Pokémon Writers Debut

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Hey everyone,

I'm currently considering on entering a contest from PokemonWritersDebut where you write a one shot based on one of the 3 pictures they provided.

Since I have not been very busy with writing and I have not been in the swing of things lately, I figured I might be able to if I challenged myself to enter, despite the gut feeling that I would just have writer's block all over again XD.

Basically, I decided to share this with you so that you can join to if you are interested in giving yourself a little push :)

I'm posting this on both Whelp... Dabbings... and on my profile, so hopefully you can check them out. I'm on their Discord server which is really fun and everyone is very friendly and I even chatted with a few of their graphic designers (whose covers are 100x better than mine;;;). They even have a thing where on Fridays they have a Wattpad story read aloud on the voice chat :D

So, even though I haven't hardly done research on everything of theirs yet, I recommend that you check them out :3

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