Ch. 16

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Fan art: 

(A.N. ...I was rereading this chapter and kept wondering what time I could have been possibly writing this....You'll see whyXD


*Dark's POV*

I laid down on the ground of the book room staring at the ceiling and thinking about what Sarah had commented. I mean I was reading her thoughts and that itself held an interest, being that she thought of me as 'cute' but, hot? I couldn't understand that.

I tried to review over the terminology. Hot could mean that you're rising in temperature...maybe the aura? But it's not exactly hot...And the other definition kind of worries me. 'Maybe she meant it in a general sense, maybe not to herself exactly...but then why did she blush???'

It had threw me off so much that I didn't even get a chance to read her mind for a correction or something. I closed my eyes and sighed. 'Now I just feel weird!'

I opened my eyes. 'Dark, it is fine, it was probably just a slip of a word. You know her by now, she would never mean that. It seems that the topic flusters her in general!...' Then I thought back to an earlier comment that she had thought when I originally met her. 'If memory serves me correctly, she didn't want us knowing about her thoughts on fanfiction...' I didn't know much about fanfiction besides that it was a fiction that was based on anything that has been originally created...but it couldn't be that bad, right?

I couldn't stand my mind roaming and so I went to ask Google if I could borrow a screen. I stared at the screen and reconsidered my options...but there's really no way of getting past this likely.

I pulled up the virtual typer and typed in "Darkiplier Fanfiction."


*Sarah's POV*

I ran out of my class towards the truck. We had gotten out a little late and I knew the chicken should be ready by now. "Google is going to kill me!"

"Hey, Sarah, wait up!" I looked back in the direction of the voice. I couldn't really put a name to the face but he seemed like he really needed to talk to me.

When he reached me, I asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry-" he reached out his hand. "The name is Dan. I wanted to know if you'd like to study together for the next exam."

"Oh, the final?" He nodded. "Sure, um, I don't have time now but- oh, I'll give you my number!" I quickly told him the number and told him to text me or something and took off. I heard my phone ringing and I picked it up, seeing it was Google Hangouts.

"Sarah, are y-you still a-alive?"

"Yes! Sorry, delayed class! Will try to get home soon though."

"Al-lright, I'm going to get things read-dy and have the chicken set out. It l-l-looks great."

"Yay!" I quickly took off and made it in about 10 minutes time.

I ran into the house and went to the kitchen where Google was already in the process of putting together the dumplings. "Finally you're here, c-come on. It's h-hard to keep Wilford out."


We quickly prepared the meal and in about 20 minutes we had it out to eat in bowls.

Wilford came prancing in and when he saw the meal, he was absolutely delighted. "YES!!!! CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS!" He quickly went to his bowl but Dark wasn't anywhere in sight.

"I'm gonna grab Dark," I told Google and headed over. I opened the door and started, "Dark, food's ready-" I watched him as he quickly clapped his hands together, having a screen collapse and leaving his face slightly red. I was going to ask if he was looking at something naughty or reading smut to make him laugh but I decided against it. (A.N......'Naughty' Ezra, really? What time was I writing this?!)

"I-I'll be right out," he replied nervously.

"Alrighty!" I took off back to the dining room.

"Is he c-coming?" Google asked.

"Yeah, he's just putting up something."

"Oh, alright." We all began to enjoy the meal, I slightly rushing as I had to head to work shortly after.

Dark came out of the room, seeming to be more well carried than likely was true. He simply walked over to the table and sat down. When he saw what was in the bowl in front of him though...he seemed genuinely surprised. He glanced up at me, as though to ask if this was what I was attempting to hide from him and I shrugged/nodded. "Google helped me," I commented.

"I h-had to make s-sure it was made correc-ctly." He nodded.

The chicken and dumplings were amazing though. Really garlicky, but tasty, mm!

(A.N. I have never had chicken and dumplings. But they sound awesome. I would love to taste Mark's steamy dumpsXD....What? That's what he calls them!)

Shortly after I was done with my food, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked to see it was Gabby and...another number. 'Oh, probably that Dan guy.' Well, best friends ruled first into checking the message. I opened up the chat.

'Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the pooooooool!'

I considered it. There has been good weather lately... 'Sure!'

'YAY! Is Saturday at 10 A.M. good? I prefer to be there early.'


'Oh and bring your roommates, they'd be nice to 'look' at ;)'

I shook my head and then went to the other chat. Just as I expected, it was Dan.

'Hello, this is Dan from the college.'

'Oh hey dude, what's up?'

'Just wanted to see what a good day was to go and study for the final.'

'Hmmm...Well, I feel we should at least wait till he gives us the review packet does next Monday at 7 sound?'

'7 A.M.???'

'No no no, 7 P.M. I have work.'

'Oh, that works. Do you want to meet up at the library?'

'Yeah, that works!'

'Alright, talk to you later then.'


I put my phone away and then looked up at Google and Dark, Wilford already making his way into the kitchen for another bowl. "How does swimming sound?"

"THAT SOUNDS AMAZING-" Wilford began.

"We ne-eed swimsu-uits," Google commented, taking another scoop of the chicken and dumplings.

"Oh... I can probably grab y'all some at Walmart or something, just send me y'all's sizes so I can remember." I put up my bowl and checked my time. "Alright, gonna head out, I'll see y'all tonight!"

As I walked out and exited my car, I realized...I kind of missed the feeling of coming home to someone being there. I mean, sure it's these three goofs but...they are starting to grow on me...

I shook the thought away. 'I can't be getting close to them, they will leave.' I turned up the radio and took off.


*Time skip to Saturday on the way to the pool in Sarah's car*

*Darkiplier's POV*

I stared out the window as Google and Sarah casually talked in the front seat, I having myself in the backseat. I couldn't get those words and those images imagined from was slightly worrying...I mean, if Sarah has even read half of those things...and I thought lemons were only like lemons used in lemonade!!! (A.N. that reaction from Markiplier when he googles himself and sees markiplier x reader lemon X'D I died and was yelling at him not to do look at it! Here is link:  12:06-12:19 "I don't know what lemon means..." Dead)

I shivered at the thought and Wilford looked over to me curiously. He wanted to ask me what was wrong but I gave him a glare to not ask right now. But I knew from that little grin on his smug face he'd ask about it eventually. 'I can't deal with him on this case.'

We arrived at the swimming pool exactly at 10, as was the time requested. And surprisingly, there were only a couple of cars in the parking lot. We saw a familiar person walk out of the car we parked next to: Gabby. Today she was in a bright yellow tank top with some particularly short shorts, blue jeans being the style. She had a couple of bags of various things, only a towel seeming to be most prominent.

"Good morning Sarah and-boys~!" she greeted excitedly. I still didn't understand this but Wilford seemed to adore it for some reason.

"Morning darling~, I just adore your outfit!" he chimed as he once again picked up her hand and kissed it. Gabby simply giggled at it in pure enjoyment.

"Dark, can you help us back here?" I heard Sarah call, removing me from my thoughts.

I quickly went back there and helped grab the rest of the bags. Sarah reminded me of a soccer mom, someone that brought everything just in case and was driving around people. But as I saw her take out multiple bags from the back, she didn't really seem to mind. "Dark?"

"Oh, yeah-" I grabbed a couple of the bags from her and we went inside.

The pool was a good size generally and there was only a couple of other people there and they were in the part that had lap lanes. I heard a splash and found that Wilford had managed to remove his shirt and had jumped into the pool. He came up for air and laughed off the likely cold water from his shivering. 'Idiot.'

We set things down and I took off my shirt and pants to reveal my shorts. It wasn't the best style to pertain myself to but it will do for the task at hand.

"OOOOOOOOO Sarah you never told me you knew how to pick clothing!" Gabby squealed.

I glanced back hesitantly. I saw Sarah was in a bikini, lime green with some light swirls in it that kind of made one stare as they all led back to- I looked away again and gulped away the thoughts that were threatening to fill my head. 'Dammit.'

