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"No." Was the response he had gotten.

Cyclone groaned, tone hurt like a kicked puppy. "But why?! I thought we finally agreed on this plan-"

"I am NOT going to destroy you." Ochobot's tone was firm, sharp enough to cut stone. "That's murder. And I am not going to risk you being accidentally deleted off the planet. Are you crazy?! What if you really are?!"

Cyclones smile was pained. "But I am crazy, Ochobot. Thats why people don't like me."

There was a hidden wince in the power sphere's words. "No. I've had enough of your jokes, Cyclone. I'm not going to help you send yourself to a suicide mission just because Solar died!"

"It's not about me." The brunette shook his head. "It never was." The words were barely audible. "But when you first gave me this power, you knew better than to trust us with it. You knew the origin. You knew who created it and why you decided to give it to us."

"It's not certain that I'll turn out for the worse. It's a risky situation, but it has a high possibility as well. If I really am able to bring Solar back.. chances are, I might turn into it quicker. But sooner or later.." He trailed off.

"You'll all turn into one eventually." Ochobot finished the sentence, sighing. "The odds are big. But are you sure about this decision, Cyclone? It's going to hurt a lot, and are you sure your family will be okay, knowing that you might be sacrificed for this?"

The wind manipulator took the robot's hands into his own, squeezing it gently to assure the latter. "They won't be. They never will be. But if it means Solar's coming back into the family and bringing us together once again.." He exhaled. "Then we'll be one, big happy family again. Thats my wish."

"And what if things go wrong, Cy? They'll live with guilt forever. So will I."

"You don't have to. Why should you?" Cyclone shrugged carelessly. "It was my choice, not yours. Not any of yours. I made this choice. I miss Solar as much as the others do. But I'm the only one sane enough to do this mission. Trust me on this one. For once."

"Please, Boboiboy Cyclone. It hurts me and everyone else to see you all like this. Even Fang told me that he's worried about all of you. It isn't too late to re-consider things again."

"Thats why I'm bringing him back." The said boy flinched at the name. "I might not be as smart or as intelligent as Solar is. But if there's one thing I'm good at- it's helping people. And this method is the only possible way to bring him back. It's better than sitting and grieving- I'm doing something."

Before the robot could intervene, he continued, "I know what everyone else's thinking. That I'm careless and selfish for not grieving. For still being the same person I am." He coughed. "But I'm not the same anymore. I'm broken on the inside too. And broken people- we aren't supposed to be standing around, waiting for a miracle to happen."

"Nobody," His head dropped. "Can ever be truly happy. Because we're broken."

Ochobot slipped his hands away, letting his robotic hands rest on the boys lap. "And what do you think Solar would think if he was here, knowing that you're going to sacrifice yourself for a risk and a possibility we don't even know could succeed?"

"Does Solar want us to be like this?" Cyclone raised his head. For a flash moment, Ochobot could see it all- the determination, the pain, guilt and anger mixed into a pair of shaky blue orbs. "Does he want to see us, still grieving, crying- a family that's going to fall apart?"

"No, he wouldn't. But he wouldn't want to see you sacrificing yourself-"

"Tell that to Solar when he's here." Tears threatened to spill from those clear orbs. For once, he felt genuinely betrayed by his own emotions. Rage gnawed at the bottom of his shattering heart. "Tell that, to the brother that I lost because of a sacrifice I didnt ask for."


"Even if the worst thing happened," He battled the tears. "The watch would destroy me as you programmed it to. Everybody would be safe, at least physically. The galaxy would be satisfied. Because intelligence," He clenched his fists. "Matters the most in reality. Doesn't it?"

"That's not true! Cyclone- you can't replace one emotion with another-"

"Let Thorn take over the emotion." The said brunette rubbed his arms. "What's important is that if I am destroyed, Solar will come back. They can still fuse. Thats what matters to me."

"You can't exactly replace one person for another. Memories don't work like that."

Ochobot's voice was small, barely able to poke a change in the topic. "But it's going to make everything seem as if you had never existed. Cyclone, you're going to be forgotten by your own family."

"Good then." He used the back of his hand to wipe his tears away. "More money for them to save and use, less things for Quake and everyone else to handle. One less annoying person to deal with."

"Even after the things you said, you haven't answered my question. What would Solar think-"

"He can't refuse or say anything. I'm not Solar." Cyclone got up from his spot, brushing his hands and plugging the controller off. "He was the reason in the first place." His blue eyes met the reflection of himself. "And he isn't here to answer that."

Ochobot watched the boy helplessly. "Nobody will ever agree to this."

He shrugged, feeling the rush of joy back into himself as he shook off the negative vibe. "Doesn't matter. Leave the convincing to me. You said that if I had their agreement, you would. I'll have to talk to EmotiBot once were back off to space."

The power sphere stayed silent and watched as the boy walked towards the doorway.

He stopped to turn and gave one last smile, "Oh and- do it for Solar, not me."

He exited the room, leaving the robot alone in the cold.

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