Episode 2: Age of Hinobi part 2

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(A/N: Before we begin, I gotta know, what did you name the protagonist? From his real name to his Gamer Tag.)

We see Miko's house with the car back. Then we go into the living room as we hear Miko's Mom.

Miko's Mom: Miko!

Miko: (gets up) I'm awake!

Miko's Dad: And she's awake.

Miko looks at her parents as they look mad.

Miko: You guys are never gonna believe what happened! I was in this VR game, killin' it, like always, got to meet G/T, really cool guy btw, when a no-joke-giant-monster hand came through the plasma, grabbed me, threw me on the couch and, zschoop, gets sucked back into the TV. Next thing I know, the TV'S all, "Don't move," and I was all, "Boom! Whaugh! Voo-oosh!" (Goes on the ground then gets back up as she flipped her hair while panting) You believe me, don't you?

Then we see her bedroom door shut as she goes up to it.

Miko: Mom, please, it's not fair! (Shows her mother on the other side of the door with a box in her hand) You can't just take my console away!

Miko's Mom: I can and am, young lady. I hope ditching your family today was worth it, because it was the last video game you'll be playing for a long time. (Walks away)

Miko: I was telling the truth! (Slams face in the door then slides onto the floor while groaning)

As Miko was on the floor, she heard some boop sounds from behind her then turns around while her eyes were glowing red. Then we see her little sister on her bed texting with her cell phone as Miko gets next to the bed.

Miko: Lexi?

Lexi: What?

Miko: Could I maybe borrow your phone for just a second?

Lexi: Mom told me not to let you use it.

Miko: Mom doesn't need to know. Just a special secret between us super cool gal pals?

Lexi: What'll you give me if I let you?

Miko: All of your chores for a week.

Lexi: Month. And a jetpack for my Mermaid Mindy doll.

Miko: [Ugh!] Fine!

Lexi hand Miko her phone.

Miko: (gets up) Okay, let me see here. Now, what was that guy's gamer tag? (See's a picture of Five) Yes! Here he is. Hi-5! (Zooms in on the photo to see the food truck) He'll know what's up. If not, I'll find G/T to see if he knows anything. Hype-hype! Uh, how much not to tell Mom I'm sneaking out?

Lexi: (holds her doll) Mindy needs a laser blaster.

Miko: [Groans]

Time skip brought you by G/T blasting glitches like doomguy from the first Doom cover.

We see Miko on her bike, on her way to Five.

Miko: That mongrel should be a lawyer.

We see her go around the city trying to find Five.

Miko: C'mon, Hi-5, where are you?

She sees the food truck and stops near it. She looks at the picture of the truck then at the real thing to see it's what she's looking for.

Miko: Yes!

She takes the bike up there as we see Five taking out the trash. Miko stops in front of him.

Miko: Five! I found you! In an alley! No judgments. Oh, man, I'm so glad that statue monster didn't crush you.

Five: (tosses the trash away) Do I know you?

Miko: (takes off helmet) It's ME_K.O.!

Five: ME_K.O.?

Announcer: (in Five's head) Defeated, sniped, obligated, by ME_K.O.!

Five: [Uh] Never heard of you.

Miko: We just played at the tournament together. You know, Nobi Smash? The game glitch? The statue monster? We even teamed up with G/T?

Five: (walks away) we were in a tournament?

Miko: How could you not remember? [Gasp] (runs up to him) Maybe someone doesn't want you to remember. Maybe some evil somebody who's trying to hide the truth like some kind of... (Hops) Some, some... (Stops) Some-spiracy.

Five: [Ha!] Come on, I think I'd remember playing Nobi Smash with a statue monster and teaming up with G/T. (Goes towards the truck)

Miko: So you didn't get a wristband (shows her wristband), and you didn't go to the Hinobi Store?

Five: Look, the only place I've been for the last three days is this truck. And trust me, it never goes anywhere. If this is a joke, I don't really get it, but, you know, ha ha! You got me! (Walks into the truck)

Miko: You were at that tournament, Five! You need to believe me.

Five: (grabs a scrubber) Why? [scoffs] What does it even matter?

Miko: Because you won. And I bet if G/T was here, he'd tell you the same thing.

Miko closed the door while walking off until Five stopped it. Then she goes on her bike and rides off as Five watched her leave.

