Chapter 4

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Hi folks.... I can't believe that I'm writing this from the parking plot of  while my dad and my sis are attending a fricking party. And her I am in the fricking car waiting em to arrive.

Yeah! Life is interesting 😭😭😭😭😭

So how much does your querentine suck?

I guess my writer's block is over now?
🙁🙄. And I'm so sorry for the late update and any mistakes here. Point them out if you like 🙂☺️


    Chapter   ~  4



Anuthi switched channels fishing for something interesting to watch.

Nothing interesting to watch there.
Just Bear Grills eating literally everything he lays his eyes on!

Well at least the announcers and reporters  were good looking!


Not even my her grandma watched it!.

No thanks to free headaches!.

While she was changing channels munching on some potato chips. She heard her phone ringing.

Her munching marathon came to a halt as she listened  to it for a couple of seconds.

And then she continued to fill herself with the  deep fried goodness. Whoever the creep that dialed a wrong number can keep phoning and Anuthi will be the last person on earth to answer that.

When she stood up from her cosy couch and waddled her way towards her room, yawning. She stared in to the screen of her phone trying to recognise the number. She knew none of her friends would call her as they knew she hated chatting over the phone.

Anuthi found talking over the phone to be the most awkward thing on earth as she cringed every time she heard her own voice once it was  recorded.

The caller was unknown to her.

So she rejected the the call.

Her brows joined as she scratched her forehead with an annoyed expression on her face. Getting phone calls were something she was not used to and this random phone call made her really suspicious.

Is her phone hacked?

   Is this a random guy that's gonna ask her for nudes?

Or is this her class teacher calling to know why she didn't come to the online  classes?

Anuthi considered blocking and reporting the number and as she was considering it she received notifications to some unread messages  on WhatsApp.

"Oh!, that app of a nightmare!"

She cursed in her mind  before viewing the messages she received.

Strangely enough they were from another unsaved and unknown number.

~Had fate decided to add a little bit of spice to her  boring life by throwing her in to the verge of her sanity? ~

~Or else why was  she receiving  these random calls and texts?~

Anuthi read the messages that were sent by the random person.


Hi, 🙂

No pressure but if you feel like it, can you consider joining back to the econ  group that you left.?


We didn't mean to bully you or anything 😅😅

No need to overreact in  this way right?
So yeah, here is the link to the group if you want to join back in.🤷🏽‍♂️


Anuthi's lips remained tightly sealed as she read the messages. She felt her ears burning which was a sign that she was utterly pissed.

                       She read the line "No need to overreact this way right?" again and again while she breathed quite heavily as she was feeling anxious.
                                               She blinked in disbelief before taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"How dare this asshole is?. Who the actual  nasty llama in his right mind would send a text like this to the girl he just CYBERBULLIED?   THE. AUDACITY. OF. SOME. PEOPLE. !"

Anuthi almost lost a couple of brain cells by just  thinking about it!.

Raking her unkempt hair with her fingers she thought of a suitable comeback. A comeback that would hit him the most, which rose against the urge of blocking him and deleting his number.

She wanted revenge!.

She had all the rights in the world to be mad at this prick!.

             Her need to bash this nasty swine of an idiot was something justifiable because he indeed had no heed on the aftermath of his actions.

                          That is because he made WhatsApp the worst app in the history for Anuthi as he supported and encouraged the huge influx of hateful and hurting messages towards her at a public WhatsApp group.

She took a deep breath and stared in to her phone and she noticed that the stranger  was online as well.

She released a short sarcastic chuckle seeing that and within two seconds Anuthi was also typing a reply back to the dimmwit that was no better than Draco Malfoy. { or even worser than professor Umbridge! }

She bit her nether lip as she typed fast without thinking twice and once she was done she hit "sent".


Yohan leaned against the window staring at his phone in disbelief.


             Is this what Karma  is?

        If so then Karma is a bitch!

It was not even Yohan who started the fight and yet he was the one to apologise from the girl!.
                      It was so unfair of his brother to do so as he was not the only person to make fun of her. But still Yohan did not want to complain as he was some what afraid of his brother. 

Why can not  Jihan just vibe with him, at least for a day?

                     And the last thing he wanted  to happen at the moment  was his mother to know what happened. He was sure as hell that his brother was  going to exaggerate what happened by magnifying it ten times more. And that is definitely going to cause trouble.

So he dicided to nip it in the bud by reaching out to the girl.

He clicked on her number and saved it "lost soul",which was the username they made fun before.

Once given a thought to it, it appeared to be a really sad username.

Yohan stared in to his phone screen for a second and began typing 

"Hi, 🙂"

Okay, so that was  a decent approach was not it?

" Now what? " Thinking out loud in his head Yohan realised that the girl, had no idea who he was, so he typed

"Hi, 🙂. I'm Yohan."

He deleted the message as soon as he typed it because he found it cringy.

Of course the girl did not have to know his name.!

And then he quickly jumped in to the subject.

"No pressure but if you feel like it, can you consider joining back to the econ  group that you left.?"

And as no message is complete without an emoji he send one as well.


And to play things cool and and not to take any accountability alone  to himself  he typed,

" We didn't mean to bully you or anything. 😅😅

No need to overreact in  this way right?
So yeah, here is the link to the group if you want to join back in.🤷🏽‍♂️"

He thought while rereading the messages he sent.

                                            He thought it was incredibly clever of himself, to have come up with such a plan. It was almost like reversed psychology as the " LOST SOUL" would most definitely feel guilty for overreacting. Honestly speaking some people should learn how to not to  take a joke seriously!. Whether she feels like joining back in or not, he did not have to  worry or care as he had done his part.

Yohan tossed his phone on to his bed and made his way towards his desk.

                 He took some "flashcards" he made that had questions from all the three subjects, mostly Business studies and  Econ, and took one by one and answered them in his head.

After half an hour of trying to concentrate on the questions  Yohan was  really annoyed and pissed because of himself.

No matter how hard he tried to pay attention to answering the questions, he was disturbed by the image of the random girl who appeared to be so similar to someone that Yohan knew. Yet he had no clue on who she was or for better or for worse not even the person she resembled.

                          After almost an hour of struggling to focus, Yohan decided to take her a call to see if she was okay.

He himself was confused at that very thought but he saw no harm in it. At least as both of them are talking to each other in person, they would be able to be more civil, open and respectful towards each other!.

So he dialed her number and waited for her to answer only for the call to get rejected.

And then he received a message from WhatsApp. It was her.

She was online!


Yohan quickly checked her response to see if it would be easy for the two of them to  figure things out by themselves.

"Is she willing to forgive and join back to the group?"

"Or is she sorry for what she had done and beginning the drama herself?"

Yohan's egotistical thoughts vanished like the dewdrop that saw sunlight as soon as he saw the message the random girl sent in reply.

" Who the motherf#*er do you think you are to even think of sending me sucha message huh? "


Author's Note. ~
Sorry for the late update.

Vote and comment if you doted on what I wrote..


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