I stayed back and watched as they began to enter the pool and once again my eyes fell onto Sarah. She was kind of slow in her efforts to get into the pool, letting bit by bit of herself get into the cold pool. '...Maybe I could have a little fun with this...' A grin slowly appeared on my face as I quietly approached her from behind.


*Sarah's POV*

"Come on Sarah, it's easier if you just jump in!" Gabby called from the middle of the pool. I refused though. I didn't feel like rushing in today and there was truly no need. Plus the pool was surprisingly cold, despite the heat it was under and I-

Arms picked me up and I was hoisted into the air. "AH, what the-" I looked up to the assailant to see Dark's eyes staring into my brown ones. He was...grinning. "Don't you-"

Before I could finish my sentence I was sent flying through the air to the middle of the pool, landing with a number of my nerves screaming from the sudden change of temperature. I swam up to the surface and glared at Dark, who seemed to have the largest smirk on his face. "DARK!"

Gabby was on the sidelines laughing and actually congratulating Dark on his success at throwing me into the pool. I clenched my fists and vowed revenge quietly as he walked in with ease. 'I will destroy him...'

I plotted my revenge as Google followed him in. Wilford was simply wading around and chatting with Gabby. They really do respond well to each other. Now, Dark was in the pool already so there's really no point in trying to push him in...' there a way to scare the lord of darkness?'

Then I kind of thought about the other day, finding him blushing at something as he stared at me on the internet. '...Hmm, maybe not exactly a way to scare him, but there could be ways of getting him embarrassed...This should be fun...'

"Hey guys! I think I know a game we should play!" I swam over and popped up.

"What game, Marco Polo?" Gabby inquired.

"Well, look around. There's not really many people here about chicken?"

Her eyes lit up a bit. "Girl it's been way too long since I've played that!"

"Chicken?" Dark asked.

"The ori-iginal game is called 'Chicken Fi-ight,' also just known as Shoulder Wars. Prima-ary objective is to throw a pers-son off of the other's shoulder."

"I call being teamed with Gabby!" Wilford took hold of Gabby and placed her on his shoulders, her laughing. I know usually she would've punched anyone who did that to her so easily but she wanted to have a little faith in these people. Plus I was living with them so they had to be alright. Somewhat.

"I call teaming with Dark!" I called, moving over to him. He kind of hesitated before going lower for me to properly get on his back. I straddled onto him, making sure to keep my thighs extra close to his head.

"I-I guess I'm being the referee th-then," Google mumbled lightly, but still to where he could be heard. I don't think he would've been really interested anyway, seeing that it's usually a dangerous game and that it may look pretty silly.

We separated to different sides of the pool. As we waited for Google to repeat the rules, I gently played with Dark's hair. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing~," I teased, trying to give off a flirtatious voice. His hair was pretty fluffy though and was pretty nice to play with. 'Jack wasn't lying about his fluffy hair haha.'

"R-ready?" We all nodded. "Three, t-two, on-ne, go!"

Dark and Wilford proceeded forward and Gabby and I began to taunt one another. "You think you have what it takes to bring me down?" I joked.

"Oh you know it! The water was our playground!" she assured. "Wilford, charge now!" Wilford began to run as fast as he could through the water.

"Sarah?" Dark asked.

I waited till they got closer and then commanded, "Go."

We went at each other full stride and I managed to get a hold of her hands. Now all that needed to be done was through sheer strength. She wasn't all that stable but she did have some strength, which I'll use to my advantage. Wilford was giving Gabby encouragement as he fought with Dark on the bottom. At one point, she began to push really hard and it was at that moment that I gave in and fell back, a grin protruding on my face as Dark and I fell back, a loud splash following in after us. I quickly turned over in the water, opened my eyes, and managed to find my way to Dark, initiating my plan. I placed his arms around me and I ran my hands around his shoulders towards his back and brought him closer to me, my head on his chest lightly. He quickly came back towards the surface, I pretending to be coughing up water and that I didn't know what was happening. "Dark! I didn't know you enjoyed that!" I heard Wilford exclaim. I began to remove the water from my face and saw Dark was looking down at me. And what I found was a very deep blush forming on his darkened features. I tried to make it seem as though I didn't know what was happening. I looked down. "O-oh, sorry Dark! I couldn't see down there!" I removed myself from him and he didn't move or anything. "You alright Dark?" I asked casually, moving the hair out of my face. He was speechless and just kind of went off and got out of the pool. I was satisfied with what I had done. I knew how to mess with people.