Five: "Some-spiracy"? [Scoffs] está loca. (She's crazy.) Me, in a tournament? Like I've been anywhere but- (drops the scrubber)

Five looks down to see tire marks from under the truck. He squats down and feels it to see that it's fresh then sees the direction the marks went.

Five: A-Abuela? (Gets back up) Uh, did you or Papi move this truck in the last few days?

Abuela: [pff hahaha!] This old beast hasn't moved in the past few decades!

Five: (takes off apron) Uh, Sorry, Abuela, I gotta go. (Tosses the apron to Abuela)

We see Miko riding on her bike until she heard Five from behind her

Five: Hey, you! Hold up! (Shows him riding his bike) Look, all right, let's just say I really did play in that tournament, you're saying I beat Mitch Williams?

Miko: Uh, yeah. With my and G/T's help, of course.

Five: All right. I don't know what's going on, (holds a fist up for a fist bump) but I wanna find out.

Miko: (fist bumps Five) All right! (Rides off with Five) Setting quest waypoint to the Hinobi Store! Maybe we'll find G/T on the way there.



We see Five and Miko stop at the parking lot near the store as they go behind a car.

Five: Man, I love this store. When I was little, my dad would bring me here for all the latest game releases. Sometimes, we'd even camp outside the doors to make sure we got one of the first copies.

Miko: Wow. It's cool your family's so into gaming. Mine, not so much. (Looks over at the store to see three people in the store.) There's that wrinkle little sandworm and... G/T's there too!

We see Mitch and G/T with their boss.

Five: There they are! Oh, man, Mitch Williams and G/T! In the same area. I mean, those two are, like, local legends. Did you know Mitch won his first competition when he was six? And G/T beat everyone in a battle royal shooter all by himself?

Miko: Well, before you finish that love letter, remember, Mitch is the creep who probably wiped your brain.

Five: Why didn't he do the same to you?

Miko: Maybe he did, and it just didn't take. [!!] [Gasp] Maybe I'm, like, the one, you know? Chosen by destiny to protect the innocent from trolls like him! Or not. I dunno. (Picks up Five and pushed him) Let's go! (Pulls him back) Wait, stop!

Miko looks over the car to see Mitch and G/T walk out of the store and towards a van. As they do, we hear them talking.

G/T: I can't believe Phil is making us work together again. I can't go another day working with you!

Mitch: As much as I hate to admit it, but I completely agree.

G/T: (Opens the passenger) And that's not the only thing I'm mad about, I'm also mad at you.

Mitch: (opens driver door) And why is that.

G/T: For what you did at the tournament!

Mitch: Hey! He didn't earn that win, he used another player's ball!

G/N: Well he could of use that win to get a job here. (Gets in the van) It's a shame too, he would have made an excellent teammate, along with that Me_KO girl.

Mitch: All that matters is that I won in the end. (Gets in the van)

G/T: That's all that matters to you. Look, let's just get this job done with? The faster we get this done, the faster we can end this team-up.

The two shut the car doors and go off in the van.

Miko: New plan. (Grabs her bike along with Five) We follow them, stealth-mode style until they lead us to Mitch's den of lies! They ride off after the two.

Time skip brought you by Mitch posing as we see G/T in the background with a disgusted look on his face.

We see Mitch pull up towards a drive-thru to a restaurant as Miko and Five watched from behind a bush.

Employee: Welcome to Mama Miyamoto's Spaghetti in a Bucket, where we put spaghetti in a bucket.

Mitch: Uh, yeah. I'll have two small pails with a side of... Mmm... No. (Resets the employee)

G/T: What the- what did you just do?!

Mitch: What does it look like?

Employee: (gets back to normal) Welcome to Mama Miyamoto's Spaghetti in a Bucket, where we put spaghetti in a bucket.

Mitch: Give me two mega buckets and two apple pies.

Employee: (hand Mitch the order as he hands it to G/T) That'll be $9.75.

Mitch: (Resets Employee) Boosh!

G/N: What are you doing?! We're not supposed to use these like that!

Employee: Welcome to Mama Miyamoto's-

Mitch: You know, we're not really hungry.

Mitch smiles and drives off.

G/T: I can't believe you just did that! You know it's against the rule to-

Mitch: (Resets G/T) Boosh!

G/T then shakes his head after being rested.

Mitch: I got us, Miyamoto's. Now, will you please stop complaining about that player?

G/T reaches into the bag to grab a mega bucket and an apple pie.

G/T: Two Mega buckets and apple pies? Aren't those expensive.

