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"You're all like flies."

He stepped over the bodies of the fallen, sighing and shaking his head. "Initially, I didn't want to kill this much people. What a bother."

His hand stripped the white bangs away from his vision. "That Thunder guy too.." His eyebrows knitted together. "Hope he doesn't die."

Memories of his host filled into his mind. Cyclone and Thunder were inseperable twins- their bond was stronger than any other in the house. Reverse felt himself have sympathy for the boy, but he shook his head.

Priortize. Kill. Save. He reminded himself.

"Where would the little guy be?" He singsang, walking through the dim hallways. Lights flickered as he clicked past, eyes scanning for the particular nature elemental. "Where-"

A rectangular light reflected on the wall. Reverse casually approaches it, looking into the wide space where he assumed, was the western side of the station. Not exactly the best place to start up a fight.

It was empty, like a crater. He looked up, seeing a cliff that was 5 meters taller than he is. "Oh?" Something crinkled underneath his boots. He crouched down, picking it up.

An ecstatic smile spread on his face. "Bingo."


"O-Okay. Okay." Thorn took a deep breath, trying to calm his pulsing heart. "Don't panic. It's only going to make things worse." He said to himself, anxiety rushing inside of him.

He was now in the infirmary, bouncing his legs up-and-down while biting on his lip. What should I do? Should I go back and help my brothers, or should I stay here?

He hadn't seen the villain, let alone the rest of his brothers. Thorn was worried sick about them. But if he left his friends now..

He shook his head. Stay positive.

If there was one thing he didn't know, it was the things medically performed at the infirmary. All he could do was attach their oxygen masks and silently pray for their recovery.

Someone's here. His mind warned him. The boy instinctively slid, crouching on his knees behind the cupboard. His entire body shook with static fear. 

Step upon step. It was a small stride, but the sound resonated through the room like a gentle ripple. Thorn prepared his leaf shurikens, praying that he wouldn't have to use them. Battling was the last resort he could ever do, at least in the presence of a stranger.

"Come out, Thorn." 

That voice. Green eyes widened, his emotions finally spilling out. It was the only voice he would never forget. The person who left him, though they were eternally brothers. Lured by the honey-dripping voice, Thorn's grip on the weapon softened.

"Please don't hide from me. I've missed you."

The nature manipulator squeezed his eyes. Solar is dead. My brother died. There is no way he could come back from the dead. He tried to convince himself, though another part of him wished that he could just run, and reunite with the brother he missed.

Tears brimmed in his eyes. He was so close. 

He wished that Solar wouldn't see him this vulnerable. The light elemental wouldn't want to see his beloved brother suffer from his death- but the voice is unmistakably..

Yet so far. "I know you're there."

"My brother is dead." He choked the words out, loud and clear. He mustered all the bravery he had, rising up to his feet and glowered at the imposter. "You're not Solar."

His shoulders felt lighter. Thorn frowned, fingering his shurikens, observing the enemy. "You can never be my smaller brother." He noticed an open patch of wound. "He's not like you." He spat the facts out bitterly. "He's the best brother I could ever ask for."

The white-haired boy stood, facing him with a smile.

"And you killed him." A ferocious aura rose from the boy, who was normally so innocent and playful. But before the villain, it all vanished. "Dead people can't be revived."

"You're interesting." He grinned, "Much more interesting than your dead brothers. Let's see how long you can last." The white-haired boy's smile grew as he saw Thorn's expression. Reverse felt as if he was standing before an uncontrolled beast, ready to set loose. 

It sent tremors down his body.

Thorn's sickly cackle was the cause of it.

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