Neko jeremy? Yes

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Am I weeb? Yes.

Am I running out of ideas? Possibly.

Am I going on hiatus? Perhaps. Schools back, hoes mad, I'm tired. It all really depends on how shit the day is that I actually do shit

Dkdkdkd so enjoy whatever I just hurled up
Or whatever, don't that's
*cries* fine

~Jeremy's pov~

Do I want to wake up on a Saturday morning at 6:55AM out of habit after getting stoned with Michael yesterday? No, but I unfortunately do.

I grumble and sit up, yawning and rubbing my eyes. When I open them there's a slightly blurry cat tail swaying side to side, side to side, awww. I watch it thinking I'm probably still high.

It's so adorable, it reminds me of Michaels cat J.J... (J.J stands for Jeremy junior)


Damn, now I wanna see him, can I see him plEASE?

I reach forward and start petting the tail, giggling and feeling like a kid in a candy store.
I move lower and freeze as it looks like the tails underneath me.

I jump off the beanbag me and Michael crashed on last night to see if my horrible theory is correct, thank goddess it isn't true. But when I look to the tail again I realise that it's attached to me, and I notice frantic movement on the top of my head, the tail twitches to a halt and I lift my hand on top of my head.
I feel two, soft and fluffy ears on top of my hair.

I freeze.

My brain is on autopilot mode as I walk to the mirror in the bathroom, and I watch in horror the cat ears flattened against my head, as if hiding. I swirl on my heel and examine the tail, the tail and the ears are the same shade of brown as my hair.

I scream emits my throat as I jolt back and fall on my ass, backing up until I hit the wall. I feel the ears shot up in alert, and my tail fuzz up.

~Michael's pov~

I jump at the sound of a blood curdling scream, and immediately think that I've fallen asleep during a horror film. I yawn and feel around for the remote and the heat pad I just had with me a second or so ago, I can't find either, the scream continues. I have the urge to say "Shut the fuck up some people are trying to fucking sleep around here." But then I recognise it as Jeremy's voice and I immediately panic.
Fuck, what's happening? Is he okay?! Is it... oh fuck, it probably the squip oh fuck oh god.
I slip to my feet, tripping and slipping as I run to the bathroom.

I don't even finish my sentence as I hear a yelp and see Jeremy jolt to his feet and make a hissing nose, his hair pricking a little and his fuzzy, cat-like ears flattening against his head, his tail swaying violently. Wait. His fuzzy, cat-like ears and his... and his tail??

Jeremy slaps his hand on his mouth and looks at me, eyes small with panic. I think I'm going crazy, that this is just some whacky dream or my mind going bonkers because I'm still high or some shit.
"M-Micha? P-P-Please-e say something..." Jeremy stammers. If this was my dream then Jeremy would simply be submitting to me or saying it's something he got for our kinky sex-
"What the fuck?" Is all I can make out without gaping and pointing to Jeremy.

Jeremy covers his face, his tail goes in between his shaky legs and he almost falls on his ass. "I don't k-know!" He squeaks, his hair calming(?) down(??) as his hands begin shaking, his breathing shakes too. He is having an anxiety attack.

"Jeremy, Jere, jere-bear, Jericho, it's okay! It's okay!" I pull Jeremy over by the hand and sit down on the cold floor, pulling him into a hug and rubbing his back, his hands cling to my CREEPS sweater as he kneads at them, I read cats do that it means... it means something,,, I can't remember what it means.
Jeremy calms down as I trace shapes and circles on his back, he shuffled to my lap and nuzzles his face in my neck and the cat ears tickle my chin. His tail hooks around my arm as I start stroking his hair.

Jeremy nudges my hand to the ears, I have the feeling he wants me to pet them. He told me once that J.J really likes a good scratch behind the ear, or under the chin, so maybe...
I tuck my hand under the ear and scratch it with my thumb, Jeremy's tail curls around my arm tighter as he sighs contently. Hey, this seems to be working!

Jeremy starts purring and it's the cutest thing I've ever heard in my entire life, it sounds higher than J.Js purr, and more feminine-

"Eek!" Jeremy pulls back, his tail retracts from my arm and fuzzes up, his hands shake as he pulls them away from my chest and he whirls his head away from my neck. I can't help but chuckle.
"Fuck, this is insane. I'm literally a cat human hybrid, how did this even fucking happen?!" Jeremy squeaks, looking at me as though I could hand him an explanation.

"I dunno man, there's no realistic explanation to this." I tell him.

"Maybe the writer can't think of one either." Jeremy says. Yo Jeremy don't expose me, that's illegal.

"You high still?" My voice cracks, he looks at me, his lips quivering "I don't even know anymore."

Since Jeremy decided to break the fourth wall I am ending this, I am dead lmao

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