Mitch: I got those with my streaming money.

G/T: [Hmm...] All right, I'll leave it alone for now. (Grabs some chopsticks) But I'm still mad at you. (Starts eating from the bucket)

We see Five and Miko on their bikes.

Five: Holy shit! That guy really did mess with minds! He even did it to G/T!

Miko: And just made off with ten pounds of free pasta.

Five: New plan. Get him! (Rides off)

Miko: Good plan!

We see Mitch driving while eating until Miko and Five git in front of the van as he slammed on the breaks and got pasta all over him.

G/T: [Pppffff HAHAHA!] Oh, man! Funniest thing I've seen all day.

Five: Hey, champ, we need to talk.

G/T: Five?

Mitch: What the... I remember you.

Miko: And we remember you.

G/T: Wait a minute... Me_KO? (Gets out of the van) What are you two doing here?

Five: (points at Mitch) He stole my win. Uh, apparently.

Mitch: How can you remember that? I rest you myself. Everyone resets.

Five: Like how you reset G/T?

G/T: Reset me? Mitch, what is he talking about?

Five: He rest you at Miyamoto's about getting free food by resetting the employee.

G/T: I knew something seems suspicious about that!

Mitch: Enough! (Puts on goggle along with G/T) Time for a reset.

Mitch tried to reset Five until Miko got in front of him. But the rest got an error, leaving G/T and Mitch shocked.

G/T: What the...

Miko: (gets closer to Mitch) Is zapping people your solution to everything? (Mitch boosted it to 60%) Pretty sad if you ask me. Especially since a tool like that could be used to help people, (Mitch tried to reset her again, but it failed) instead of cheating.

G/T: She's right, that's what they're used for.

Mitch: (boosted it up) Everybody resets! (Does it again but it failed)

Miko: You love to play the hero, but, really, you're just some bully!

Mitch boosted the reset to 100%.

Mitch: I'll wipe you clean!

G/T: No!

Before G/T could do anything, Five tackles Mitch as he struggles to get him off.

Mitch: Let go! You don't know what this thing does!

Five accidentally touched some buttons and unleashed a Glitch.

G/T: Oh shit! Mitch, I thought we told you to put that glitch into HQ!

Then we hear that Mitch and G/T get a call from HQ. Mitch knocks out Five.

G/T: What the hell Mi-

Then Mitch knocks G/T out. He answered the call.

Phil: Mitch, we're showing a glitch release from your gauntlet.

Mitch: (sees it go into an arcade) Got it under control. Don't send back up.

Phil: Just be careful. If that thing goes viral, it could be spread through the entire arcade. And where's G/T?

Mitch: He got attacked. (Sees it go in) Oh, Boosh! I am done playing with you two whack-a-moles.

Mitch grabs G/T's gauntlet and makes a portal under the three. Sending them into the Van.

Mitch: This is a serious Mitchuation. I can't have you dumbasses make it any worse!

Miko: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Seriously? A "Mitchuation"?

Five: I used to look up to you... And now I don't even know who you are!

Mitch: I'll tell you who I am. I'm the guy who's gonna send you back to the alley you crawled from. And this time, your gonna stay there... Where you belong.

Mitch locks the van and tossed G/T's gauntlet aside. G/T wakes up.

G/T: [Ugh] my head. What happened?

Automated voice: Security system activated.

G/T: Oh, I'll fix that. (Tries to unlock the van with his gauntlet to find out he doesn't have it) What the? Where's my- [!] MITCH!

Mitch walks off towards the arcade to deal with the glitch. Meanwhile, we Miko trying to get out.

G/T: It's no use. We can't get out of here without my gauntlet.

Miko: Well there's gotta be something else we can use in here.

Five: This is out of control. The kid has stuff that opens portals and erases memories! Who knows what else he made us forget? Family members? Pets? What if we already got out of here but he made us forget we did, so now we think we're still in here? What if we've always been in here?

G/T: Oh please, if that ever happened, (points at Miko) I'm pretty sure she would be the only one to remember that. And like I said the only way out of here is with a gauntlet. (💡) Unless...

G/T gets up and goes to a button. He pressed it to reveal a machine with a red button on it.

G/T: [Ha!] I knew he kept that thing in here! (Grabs it)

Miko: Oh, check it out, Five. A red button. The mother of all buttons!

Five: Will you stop messing around up there? From the moment I met you, you've just made everything worse.