I saw Wilford travel over to him and began to tease him some more and as he did this, Gabby came over and asked, "Did you do that on purpose? I know you can see underwater."

I smirked. "Oh you know I did."

"Heh, you are truly the bringer of revenge." She looked over to the lap pools. "Do you want to race? You told me you were a swimmer."

"Dude that was in high school, it's been a while!"

"Good, then I have a better chance of beating you!"

"Oh no you don't!" When we reached the pools, we called over to Google to see who would hit the wall first and he agreed, bringing a chair to watch us.


*Dark's POV*

I walked over to the side, Wilford close behind me. "Dark! Wait up you old hag!"

"Wilford not now."

"Come now~! I know you have a little crush on her-" I stopped and pushed him onto the wall, choking him.

"What was that?"

He struggled with me. "H-hey! I just said I know you-ah, Dark!" I let him go and he fell down. "Geezus Dark-"

"What makes you think that I would have that with her?" I demanded.

He coughed a bit before returning to his old posture. "Look, it's not my fault that I noticed you were blushing at something as small as that happening back there! You don't usually when you have more confidence in the thing!"

I growled and looked over to the side. "Crap."

"Don't worry it doesn't seem as though she's caught on-"

"That's not it!" I sighed. "Look, I read something."


"I read...fanfiction on myself."

I felt his stare on me. "What exactly-"

"Let me just say some of the content was...disturbing."

He burst out laughing. "Dark! You should have read with caution-"

"But that's not the worst part! It was finding out that this was what she meant by reading fanfiction!!"

"What do you-"

"When we were asking what she was thinking about us, she mentioned it."

Wilford mused over the idea of it not seeming to quite believe it. "Well...I don't think she thinks that way about us generally."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...Don't you think she kind of gets nervous when we get around her like that?"

"Not according to the act that she pulled just now, you saw her!"

"Yes...but I think it's because she realizes it is probably the only thing that really bothered you. And you did just throw her into the pool."


"My question is did she know it would bother you?" My face heated up as I remembered what had happened earlier that week. This made Wilford grin slightly. "What happened Dark~? I want details!!!"

"Sh!" I placed a palm over his mouth and looked over to make sure they didn't hear that. They were still swimming. "Ok ok, so, Sarah may have, um, caught me reading the fanfiction...but I didn't show her what it was!"

"Did you blush?" I nodded. He began to try and hide his laughter and calmed down. "Um, Dark...people do that usually when they've been caught doing something...unpleasant."

"What do you-" Then, it clicked. "No! No, no, no, no! She honestly wouldn't, I would never-"

"But she doesn't know that. And you were hiding away in a room on your own..."

"But I could've been doing anything!"

"Mhm. Poor Dark, you probably feel so off right now! But I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, if she really did want to do...those things then she would've spoken up about them or led us on to believe that. She's much more conservative than she looks...although, it does make me wonder..."


He shook his head. "It's probably nothing. Anyway, let's head back before they wonder about where we are. And, try to act appropriate."

"I didn't even start this!"

Wilford rolled his eyes and pushed me back into view, just as they were apparently on their last few laps. Google was counting down the laps left on his hands. "What happened t-to you two?" he asked as we approached from behind.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you all about it later~," Wilford commented with a slight giggle. I glared over at him and he suddenly reverted to a horrified stature. "O-Or maybe not...heh heh..."

Before I could really comment, Google called out, "DONE!" hand raised for Sarah's lane. When she emerged, she had to wipe some of the water off of her face. Soon after Gabby followed, not having quite as much trouble. She looked over to Sarah who was smirking at her. "I thought you said you haven't swam in a while!"

"That is true, but I guess I still got some of the basics within me."

She pouted and Sarah just laughed. Then she glanced over at us. "Done with your 'fit' Dark?" she asked casually, as though she had not made my face flush.

