Ch. 6

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Kyle POV

It was written all over his face when I asked that question. Even before I knew he was gay, literally 30 seconds ago, I had thought he might have feeling that ran deeper than a simple friendship. To be completely honest I think he did too, however subconsciously.

"I like you too," I figured I had nothing else to lose. If he wanted he could destroy my social life whether I told him now or not and honestly, I was so emotionally drained I almost didn't car the outcome. I just wanted it out.

All the while I was doing this, deep in the back of my head I felt a pang of fear and heard the little voice yelling What the fuck are you doing?! I had drifted off for a split second in my thoughts but I quickly turned it back to Stan. Those ice-blue eyes stared at me and I could see he was scared but I could also see the excitement.

Without thinking I let go of his hand and carefully reached it up to touch his hair softly. I hadn't thought he could blush any harder but he managed it. He just stood there, taken aback for a moment more before he leaned into my touch and closed his eyes.

"Do you really mean that?"
He whispered.

"I really do."

He opened his eyes again and looked down at me. He was still uncertain so I put as much seriousness into my face and eyes while I nodded. Sliding my hand out of his hair down to the side of his face and bringing up my other one to the other side, I pulled his head down and kissed him.

He stood still for a split second after I let go and backed up a little. I still wasn't sure about it myself but I had done all I could on my part to convince him that I did indeed like him that way. He doubled over and just about puked on my floor. When he stood up again he had to have seen the sadness on my face because his eyes widened as he explained, "Wait! That's a good thing because I throw up whenever I'm really nervous, or when I, uhm, like someone?"

I had totally forgotten about that. One emotion to the next, goddamn I felt like Stan at that moment. I took the two steps it took to clear the room to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He tottered at the unexpected weight but he quickly recovered. I pressed my lips against his and with him kissing back it felt amazing. His lips were softer than I expected and as he pulled my waist against his I could taste the coffee he had to drink earlier.

We backed up against the wall opposite my bed and for a second I was worried the door was open. I broke away and checked, panting a little bit to try and catch my breath. Nope it was closed. From the way the doorknob was it looked locked as well. I leaned back into Stan and grabbed his coat in my fists. I watched him as he tried to catch his breath with his back still up against the wall. I will say I had no clue what I was doing or going to do but I asked,

"Are you okay with this?"

"Holy shit dude I'm way more than okay with this."

He smiled and grabbed the back of my head. As we kissed I let my hands go up and down his sides, travel from his face and neck back to his chest. I was enjoying every bit of this. He smelled nice too, a warm and comforting scent that made me feel relaxed. One of his hands was warm against my side through my shirt while he other remained on the base of my neck.

We were both breathing hard as we took a second to recompose ourselves with our foreheads pressed together, smiling widely at each other. Without warning his hand slipped up into my hair and pulled it lightly, forcing my head to tilt back and expose my neck. I involuntarily moaned breathlessly. I gasped and instantly I brought one of my hands to my mouth and covered it feeling so embarrassed.

Stan laughed as he grabbed my shoulders and flipped us around so that my back was against the wall. My breathing quickened even more when he grabbed my hair again. He must have caught the way I exhaled because a smirk worked its way onto his face.

I moaned again, only more loudly this time as he started to lightly kiss and suck on my neck, starting right at the jawline at my the ear and going down. Everywhere he touched felt like electric shocks as I continued to breathlessly say his name. My one hand was in his hair while the other steadied me against the wall.

His hands slipped inside of my shirt and I had to wrap my arms around his neck to keep my knees from giving out on me. I shuddered and moaned in his ear "I think I love you."

"I love you too."

He suddenly pulled away, although he placed a knee between my legs and kept one of his hands on my wall by my my head. He smiled devilishly as he teased,

"I guess you're more of a bottom after all, hey?"

"I-I'm... I am not!" I protested. I was so fucking embarrassed. I looked down but he wouldn't have been able to see a blush anyways since we were both so red in the face. It was pretty much useless though, even I knew that. I was trembling a little and Stan noticed that. He pulled away and his entire demeanour changed. One second he knew exactly what to do, the next he was unsure of himself again.

"Are you okay? You're shaking." I shook my head as I told him "I guess that's just how good you are." I finished with a wink. The smile he gave was amazing. I knew I was definitely in love with him, as I had been since I was 13. I was just glad it worked well and didn't go south like I expected. We both jumped apart when my mom yelled,

"Boys! Dinner is ready!"

"SHIT!" We exclaimed in unison as we straightened our clothes. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and was relieved to see my neck didn't have any hickeys. I guess even I did I could blame it on the fight. To cover our disheveled hair we pulled out hats back on and headed down the stairs and just before we were in sight of my mother, father and brother he grabbed my hand for a split second. He quickly let go as we rounded the corner.

I was simultaneously more relaxed and more stressed than I had ever been. Instead of two crushing fears, Stan finding out and not liking me and my parents finding out, it was reduced to one. However that pressure was so much more now and all I could do was hope they wouldn't be suspicious.

The dinner went over well, I'm pretty sure that between me and Stan acting as normal as we could they didn't think of anything as being amiss.

When we finished and put our dishes away stan announced he had to head home. My mother and father said their goodbyes and Stan went upstairs to grab his bag. I waited at the bottom of the stairs for him and when he came down I opened the door and trailed him out. He turned to me and gave me the most genuine smile I've ever seen on a person.

"Bye Kyle. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I nodded as a response and leaned on my arm against the door frame. He started walking away and I sighed and turned around to go back inside but he quietly whispered without turning around,



"Love you."

I had to suppress a laugh. I was sure he was red as a beet from the way he didn't turn to look at me.

Quietly as I could while still knowing he'd hear me I whispered it back. I felt so light with happiness as I went back inside and up to my room to actually do homework. I couldn't keep my mind off him though and every time I stopped working because my hands would hurt after a while of writing I would think things through.

We couldn't let anyone know of our relationship in case it got around to our parents. I was almost certain he would understand that bit, but it would be hard to continue to act as only friends after what happened. What if one of us accidentally lets it slip? We'd both be fucked. I continued to think, like I always do but eventually I came to the conclusion we would just deal with problems as they came up.

As I was about to go to bed for the night I wondered if I should text but I decided against it. I'll let him think a little longer, get his thoughts straight. I went to sleep happy that night, thinking about him.

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