Miko: (sees a wristband and grabs it) You know what your problem is? You think too much. (Slaps it on Five's wrist)

Five: Whoa!

Five sees his gamer tag on the wristband.

Five: Where did you...

G/T: So that's where it was. He tossed it in here.

Five takes a good look at it and started to remember everything.

Five: I did beat Mitch Williams.

G/T: [Ha ha!] Good to have you back, Five!

Five: What is that thing?

G/T: The answer to our problem my friend.

G/T pressed the button as it closed up as the machine activates. It flies out of his arms while counting down.

BITT: Welcome cadet. I am BITT. A Binary Intelligence Tech Trainer! Searching for updates. None found.

G/T: Allow me. [Ahem] hey bit, these are some new Glitch Tech recruits that I was told to look after.

Five: What's a Glitch Tech?

BITT: Citizens employed by Hinobi for the purpose of detecting and capturing glitch entities!

Miko: Yep, that's us alright. (Grabs two goggles) New recruits reporting for duty. Right, Five? (Tossed one at Five)

Five: Huh? (Looks at G/T as he winks) Uh, yeah! She and I, we are trainees employed by Hinobi for the purpose of whatever the purpose is you just said.

BITT grabs two gauntlets as the two put on their goggles.

BITT: Very well. (Tossed the gauntlets to the two.) Simply connect these Glitch gauntlets and choose "start" to begin!

The two press start on the gauntlets and started to suit up.

Five: Whoo-hoo! It's got some kinda UI. Like a radar, a minimap and... A targeting crosshair?

BITT: Move your wrists up, down, and side to side. This is known as your targeting area.

Miko: Oh, I am loving where this is going.

BITT: Glitch signature acquired! Now calculating the shortest route.

Five: Uh, the shortest route to what?

BITT transforms himself into his power-up mode.

He grabs the two and holds them thin in his arm. The shortest route to intercept the glitch. BITT burst out of the car, as he stops next to the van and F/N walks out and grabs his gauntlet.

G/T: All right, trainees. Let's take down this glitch, (puts on the gauntlet as he suits up) Glitch Tech style.

He hops onto BITT's back and he jumps into the air.

Meanwhile, we see the inside of the arcade as a kid lost a game, causing the kid to kick it and walk away. Then we see the glitch move around as Mitch walks in, looking for it. He sneaks around trying to find it. Then he pressed his headset to scan for it until he heard a girl screaming. He points his gauntlet at the location where it came from only to see the girl got the highest score on a video game. He powers down the gauntlet as a brown male with white hair wearing glasses and a janitor outfit was behind it.

Janitor: Yeah, I got a little jumpy on my first day. But you gotta admire the enthusiasm by getting a high score.

Mitch: (pushed the janitor away) Get out of my way. (Walks off)

Janitor: Geez, what's his problem?

Then the glitch gets behind Mitch, causing him to scream like a little girl, and starts firing at it as it dodged every blast. It goes inside a game called "Chomp Kitty" and started to glitch the system and transformed itself into a giant chomp kitty. Everyone sees this and started to gasp.

Janitor: Whoa! You don't see that every day.

Chomp lands in front of Mitch and started to growl.

Mitch: I hate retro titles.

Mitch fires at Chomp as it heals itself, causing everyone to run and scream. As they all run-pass Mitch, he resets them. Then he heard something from his headgear.

Automated voice: Glitch Techs detected.

Mitch: I said no backup!

Then we see our heroes burst through the wall and land on the ground.

BITT: You have reached your destination.

G/T: Thanks BITT.

Mitch: [Groans] I've had it with you griefers! I am trying to clean the mess you made, and you keep making it worse!

After he said that, he gets eaten by Chomp Kitty.

Five: Chomp Kitty?

Chomp Kitty throws Mitch up in the air then catches him in it's mouth, chews him up then spits out his gauntlet.

BITT: Strategic update. Run away!

Chomp charges for them as they started to run. They split up, Five, And Miko on one end and BITT and G/T on another. Chomp chases the Five and Miko.

Five: This is no longer my favorite video game!

Chomp tried to pounce on them until they ducked and ran off. Then G/T and BITT pull them over from the side as Chomp tried to find them.

Five: (taps on his gauntlet) Uh, is there an instruction manual?

Then G/T gets a call from Mitch.

Five: Mitch? You're okay?

Mitch: I am stuck in the belly of a malevolent digital construct, so, no, I'm not okay!

