Part 2 [everyone wanted a part 2 and so did the writer]

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Those are my doodles,,, I love drawing evil characters lmao. Makes me have to modify their facial features in order to look intimidating or insane!

For example Jeremy's eyes, I draw Jeremy eyes as huge and round, to make him look cute. But in order to make him look like he could fuck someone's shit up, I had to make them smaller and wider, and sharper, to get the riiiiggght look I was going for. I've drawn Jeremy as will Roland Jeremy and same goes to Will Connolly, but I never showed his Connolly design (yes I give him two designs) (skkdkd is VERY indecisive) so this is it I guess

Will Connolly's design is more sharp and straighter than Will Rolands, whose more round. I usually draw will Roland Jeremy more, but it's always fun to draw will Connolly Jeremy.

In all honesty it just depends wether he has glasses or not lol

Sorry to go on a chandant, I love character designing. Hell I've done character sheets for Jeremy, Michael, rich and Jake! My art teacher and math teacher say I should really consider a career in animation so I might just do that, but then again I want to do acting and drama, or voice acting as well!! I have a long way to go, so I don't have to worry to much. My biggest worry is whether I'll live to see the time when I'm supposed to get a job... anYWay on to part 2

Btw I rewrote part one lmao so go reread it before reading this

Trigger warnings: reference to child abuse, reference to sexual abuse, attempt rape, murder. Hejdkel this is a mess.
~Jeremy's pov~

I can't remember the last time I was stable.

I never had a stable family. My parents grew tired of eachother, they divorced. My mum took full custody of me and that was it, my life was done for. She took every little thing that bothered her, and took it all on me, slapping, punching, throwing. When I got a little bigger, she resulted in punching me hard across the face so I would fall to the ground and kicking me where it hurt most, grunting in frustration. It was worse when she was bored. I won't get into the details, I don't want to.

School was tough too. Everyone in every social standing took one look at me and hardly accepted me. I was an outcast, a twig to step on cause you don't give a shit, an easy target. Yes I was bullied, can't remember the last time someone wasn't bashing me. I think the only one who was ever nice to me was my dad but I can't remember him, I only remember his sister giving me a beanie bear but I lost it when me and mum moved to her hometown in New Jersey.

Life was great for me. Home wasn't safe, school wasn't either. Even the small kid that would bash me up seemed even bigger than I was. But that just might be his stupid tall ass friend who stands behind him.

I kept records, sheets of paper of things that would happen at school, humiliation sheets if you will. Every snicker, every paper or pencil thrown at me in class, every time rich and Jake ganged up on me to keep me at the bottom of the food chain, everything. Even when mum got bored.
It's all there. I would stare at it in my free time and cry. Shaking it in my hand. I was alone, nobody was there for me, I had nobody. I thought about suicide, many, many times. But I also wanted to fight back. They say you only have one life, better spice my shitty one up a notch and make this boiling hot mess burn.

I had test runs with all the knifes in the kitchen whenever mum was out, seeing which one worked best. I would hunt down little animals that crawled out to see how quick I was and wether I was alert to sounds. Being incredibly anxious I was very alert, but I had to stop being startled, I had to man up and work on my reaction time. So I put effort into not being scared and immediately grabbing the small animal, watching it squeak and squirm in a panic in my hand before I killed it. It was so effective to the point I started to throw the knife to see if I could hit the animal perfectly without having the grab it, and after some training, my aim was perfect. Everything was perfect. Suddenly I wasn't flinching everytime mum opened my door or when rich slammed my locker.

Once I was confident in my abilities, I finally worked out one of my biggest challenges... my hair... okay shut up I know it's dumb but it's all spiky and horrible and I'm super frizzy and I hate it. That was the hardest chore ever, just dealing with my rats nest of a hair.

Seriously it was super frizzy. Here's some doodles I did with some expressions testing bruises and scared expressions on jere with frizzy hair

It worked in my favour, I came to school. Someone said, "Hey look, shortbus worked on his hair." And someone responded, "It... doesn't look that bad..! What did he use? I have to get my hands on it..."

I smiled for the first time in.. gosh how long? Well I just had my birthday recently so... sixteen years? No that can't be right, fifteen years and so and so months?