Before I could refute, Wilford stepped in and casually commented, "Of course..." I felt his hands place pressure on me but before I could do anything, I was pushed into the water.

When I came back up to the surface, I heard repressed laughter from the females and saw a grin plastered on Wilford's face. I grabbed Wilford by the feet and lifted him up into the air and slammed him into the pool. Wilford resurfaced and wiped his face. "Now Dark, are we really doing this?"

"Yes." I tackled him and we fought in the water, as best as we could without sight.


*Sarah's POV*

We got out of the pool and began to snack on some cookies that I had brought, watching Dark and Wilford fight in the water. "Is it just me or is Wilford extremely cute?" Gabby commented.

"Well of course he's cute, he's just Wilford," I agreed, not really catching onto what she originally meant.
"Do you think we'd make a cute couple?" I choked on my cookie and had to regain myself. "You're right, no rushing things. Haha."

"That's not funny," I commented, rolling my eyes.

"Well it seems as though you were having a bit of 'fun' with Dark over there."

"That was payback."

"Whaaaaatever." She rolled her eyes and munched down on another cookie.

Wilford and Dark eventually ended their fighting, seeing that they were getting nowhere, and we came back into the pool. It felt nice being outside. I went on my back and just began to let myself float, staring lazily into the bright blue sky. There was no sound around me, just whatever the water would pick up. It was nice to be taken by the water, to feel like nothing could really touch me because nothing truly existed besides the sounds of the water and the blue sky above me. And when I closed my's as though there was truly nothing.

That is, until someone interrupted it. I felt someone poke at my side and I jolted up just to find it was Dark. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Well, I was just floating till you poked me...ow..." I held the side he poked as his poke still lingered.


"'s nice to feel like you're just part of the water. That you are not who you are faced with in-" I stopped myself. "I mean, it's just nice to lose yourself in the water. Have you ever tried it?"

He tilted his head till he shook in response. "It seems...odd."

"Well, here, float on your back." He squinted at me. "What, can you not float?"

"...I haven't ever done so successfully..."

"What? But didn't y'all have a pool at some point?"

"Yes but it's been a while. Plus it's not like we were ever really 'there' to do anything much."

"Oh...I see...Well, let me see what the problem is." He nodded and 'attempted' to float on his back. Of course, this failed and instead he sank in and quickly resurfaced. "Well...I think one thing is that you don't really trust the water to take you."

"You can't really put trust in something inanimate."

" kind of have to if you want to work with it. Here," I placed my hands behind him facing them up.

"Wh-what are you-"

"Just lay back. This'll help kind of develop that trust. Like training wheels almost." He seemed hesitant before going back. He didn't last very long before he flinched and moved away. I sighed and shook my head. "That isn't how this works have to trust me a little bit." His eyes squinted at me skeptically. "I promise I won't let you drown, ok?" He still seemed skeptical. "Look I don't know what else to tell you besides giving you my word. You're just going to have to trust me." He still seemed reluctant but sighed and fell back once more, trying to be more relaxed.

'It's probably because he and Mark share a fear of the ocean...or maybe he just can't get comfortable with things that are less stable...' I began to help his figure float a bit better as he began to relax more, closing his eyes. I smiled down at him. Dark had his cute moments...

Wanting him to keep going on his own, I began to slowly let him drift from my grasp and saw him lax in the water. I smiled, proud of my accomplishment. Then...Dark shifted and he went into the water. 'Uh oh-' He came back up and looked around for me.

"Why did you move??" I asked, "You were doing so well!"

"I moved slightly, I didn't realize you had let me go!"

"I said it was like training wheels! You have to remove them eventually!" He just frowned and I laughed.

By the time we packed up and headed home, I was tired from the day. So much so that I ended up falling asleep on the comfy couch.


*Dark's POV*

I stared at her figure as Wilford and Google began to discuss dinner preparation. Her head was literally on the arm cushion of the couch, possibly making it difficult to breath. I tilted her head and fixed her. Her face was...cute. That's all I could really do to describe it. '...Trust huh....'

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