G/T: Serves you right.


G/T: Hmmm... Alright, well help. But you're gonna admit what you did to Phil, and help these two make things right again. Or you can stay in there and get digested.

Mitch: [Groans] Fine, just get me out of here! The static discharge frizzing my hair!

G/T: (ends call) All right. You two, press the button that looks like an option button. That will give you items to take down a glitch. I'll buy you some time. (Pressed on the sword and shield and gets out from hiding) HEY FURBALL!

Chomp looks at G/T as he twirls his blade.

G/T: Let's dance!

G/T charges at the glitch as Miko looks through the items

Miko: Let's see. Sparkly gem thingies, feathers, mushrooms... Ooh, pizza! (Comes out of hiding and points it at Chomp Kitty) Hey, furball, ya hungry?

Chomp turns away from G/T and looks at Miko as she fires a pizza at it as it eats the pizza and gets bigger.

G/T: You accidentally fed it a power-up, didn't you?

Chomp roars and sent some glitches to their video games, creating more enemies as G/T backs up with the others.

Five: We probably should have stayed in the van.

BITT: Target glitch has gone viral!

Five: What's a glitch?

G/T: It's an artificial intelligence plixel construct. In other words, monsters that come out of a video game.

Five aims his gauntlet at a glitch and fires at it, destroying it in the process.

Five: Yeah! Didn't like that, did ya?

The glitches get angry at them and charged at them.

Five: They didn't like that. Run!

They started to run as Mitch called Miko.

Mitch: Use your gauntlets to drain it's power. And get me out of here!

Miko: Uh, hey, G/T? Do these things have multi-target?

G/T: Yeah, it does!

Gauntlet: Multi-target activated.

Then they stopped as G/T, Five, and Miko started firing at the glitches. Then Five summons a Warhammer and bashed some of them, Miko punches a glitch, G/T summons a minigun and fires at a bunch of glitches.
Then we see them back to back as Five did some spells, Miko had a sword in the air as lightning struck it, and G/T Attack some with a battle-ax. Finally, we see them blast some glitches away. All that was left was Chomp Kitty. The three fire at Chomp as it heals itself and roars at them, pushing them away and runs off.

Five: Come on! Let's get him!

The three get up and chased him. Chomp kitty goes in a room with a ball pit and started to eat the kids inside it along with the balls in there.

Five: Uh, why is he eating the ball pit?

BITT: Glitch intelligence is limited to based programming.

Miko: Oh, he thinks they're pellets!

G/T gets a call from Mitch.

Mitch: Hurry! I'm surrounded by toddler snot!

Five: That gives me a plan.

Miko: he loves plans.

Five sneaks toward Chomp Kitty and creates a giant hand blaster. He tried to hold it up, but it's too heavy, then finally holds it still and fires a missile that looks like a mouse, hitting Chomp Kitty from behind as it deflects causing him to turn around and look at Five.

Five: (catches the missile as it beeps) Oh boy.

Chomp sees the mouse and started to chase Five.

Miko: It thinks you're food. Great plan!

Five: ¡Este gato me va a comer! (This cat is gonna eat me!)

Miko and G/T fire at Chomp Kitty before it tries to eat Five. he quickly gets away as Chomp Kitty healed itself. Chomp Kitty roars, pushing Miko away as G/T summons a sword and stabs it into the ground as Miko hits the wall, breaking her gauntlet in the process.

BITT: Alert! Trainee down!

Five: Uh, G/T, can a power-up's effect be reversed?

G/T: It can be modified to nerf a target, so yes.

G/T: takes out his blade and charged at the Glitch and started to attack it while Five types something on his gauntlet. Five finish typing and gets G/T's attention.

Five: G/T!

G/T: (jumps away from the glitch and starts taunting it while slapping his but) Come and get me ya walking hairball!

This makes the glitch angry and started to chase him. He hops over Five as he gets ready to fire.

Five: Chomp on this.

Five shoots another pizza in the glitch's mouth as it rolled past them and gets back up. It started to spaz out uncontrollably until it explodes, tossing everything it ate out, including Mitch. What's left the glitch tries to get away until G/T contained it. Mitch gets up and powers his goggles off as Five gets in front of him and aims his gauntlet at him.

Five: Hey, pro, how'd you like to get your memory reset?

Mitch: Wha-

BITT: Caution, a Tech gauntlet is not to be used aggressively. It is a tool to protect innocence, not harm.

