Its a blast to the past people [jeremy cant think of ideas for chapter names]

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Kindergarten boyfs
Well they're not dating dkdkfkdm they're like 4 lmfao

But yeah, I had this idea that "what if Jeremy was a goody-two shoes and Michael was a hectic child in kindergarten" and brought it to Twitter
And bmc responded to it lmao

Yes, that Holyheckerson person is me, and thus
Here we are, the fanfic where Jeremy was a goody two shoes and Michael was a hectic child

I drew this and accidentally gave Jeremy a "may I speak to your manager" look oop

I couldn't help myself


Funnily enough, Jeremy and Michael weren't exactly pals when they first met, if anything, they were far from that!
Michael Mell was a very hectic child in the good old days, he was the classes clown and the only one who would try to stop him were two people. The teacher he had, and a boy he never liked, Jeremy Granger (he calls him that because Jeremy makes him think of if Hermione and Draco had a demon spawn of a child, also he didn't know Jeremy's last name...). A boy who was a complete goody two shoes despite never actually being the teachers favourite.
And a boy who kinda freaked Michael out with his teleporting ability because he never showed up until Michael did something wrong.

What was worse was that this kid knew his name, which couldn't be helped since everyone knew his name, but that was probably because of the havoc he caused and having his name called out everyday for attendance. Kindergarten was selling him out.

Let's get onto the first day Michael saw this kid.


He had already stayed at the kindergarten for three weeks and was already the king of the castle, so it was weird to see a new subject arrive with out any mums like the other kids had.
He would ask, but, Michael doesn't care. Though, he watched the boy and his dad carefully.
Sure Michael had no dad, but he had a good idea that they were one of the big guys that just go around helping the mummies. This dad looked like he needed help from a mummy, wonder where she was?

Michael gaze didn't meet the boy or his dad, but he did check them out, the younger one mostly.
The kid had messy hair that had barely been brushed at all, his big glasses haven't been cleaned in days, he wore hand me downs that didn't even fit him, and all together he looked like everything had been rushed.
Usually his mums would make sure he looked a little presentable, but this boy's parents must've been flat out lazy!

Michael didn't see the brunette kid after that, but once he and a kid got into a little squabble that all changed.
Michael and the kid were fighting over a popular book amongst the children—Michael had it first, everyone knew that!—but the kid was a sore loser and wouldn't give up the book without a fight.

Michael was going to punch the daylights out of him like they do in the cartoons he watches, he was going to finish this bad guy off and-
'Stop it you two!'
A squeaky voice caught both the boy's attention—Michael reckons that the sore losers name was Dustin or something—and raised their brows. Did a squeaky toy just talk to them?

Wait no, it was that kid again!

Michael quickly retorted, 'Its my book, I got it first!' He glared to Dustin.
Dustin glared back, 'Its not your book, it's mine!'
The kid walked forward and in one swift motion the book was out of both the boy's grasp. 'Neither of you own the book, the teachers do!'
Dustin jumped toward him, 'Give that back!' The boy shot him a glare and Michael was almost impressed when he saw Dustin back down like a dog with its tail between its legs.

But Michael wasn't going down without a fight, who does this kid think he is, anyway?

'Listen here, smartiepants!' Michael pointed to the kid, walking forward and practically towering him—Michael was wayyyy taller then the kid—'I don't know who you think you are but this is my book so I get to read it!'

The kid looked at him and adjusted his big glasses, 'Or you'll what?'

'Why you little—' Michael tried to pry the book out of the boy's hands, but accidentally shoved him. The boy fell backwards and looked at Michael, dumbfounded.
Michael panicked slightly, looking around and hoping the teacher didn't see him.
He brought his attention back to the brunette when the kid smirked, Michael panicked even more.
He wouldn't-

Before Michael could finish his thought, the kid called out to the teacher. The tall lady ran over at the speed of light.
He would.

'What's going on here?' The teacher called out, and Michaels first thought was. She sounds like an eagle. And then the second was, oh god, no-
'Michael pushed me!' The kid whined dramatically, crying.
The tall lady with the blonde hair turned to Michael, 'Michael, is this true?'
'It was an accident!' Michael waved his hand around as he spoke, 'Michael apologise.' Miss. Smith said sternly, Miss. Smith always bugged Michael about how he should behave, and Michael didn't like it one bit to he told what to do. The only exceptions were his mothers.

'No!' Michael protested, 'He stole my book off me!'
'It's not your book, Michael.' Miss. Smith helped the boy up and took the book out of his hands. 'You should be more nice to Jeremy,' she placed a hand on the kids forehead, 'he's new here. Don't you think he should read the book?'
The kid looked up to Miss. Smith, 'I can't read.' Miss. Smith looked down to him with a smile, 'Then this is a great opportunity to learn, and Michael can help you! It can settle your differences.'

Michael and the kid both looked at eachother in disgust before looking up to the teacher and protesting, 'No way!'

Miss. Smith turned to Michael, 'I'm sorry Michael, but it's either that or you're going to apologise.'
Michael huffed, he didn't want to do either.

Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed the kids hand, taking him away and muttering about "Let's just get this over with, kid."
The kid tore his hand away from Michaels, holding the book close to his chest, "It's Jeremy. Not kid. Jeremy. Say it with me, J eh r uh m ee." Michael rolled his eyes, "I know what your name is," Michael turned back to him with a smirk, "J eh r uh m ee."
Jeremy glared at him with a pout.

