so then

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"Lillllyyyyyyy."  Y/n whined.
"Just tell me." Lilly snapped.
Y/n looked at the screen.
"Um I don't know the black skirt and the flower shirt?" She said.
Lilly nodded.
"And how about my hair?" She asked.
Y/n groaned. "I don't know maybe like that one time with the wave."
Lilly's eyes lit up.
"THATS A GOOD IDEA!" She squealed.
"Anything else or can i-"
"No you may not anime or do some other nerd thing you have to help me get ready for my date." Lilly huffed cutting her off.
"Well then I'm taking you so I can brush my teeth and get ready for bed." Y/n said picking up her laptop and carrying it to the bathroom.
"So..." Lilly started as y/n got out her toothbrush.
"Marco? Do you like have a thing for him or.." Lilly's voice trailed off.
Y/n spit out her toothpaste.
"I really don't know." She sighed.
"What do you mean?" Lilly asked.
"Well Marcos so get up and go outside and be active and socialize and do this and that...and im more of a stay inside and watch movies type of person ya know?"
Lilly nodded.
"Well what about delirious?" Lilly asked.
Y/n's face grew red.
"Yeah what about him?" She asked trying to play dumb.
"He seems your type." Lilly said winking.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
"You have such pretty eyes ya know that?" Lilly said curling her hair.
"Okay I'm completely done."
Lilly announced.
She stood on front of the camera. She wore a black skirt and flower shirt her hair wavy off to the side.
"Slay queen." Y/n giggled
There was a knock on the other end.
"And not a second to waste gotta go love you." Lilly said
"Love you too."
She hung up.
Leaving y/n alone.
Y/n picked up her laptop and curled up in bed.
When she got a text.
Delirious🐱: Evan wants to know if you have any tips for the date XD
Me: tell him I said to throw himself at her...not literally XP
~D's pov~
Delirious read the text and froze.
Lilly had said the same thing pretty much.
What if y/n knew about the chat between him and Lilly.
He shook his head before typing.
Me:so helpful👏👏
Y/n🐈: ikr I'm just the best.
She really is though
~yo pov~
"Ugh." I sigh taking out my contact lens and dropping them.
"Fucking bitches." I sighed feeling around the floor. After about a good half hour I gave up.
I walked to my bedroom and in my night stand was my glasses and all their nerdy Glory.
But I couldn't shake the feeling of something bad about to happen.
Then my phone vibrated
Pewds💄: hey me and cry are playing some random ass game you in?
Me: hell yeah😎

There stood 3 pixle characters on the screen.
A girl with cat ears a boy in red and a guy in green.
"Wait why isn't the only girl the only girl!" Pewds complained.
"Why am I the girl." He continued to whine.
"Cuz you a little bitch." I teased.
We all laughed.
"Son of a cry." I shouted.
"Don't you mean son of a bitch?" Cry asked.
"Same thing."
"Ooooo!"pewds laughed from the background.
Crys character picked up pewds and started hitting mine.
I started laughing.
~3rd person ~
Then y/n's laughed followed you could tell she wasn't near the mic.
"Guys,guys my chair just broke." She said between laughs.
They laughed and continued to beat up her character.
"Wait noo I'm trying to fix it." She laughed.
"Fuck it I'm standing now." She sad giving up.

I sat on my bed editing the footage on my laptop.
I could feel my self getting sleepy so I closed my laptop and put it on my desk along with my glasses (autocorrect said girlfriend...okay then)
And headed of to bed.

Okkayyyy I'm sooorrry for not updating but it was my sister's b-day and the 3-4 I spent with her so sorry and um...OH YEAH almost at 300 reads B)
Next chapter is the major plot point and where the whole story takes a turn
Um... anything else
Oh yeah thank you wifeilirious47 for being so very kind leaving nice comments is so greatly appreciated so thank you.
Anyways guys love ya always ~Max
P.s there is a reason you wear glasses it's important to the story

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