G/T: Funny you should mention that. Mitch here has been doing the opposite.

Mitch: You gotta believe me, I wasn't really gonna do it! I was freaked when (points at Miko) she wouldn't reset. Everybody resets!

G/T: Everyone but her for some reason.

Five: You still my win. Why?

Miko: To protect your lame gamer status?

Mitch: I'm Mitch Williams. I am the number one gamer in this city. You take that away from me, you may as well take everything. Besides, that win was bugged. He wasn't the real winner. G/T can agree with me.

G/T: As much as I hate to admit it. He's right. Five wasn't the real winner. (Points at Miko) She was.

Miko: What? But Five made the winning shot.

G/N: He may have made the winning shot. But he used your ball.

Five: (looks at Miko) So I guess you won.

Miko: Huh.

Five: No matter which of us won, he still loses. (Points the gauntlet at Mitch)

Mitch: Please, don't!

Five: If we wipe your precious gaming career, you've got nothing left to protect.

Mitch: I know I went too far, but do not take this from me. It's what I love. It's who I am.

Miko: Me, too.

G/T: (sigh) Me, too.

Five: Me, too. (Puts down gauntlet)

Then we hear G/T's gauntlet go off as he gets a call from Phil.

Phil: Come in, G/T, Mitch. After the discharge, Mitch's signal went viral. What happened in there?

G/N: Care to explain, Mitch? Or should I do it?

Time skip brought you by G/T, Five, and Miko high-fiving each other.

We see Miko back at her house along with G/T, Five, BITT, Mitch, and Phil as Mitch explained everything to her parents.

Mitch: So... Your daughter wasn't lying when she told you a no-joke-giant-monster hand came out of your TV and trashed your living room.

Miko's Dad: I'm sorry, what exactly are you people talking about?

Phil: We're talking about offering your daughter and her friend here part-time jobs in the Hinobi Store's new technical support department.

Miko's Mom: A job? I do like the sound of that.

Miko's Dad: Especially if it makes you happy.

Miko: [Gasps] Whoo-hoo! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. (Turns around to the others) Okay, guys, you can do it now.

Phil: So, while I restore your system's memory, you will remember this. (Points gauntlet at her parents) your daughter's gaming skills have put her in a job with Hinobi Tech Support.

Miko: (hugs her parents while squealing softly) And you're so proud.

Phil resets Miko's parents as they walk out.

Miko's Dad: Honey, wasn't Miko just here?

Miko's Mom: You know her.  Probably wants to be early for that new job of hers. Then we see Lexi peaking through a cracked-open door and she saw everything.

Lexi: Whoa.

The next day arrived and we see Phil and G/T with Miko and Five.

Phil: So this will be your day-to-day. Cash register here, price gun's here, crapper's in the back and.. oh, yeah. Yeah, the place next door sells old donuts at half-off.

G/T: (whispers to Five and Miko) Wouldn't really recommend it though.

Miko: That's all?

Phil: What's better than half-off donuts?

G/N: I could name a few other things.

Five: Like exclusive swag, early release games, live events!

G/N: Well, if you earn enough points you can get all of that. That's how I got my drip.

Phil: oh, and there are your lockers.

Five and Miko look in the locker room to see that it's a plain old locker room with a locker with each of their names on them.

Five: Uh... Awesome.

G/N: Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.

Phil grabs a controller and the locker opens a portal.

Phil: (walks past Five and Miko) Excuse me. (Hops in the portal)

G/N: (walks past the two as well) Well, what are you waiting for? Come on. (Hops in the portal)

Five: Yeah!

Miko: Cannonball!

They both laugh as they jump into the portal. They come out of the portal to see that they are in the Glitch Techs HQ.

Five: Whoa!

Phil: Kids, welcome to Glitch Techs.

G/N: Hey, Phil. (All three of them look at him) If it's alright with you, I'd like to team up with the new recruits.

Phil: Are you sure?

G/T: Hell yeah I am. I've been looking for some new teammates, and I would love to have these two on my team.

Phil: Sure, knock yourselves out.

Then the three jump up in the air and high-five each other. Then everything fades to black.


(AAAAAND DONE! So what did you guys think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments! I'd like to give a shout-out to matrixdexter for helping me with the translation for the cat chase scene! You saved me some time. And be sure to slap that vote button so others can see, and I'll see you guys in the next episode!)

Next Episode: Episode 3 Tutorial Mode

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