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He dropped to the ground shakily, wheezing as he tried to gasp for air. His lungs were burning. He didn't like the sensation of being squeezed in such a compacted amount of space. The albino staggered up, feeling sore all over his body.

He had lost the chance to reunite with his brother.

And the opponent was by no means; as crafty as he had thought him to be. Thorn was nothing like the other brothers- he was a wild animal. His presence made the plan difficult enough.

"Thorn.." Reverse mumbled, dragging his broken foot. His muscles were already numb. "C-Come back.." He let out a little giggle, holding against the wall for support. "I m-miss you.."

The boy limped into the hallway.


"Haa.. ha.." 

His throat was dry. He had been running for who knows how long- though the station was oddly familiar to him, panicking made him turn to random paths. He had people, still breathing, in his hands to save them. He had tried contacting his brothers without avail.

This is my fault, right? Thorn thought, convinced. If I hadn't asked..

Cyclone would've still be alive. The nature elemental rushed past rooms, biting on his lip hard. He had seen blood all over the floor. The alarm was still blaring through the corridor, flashing red neon lights that hurt his large, green eyes.

He had seen the bodies of TAPOPS workers on the floor, dead. 

Thorn wanted to apologize. Everything had turned into a mess. He felt all alone in this little space station, floating out in the endless galaxy. Without knowing Ochobot's whereabouts, he was desperate to find another solution to save the survivors.

"The escape pod!" Hope dawned on him. He stopped between pants, in front of the large spacious chamber. He walked over to the control panels, touching them. Before they had become official members, they were taught basic ways of escape.

"How did we do it again?" He asked himself, looking at the large device from different sides. Thorn scratched his head. He had remembered none of the training.

There was a red button that caught his interest.

He gulped visibly, "Well, here goes nothing."

He tapped onto the keyboard, disabling the safety latch on one of the pods. Hurrying to the respective capsule, his vines automatically released the three bodies. Each mini vessel was big enough to transport four people- with him included.

But he didn't want to. "I'll see you guys soon."

The glass closed with a hiss. Thorn put his hand on the shell, smiling bitterly at the tired faces of his friends. He would have to stall the villain so they could get away, somewhere safe.

"Goodbye." He whispered, turning around.

Before the boy could launch the space vessel, he was standing right in front of the devil himself. The albino had blood dribbling down his sides, staining his white shirt and torn jacket. It's bright blue color had faded after Cyclone was corrupted.

"Hello again." He had an eye shut. "Y-You're escaping?" 

Something clicked in his mind; Reverse was there to stop him, and end him once and for all. Thorn summoned his weapons out of reflex.

"Come at me, psycho."

This time, he's determined to end it all.

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