     "Oh, is he still there?" Esther replies.
     Josh and Avi nod, "He's babysitting right now, I'm in no rush to get rid of him," Josh shrugs.
     "Fair enough," Esther replies.
     "Oh before we go to the coffee shop, maybe we could go look at that florist?" Avi suggests, pointing ahead of them. "They might do flower crowns?"
     "Why do you want a flower crown?" Esther asks with her brow furrowed.
     "For Paisley's costume," Josh says as he walks in front to the shop. "She's going to be a fairy, so flower crown," he explains it like it's the most obvious thing ever.
     Avi and Esther follow Josh into the shop, the door dings on their way in. Whoever works here must be out the back.
     "It smells beautiful in here," Esther comments, looking over all the flowers.
     Avi points out the display wreaths, "Some of those could be small enough for a crown."
     Josh nods in agreement.
     "Ring the buzzer," Esther tells him impatiently.
     So Josh does, and there's a bang from out the back.
     "Coming!" A frazzled voice yells, and there's more banging and something smashes, "Shit!" The female voice curses.
     The siblings exchanges glances.
     And then finally the girl emerges from a door at the back, she is a mess with leaves in her dark hair and a tear in her sleeve. She puts on a big smile as she dashes behind the counter, attempting to act professional but almost tripping over nothing. "How may I help you?" She asks brightly.
     "Are you okay?" Avi asks slowly as his siblings fail to bring words forward.
     "Oh I'm great, first time I've been left alone with the shop, but other than that everything's great," she nods.
     "So I take it you're not Angelica then?" Esther raises an eyebrow as she reads the sign on the wall behind the till, "Of Angelica's flowers?"
     The girl turns to look behind her, as if she didn't know the sign were there. "No-no, that's my mom. She's on holiday and the assistant manager called in sick, so here we are and how may I help you?" She asks again.
     Avi and Esther turn to Josh, "Well my daughter wants a real flower crown for her fairy costume for Halloween. Do you do something like that?"
     The girl nods, then shakes her head with a frown. "It's not something we've done before, but I'd love to do it, anything for Halloween," she grins, "It's my favourite holiday. I'll make the crown, what kind of flowers do you want in it? Oh and when do you want it by... oh duh the 31st," she laughs, sliding a notepad across to start writing the details.
     "What are good flowers, what would you recommend?" Josh asks the girl.
     "Daisy's, they'd make a gorgeous crown, but it'd be cool to weave it with a flower that matched her dress too."
     "It's rainbow," Avi answers.
     "So any colour flower bar red pink or orange because she's a redhead," Esther adds even though she has never seen the dress, she is stating fact.
     "Redheads can wear those colours, they just have to be smart about it," the florist shrugs.
     "You just do whatever you think will look best," Josh tells her with a smile.
     "Sure," she takes down the few details they've given her then she gets Josh's name and number just in case. "I'll give you the store card too, but when you ring ask for me since this is a special order and I'm handling it," she tells them, writing her name down on the back of the black card in a silver pen, in case they forgot it.
     Josh takes the card, "Kristin," he nods.
     "It's Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie."

A/N: Seventeen chapters in and she finally makes an appearance, I have been so excited for this for so long, I hope you like how I introduced her, and what do you guys think will happen next with her character?

Hannah :D

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