The pair walked towards the two beanbags and settled their, Jeremy looked at the book, then looked at Michael, then back to the book. "So you don't know how to read, huh?" Michael looked at the boy smugly, and Jeremy countered him with a glare "So, you don't know how to be a smartiepants for five minutes?"
Michael shrugged. "I'm not the smartiepants here, you think you are, even though you can't read." Michael crossed his arms.
"You really grind my gears." Jeremy snapped with a disgusted face, "And you're such a stick in the mud, you'd rather do this instead of saying sorry?" Jeremy raised a brow and gave him a sly smile "Do you not know how to say sorry? Do I need to run it by you slowly?"
Michael glared at him, "You're so annoying."
Jeremy shrugged, "Guilty." He passed Michael the book, and then just left without another word. Michael pouted, he didn't even have the decency to say goodbye!


Everyday, everytime Michael caused the littlest of havoc, Stupid Jeremy Granger would show up and scold Michael like the kid was one of Michaels mothers. He constantly complained to his mothers about this, and begged them to take him away from that kingergarten so he could be far, far away from the goody-two shoes.

One day when it was time for Michaels mothers to pick him up, they didn't walk out the door like they normally would. Instead, they walked to the kid and his dad! What?!
Michael looked at his parents like they hadn't given him a toy he wanted, he didn't understand what was going on.

'Hi erm, we wanted to talk to you regarding our sons.' Michael heard one of his Mother's say to the tired dad, 'Oh? Oh! Uh yes hello.' The short man responded.
Michael looked to the kid but the kid didn't meet his gaze, the kid was looking to Michaels mothers, his expression was unreadable.
Michael blinked when he saw the short man kneel down and look at him with an unsure smile, 'You must be the famous Michael, I'm Jeremy's dad.'

'Careful dad,' the kid grabbed his dad by the arm, 'he might shove you.' Jeremy glared at Michael. Michael glared back.
Jeremy's dad laughed, 'Don't worry son, I can take a shove or two.' He shook his head and glanced up to Michaels mothers with a smile, 'Jeremy worries a lot.' And the two girls gave nervous laughters.
'Erm, hi?' Michael looked at Jeremy's dad and took in his features, he had big brown eyes like Jeremy but less hair, and no glasses, and no freckles.

The three parents went outside the daycare together, with Michael and Jeremy behind them. Unsure what was going on.
At one point, Jeremy tugged at his dads jeans. 'Um, can't we go home now?'
'Oh, right! Gosh would you look at the time.' Jeremy's dad looked to Michaels mothers with a smile, 'Well it was nice discussing things with you two. We'll be over on saterday-' the dads words faded out as Michael got lost in thought. They're coming over? Oh god! No! That's going be the worst Saturday ever! Good thing it was Thursday but please, god, no!

Michael was not happy for the weekend, and on Friday, he took his anger out on a kid he was squabbling with. They both got hurt, and the teacher had to break it up, and Michael sat down.
'That was so mean of you.' Michael looked up and saw Jeremy, ugh.
'What are you doing here?' He frowned, furrowing his bros.
'Wondering what kind of parents taught you that behaving like this was alright.' Jeremy crosses his arms.
'Shut up, my mums are great!'

'Well they're obviously not, seeing as they've raised you to be like this.' Jeremy raised a brow. Michael was glad jeremy didn't jab at Michael for having two mums, or he'd shove him again.
He shoved him anyway for the comment about his mums.
'Your mum obviously isn't great either, seeing as she taught you to be a goody-two shoes!' Michael crosses his arms, this time Michael was shoved by Jeremy. 'Shut up!'

Michael raised a brow when he saw Jeremy's eyes water, Jeremy muttered something under his breath before wiping his eyes. He looked at Michael, 'Be glad you atleast have one mum! Some kids aren't as lucky as you!'
Jeremy stormed off, but Michael heard him sniffling, and Michael started feeling bad when he saw the teacher walk over.
He didn't understand why the boy  suddenly got so worked up, what did he mean by, "Some kids aren't as lucky as you."?

After about half an hour later, Miss. Smith was at Michaels side.
'Michael you've been pretty bad today,' Michael looked at her, 'I'm going to tell your mums about this.'
Michael looked at her in alarm, 'Wait! Miss. Smith, don't! I'm sorry!'
'You shouldn't apologise to me, you should apologise to Jeremy.' She looked at him with a frown, 'You should really say sorry to him, you made him very sad.'
Michael frowned, he kinda felt bad now.

Michael sighed, he decided to go find Jeremy and apologise to him. He found Jeremy sitting near a bookshelf, hidden away from everybody else in the room.
Michael sat down next to Jeremy, but Jeremy moved away from him.

'What are you doing here?' Jeremy grumbled, wiping his eyes and sniffling. Michael sighed, 'I'm sorry.' He looked at Jeremy, 'I'm... I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't know you would get so worked up.'
Jeremy looked at him, and shook his head. 'Whatever.'
Michael looked down, 'Do you... forgive me?' There was a pause, and then Jeremy sighed, 'Sure I guess...'
Michael looked to Jeremy, but Jeremy didn't look at him back. He was looking at the small bruise on Michaels arm.

'You're hurt.' Jeremy commented.
'I'm fine.' Michael insisted.
Jeremy shuffled forward, bringing something out from his pocket. It was a bandaid kit.
'Why do you bring a bandaid kit to school?' Michael asked, 'Just incase something happens, I think dad mentioned it was something called paranoia.' Jeremy shrugged.
He put a bandaid on Michael, and Michael stared at it. It had a Pac-Man print on it, Michael loved pac-man.

Michael looked up at Jeremy in disbelief, 'You like pac-man?!'
Jeremy looked up to Michael, quite surprised. 'Well I uh... u-um, I guess...' he stammered, gulping.
Michael beamed, 'I love pac-man!'
For the first time since Michael saw Jeremy, Jeremy smiled.
'That's awesome! Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought!'

Michael and Jeremy were suddenly enthusiastic to see eachother on the weekend. And all the other weekends throughout their 9 years of friendship and 3 years of dating.

Oh wow I actually wrote something wtf

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