I went to my locker feeling a little normal despite my new habit of killing any animal that walks into my backyard. (Don't worry I don't harm dogs and cats or anything, I can't kill other people's pets!!!! Only wild animals!!)

I opened it, and chucked my things in, then suddenly feeling a presence behind me and stepping back quickly as rich slams my locker.
"Hey, tallass." He gives me this smirk, looking for the fear and intimidation. I turn and look down at him, finally not giving a shit anymore and saying the thing I've wanted to say since I was 12.

"I'm not much taller than you, itty-bitty. Are you blind? Or are you just vertically challenged?" I scowl back at him with a smirk as he looks at me gobsmacked.

"Talkative today, huh? Although, I'm not enjoying what I hear, mutey." Rich glares daggers at me and leans on the lockers, crossing his arms. I roll my eyes, "What do you want? A napkin?"

"Some fucking respect, you know your ranks, Heere. You should know better than anyone what we're going to do at 3 pm." Rich spits.
"Jokes on you I've wanted to die since I was a fuckin' kid, midge. You'd be doin' me a favour, and the charges of murder would look lovely on your resume." I look at my nails after crossing my arms, pretending to not be interested in this conversation in favour of my black nail polish that I stole from mum. "It'd really be my way of gettin' back to you." I look at Rich smugly, he glares daggers into me. Upset I'm talking back to him and not "respecting him" or whatever.

"Oh, have I got something special planned for you." Rich grinned. I faked a gasp, "Richard, I know it's the holiday season but there's no need for presents yet!" He took a swing at my face but I blocked it with my hand. Holding onto his knuckle and waving to him with my other, giving him a sinister look, "Toot-a-loo, Richie." I coo smugly as the bell goes, releasing my grip from riches hand, and walking away with my hands in the pockets of my oversized jacket.

Well at 3 pm, rich did give me something different. Jake and rich came, but they didn't come to bash me up like they usually did.

Jake pinned me to the wall, with rich at his side cackling in the look of surprise on my face. "What the hell?" I looked at the taller boy in confusion and looked at rich too.
"We're gonna have some fun with you, loser. This will teach you to learn your fucking place at this school."

I freeze, knowing exactly what they were going to do. They're already reaching down for their belts. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-

I try to shove and push Jake away in a panic, I didn't prepare myself for a situation like this. Jake just laughed and pushed me harder into the wall, easily since he is pretty strong from being the every-sport-captain.

"What the hell is going on here?" A new voice appears, and I don't know whether to be happy that somebody else is here, or scared. You don't know with people. He (it sounds like a guy) could be here to save me or here to join in on the fun.

Rich and Jake halt and look to the guy, I peek and see it's a student. I have him for gym, he's very serious with everything he does, I think his name is Michael...?

"Ah, look Jake, it's rich boy." Rich raises a brow, "You think you can afford to join us going in on this kid? Think again. Although we'll take a thousand and consider it."
Michael looks in horror and disgust at Rich, "Let this boy go, are you aware you're breaking so many crimes right now?

"There he goes again, the cop shit." Jake groans, rubbing his temples. "We don't give a shit, buzz off, and don't tell anyone about this or," he holds me by the collar of my shirt and says, "this could be you."
I look at Michael in panic, panting heavily in a anxiety attack.

Michael walks forward and pushes both of them away with ease, grabbing me and pulling me away from them. "I'm done with you two in this school, hassling kids to have power, I'm talking to the principal about this and don't think I won't bring this up to the police."

Rich and Jake surprisingly stay back with a looks of fear, "H-hey man, wait, we could negotiate! You don't have to tell anyone this, we w-were just joking around-" but Michael doesn't listen to Richs pleas, and takes me to a new room.

I look at the floor as Michael let's go of my sleeve, "You okay, dude?"
I look at him, unsure how to respond. He gives me a sympathetic look, "Don't worry, those guys won't bother you after I'm done with them. You'll never have to be afraid again." He pats me on the back of my neck but I wince in pain, shit. That's where mum kicked me a few nights ago.

Michael looks at me heavily, and grabs my arm again, pulling away the hood of my hoodie a little and examining the bruise on the back of my neck. "Did they do this two?" Michael asks in a stern tone, I push him away with tears pricking my eyes, but he still has a firm grip on my arm. "This is super serious dude, and this could help get those jerks into jail."
"It wasn't them." I snap, smacking his hand away. "It was my mum, whose probably going to do it again if I don't get home, thank you." I run away before Michael can catch up to me, thank god the hall was close to the entrance of school.

