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It was black,dark could even see your hands in front of you.
Then the smell.
The smell of rust and must (aye dat rhyme doe B) )
Then light.
"Where am I." Delirious groaned squinting at the bright world around him.
"Delirious?" A voice asked.
Delirious turned around to see evan.
" Evan what are you doing here?" He asked.
"And where is here."
He continued.
He looked around to see a rustic obviously abandoned village of some sort.
"You have blue eyes." Vanoss said in awe.
Delirious' hand reached up and touched his cheek his mask was indeed gone.
"Oh shit." He said under his breath.
"N-no it's okay you actually look really good." Vanoss said shooting him a smile.
"Come on." Vanoss said walking away.
" Where are we going?" Delirious asked.
"Lilly and y/n are here too." He said quietly leading him threw the village.
He stopped outside a not so (will collapse on you at any moment) house.
"Now I'm warning you y/n is kinda..in shock...Lilly says she scared without her mask." Evan explained.
Delirious felt his heart sink for the poor girl.
He knew the feeling of self-consciousness.(oh big word)
Evan opened the door.
Lilly stood up.
But y/n sat still her head buried in her knees.
"How is she?" Delirious asked.
"Shes...she doesn't trust anyone enough to show her face..she says she'd rather..."Lilly's voice trailed off.
"I have a idea." Delirious said taking off his hoodie.
"Here." He said handing it the Lilly.
"It has a hood she can use it to cover her face." Delirious explained.
Lillys eyes lit up.
She walked over to y/n who put on the hoodie.
"You might have just saved us." Evan said quietly.
"What?" Delirious asked.
"Y/n is this best chance of survival we have." He replied.
"How do you kno-"

Black then white.

Delirious looked around at his new surroundings it was empty besides everyone else they were standing in a glowing white platform.
That seemed to be floating in mid-air.
"Ah I see you've all grouped together." A voice said from every direction. Everyone looked around except for y/n who continued looking at the ground.
She wearing glasses delirious could tell from the reflection of the floor of the glass.
"Who's there?" Evan asked.
"Where are we?" Y/n asked her voice stern and dull.
"Ah! Now that's a good question. You are in the trials I made them specifically for y'all don't worry you can earn your freedom by surviving." The voice replied sounding childish and giddy.
"As apposed to dying?" Lilly asked.
"Yes as apposed to dying."
There was a silent pause.
"Well let's get started."

I promised a long chap but I need this one to end here.
So I will update again tonight so don't worry you aren't getting cheat out of any story :3 anyways love ya always ~Max

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