Ch. 19

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Stan's POV

Holy fuck what was going on? My boyfriend just shows up, wildly winded like he ran a marathon, doesn't say anything except asking to stay and to tell his mother that he's not here while crying? I patted his back soothingly while he settled down with his head on my shoulder and when his breathing eventually returned to normal I pulled back and halfway guided, halfway picked him up.

I kept a hand on his shoulder and asked,

"Well dude, what happened?"

Kyle didn't hear me though as he already walked away, frantically looking around clutching his bag as he quickly told me,

"No, no I can't talk now I've gotta hide. I can't hide somewhere she'll look, oh man oh man Stan am I ever in trouble."

Sharon looked over to me concerned but didn't say anything as I shrugged. Within seconds she offered,

"Kyle, I don't really want to be helping you hide from your own mother-"

I whipped my head back to my mother in shock and was getting ready to panic and by looking at Kyle I could tell the same. I think he almost passed out by the way he stopped dead while walking and swayed as he turned towards me, face frozen in fear. I felt like I'd been stabbed just from the expression on his face and just when I went to open my mouth my mother continued.

"However I suppose it's likely safer for you to not be at home right now. I think there might be just enough room for you to lie behind the television stand in my room. Hurry up and check before Sheila gets here, she's bound to be soon."

Instant relief flows through me and I quickly rush to give Sharon a hug and whisper,

"Oh my god thank you, thank you so much mom."

She just nodded and I could just about see the gears turning in her mind while she thought. Kyle also came up and told her how thankful he was, and how sorry he felt but that he would explain everything soon.

We both dashed up the stairs and while I was dying to know what had happened I knew now wasn't the time. As we both entered my mother's room, I pulled out the TV stand just enough for Kyle to squeeze behind it and with his backpack on him it was out a tad farther than ideal, but it would work. My mother's dresser was right beside the stand so it provided just barely enough length for Kyle's legs and although he looked slightly squished and uncomfortable, he would have to make do. Just before I left the room I told him,

"Keep quiet, keep still and remember I love you. I promise I'll keep you safe, okay?"

Kyle replied with "Yeah I love you too. Please don't let her find me or I'm seriously dead."

The worry and tensity in his voice hurt but it also strengthened my resolve to keep that bitch away. Within three minutes I was back downstairs and talking to my mom hurriedly about how important this was. She agreed and told me how much she loved me, which made me kind of sad for some reason. Maybe it was because Kyle doesn't have this support? I know if I were him I would be having a rough time and that just made me love him that little bit more.

Just then Sheila's car came into our driveway and both me and Sharon stiffened before nodding to each other. I ran to the living room and turned on the TV, trying to calm my wracked nerves as I spread out like nothing was wrong. My mother grabbed a book off the kitchen table and held it in her hand, waiting for Sheila to knock. When she did, my mother called "One second!" before going to open the door.

With her book in hand it appeared like she would have been doing nothing, and I could hear them talking quietly with Sheila sounding increasingly agitated and my mother calmly replying. I struggled to think of what I would usually do when someone came to the door. After around two or three minutes I loudly asked,

"Mom! Who's at the door?"

"Oh it's just Sheila, she's looking for Kyle. She's wondering if he was at school today."

I took a breath before replying,

"Uh yeah I'm pretty sure he was. Why exactly?"

I got up off the couch as I said that and walked to our door to see Sheila the angriest I think I've ever seen. She was still standing outside our house, but as she saw me she took a threatening step towards me and pointed an accusing finger.

"You," she hissed, "made my son gay! And I have proof you're dating, so you can't deny being a faggot now can you? After he ran off I know he would have come here. So, since you're such a terrible liar, why don't you look at me and tell me he's not here?"

Sharon looked thoroughly shocked and she furiously replied,

"Shelia don't you come to my house and talk about my son like that! I'm asking you to leave."

With every ounce of self control, I managed not to slap her and with the rest of me I forced my racing heart down and without even pausing for breath I stared at her and said coldly,

"Mrs. Brovflovski, Kyle isn't here and hasn't been in a quite a while. I haven't seen him since school today and if you need him that bad I'd suggest trying Kenny's place. What do you think about leaving before anything else stupid comes out of your mouth?"

Feeling proud that I held my ground and managed to tell a convincing lie without puking or that stupid wavering voice, I shut our door on a dumbfounded Sheila. I pointed some finger guns to my mom trying to lighten the mood and uneasily grinned while nodding, slightly worried about her response. However she just shook her head and sighed while putting her hand up in defeat before telling me,

"Well maybe not the best way to handle that. Wait a few more minutes to make sure she doesn't come back, then invite Kyle down here and yes he can stay for tonight at least, but you boys are going to have to figure this out pretty soon. It's not going to stay a secret much longer. I'll phone Sheila in a bit and apologize for you because after that she probably isn't going to want to have anything do with you for a while."

Once again I expressed my gratitude towards her before wandering around the house trying to pass the time. After about 10 minutes we decided she likely wasn't going to be back right away and I dashed up the stairs to let Kyle know. Triumphantly I walked into my mother's room loudly saying from excitement,

"Kyle, I did it! I lied to your mom and she believed me and left! Yes!"

"Great job Stan, that's pretty great! My arm and leg hurt though, can you please move the stand?"

I dragged the stand out enough for Kyle to wiggle out but instead of standing up he sat on the ground and uneasily laughed, informing me that his entire right side had fallen asleep. I plopped down beside him and started poking his arm and leg playfully with a grin, each one making him swat my hand with a "ow!"

Soon without telling me the pins and needles left his arm and leg and right at the moment I wasn't expecting it, he turned and jabbed me right in the ribs on both sides.

"Hey!" I yelled, "Not fair!"

"Oh you wanna talk about not fair? When half my body was useless it didn't seem to matter!"

He continued poking and tickling me until I was lying on the ground, laughing when suddenly he stopped to grab my face with both hands. He leaned down to me a quick and passionate kiss before standing up and offering me his hand. His face was tinted slightly red and I'm sure mine was too except for he hadn't almost passed out from laughing too hard.

I hauled myself up using his hand and we both went down the stairs together. I walked in front of him and led Kyle to our couch where I flipped down on one side and he did the same. I looked at him for moment just admiring his beauty before putting my hands up questioningly while asking,

"Dude what the fuck happened?"

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