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(Jason POV)


   It hit me on my forehead. The blunt end, thank the Lord.

   I staggered back and glared, pointing an accusing finger.


   "Woah, Jay, sorry! I didn't know it was you."

   He tried apologizing. I scoffed.

   "You just threw a knife at my head! You are not forgiven!" He blushed.

   I shook my head to clear it and glanced around the room.

   "This place is a mess." I stated, looking him in the eye.

   "Shut up." He muttered, picking up the knife and moving to wash it off.

   I smirked at his reaction. "Need some help cleaning then? It's therapeutic."

    He scoffed at me and I shrugged. "Hey man, if you aren't cleaning, you may as well go out. Let's go eat something greasy."

   He was now very curious.

   "What's the catch?" I rolled my eyes.

   "There is none. Come on, Dickie-bird let's go out!" I said excitedly. Or sarcastically. Take your pick.

   He narrowed his eyes. I looked behind him to see what he had been cooking and frowned.

   "What even is that?" He crossed his arms. "It was going to be tuna casserole."

   I winced, pushing him aside. "How is it possible to make a tomato so... ugh, what's on it?"


   I raised a brow before tossing the would-be food into the trash. "That's just nasty, dude."

   After a few more minutes of arguing with him, he decided he could spare an hour or so to have dinner.

   I may or may have not forced him to eat at a restaurant Bruce owned. ... Ok, I totally did, but that isn't the point.

   The point is that Bruce would see the security footage of us being there. He might see that we're trying to be brothers again, or something sappy like that, and forgive Dick.

   Fat chance, I know, but this is the only shot I have to get them on goin terms again.

   "Why are you even in Gotham?" I asked him, halfway through our meal.

   He frowned. "Bruce needed help on a case. I'm leaving in the morning."

   I raised a brow at his answer. "Is the case solved?" A pause, then, "No."

   I sighed, sitting up straighter and folding my hands in the table. He looked up.

   "Look, Dick. I might not like either of you very much right now, but Gotham and Blüdhaven both need heroes. So get over your petty cat fights and make friends."

   I stood up, leaving a wad of cash on the table. "Seriously. Stop arguing," I called over my shoulder as I left.

   And, a few weeks later, they fought again. But I didn't bother. They knew how to make up by now.
A/N: *Le gasp* An update?! What is this unheard of thing?!

Sorry about the lateness, but I have been super busy. I'm still helping plan the funeral for my grandmother. But, I'm still alive and well, so I can make updates. Albeit late ones. I'll try to have the next one up within this week.

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