I run home and slam the door shut, and groan, heaving a heavy sigh as I slide down the door and cry.

Mum walks out with a bottle in her hand, she smashes it on the counter to get my attention. I jump and look at her, she gives me this sinister look and points the broken bottle at me, "Heya honey, have you had a bad day? Let mummy help you relax." I look at her in horror as she walks over to grab me, I jolt to my feet and run to the kitchen.

"Get back here!" She screeches as I head for the kitchen, scrambling through the drawers for my perfect knife.
She grabs me by the back of my hood, choking me, and I see her swing t he bottle up the air in preparation to hit me, I turn back to her and and swing my knife at her, she stumbles back in fear to try and avoid it, but I ultimately stab her in the chest. She chokes on air, and holds her hand over the wound to stop it from bleeding before I turn the tables and sock her to the ground, I take all my anger and frustration out on her this time, stabbing her repeatedly in the chest until I see the life drain from her eyes, watching in satisfaction as the hunter has been hunted.

I laughed, smiled, and cried. I killed my mother.

But this wasn't the end, oh no. I needed to get back on rich and Jake, too.

So the next day, I brought my knife to school, wearing a cynical smile as I walked down the halls and waited for rich and Jake to grab me and pull me away from the social scene.

"Listen here, deadmeat. If you tell the principal what we planned to do yesterday, or anything, we'll knock you so hard you wish you wasn't born." Rich snapped at me. I smiled back, "Oh don't worry, Richie, I wouldn't dream of it. I have something else in mind."

I pull the still stained knife and lunge at rich, covering his mouth and muffling his screams as I swung the knife to his chest, stabbing it some more until Jake comes up behind me and picks me up, I kick him in the knee and he cusses in pain, and trips, making us fall to the ground. I straddle him and give him a big smile at the face on fear on his face, as I stab him too.

He is speechless, but that's because he's dead.

I double check they're both dead, stabbing them in the heads and concluding that they are. I giggle to myself, and drag them to the janitors closet. Happy. I leave them there, walking to the boys bathroom, I grab my hoodie from my backpack and put it in to cover the blood stains on my shirt, zipping it up as well. As I wash my hands, I hear the door open, and I look to the mirror. It's that Michael kid again.

He walked to me, "Just wanted to double check, you are Jeremy Heere right?"
"What? You come to poke fun at my last name?" I glare at him.
"I know things aren't easy for you Jeremy," he goes to grab my shoulder but hesitate as he knows there's a bruise on my neck, and that there's probably bruises on my shoulders as well, "and I can completely understand that you don't trust people a lot. But you got to talk to people about this, and trust me, I want to help you."

I scoff and look away. I then look back at him, "How'd you know my name, anyway?"
"I checked the yearbook, all I did was come here to double check so when I go to the principal I can give him the name of the victim, same goes to the police." Michael leans on the sink counter with his side and rests his hand on it.

Michael brings out a photo of my yearbook photo, he must have cut it out. He has Rich and Jake ones as well.

I frown and raise a brow, "I never realised mine looked like a mugshot."

Michael shrugged, "Probably because you never smile, dude."

I side-eye Michael, then rip up my photo into iddy-biddy pieces. "Hey, what the hell?! That's evidence!"

I hand him the shreds of paper, "Seriously, what is with you and all this cop shit? You shouldn't give a damn about me at all, you have yourself to look after." I ask. Michael blinks.
"I want to be a cop. I want to help people. All my life I've gotten what I wanted, since my parents are loaded, but I don't think I deserve it. There are people out there, like you, who are in much worse conditions and need the money more than I do." Michael explains. I look at him.
"Just become a therapist or a school councillor or something, besides, I don't think you should worry about rich and Jake anymore..." I give him a sinister smile and Michael looks at me in confusion.

Then someone walked in, "There's a murderer in the school! Jake and rich are dead! We have to evacuate!" Then the school bell went alerting us to evacuate to the field. Michael looked back at me in horror and I just gave him a grin before leaving with my hands in my pockets.

I didn't go to the field, I left the school unnoticed. That was the start of everything.

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