Ch. 6

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"Sarah." I stayed mute, not caring to respond to Dark. "Sarah you can't be mad at us all day." I continued to close my eyes and tried to focus on nothing.

"S-Sarah this is being really child-dish." I still didn't let it up.

"Sarah you really should reconsider. I mean, I wanted to interview you as well but it's kind of hard when you're doing this all day." 'I don't care' is what I wanted to say but then this would be me talking to them and giving them attention. I know they can't leave and they've been stuck together before so this must be boring them to death. I wanted to smile but I couldn't let them see I was enjoying this. It would ruin this moment and I- "CRASHCRASHCRASH!"

I got up and looked over to the kitchen. "Hey!" I ran over ignoring Google and Wilford and saw that Dark had broken a plate. "Dark!"

"Well...that got you up." Dark did it once more. "CRASHCRASH!"


"Not until you agree you will stop ignoring us!" He held up another plate.

"Stop! Ok ok! Fine! Fine!" He stared at me temporarily before realizing that I did mean it and placed the plate back on the counter. "Geezus you don't just go destroy people's things!"

"Well, they will make up for the chairs that you destroyed in my realm." 'Oh...I forgot I did that...' "Mhm."

"Yay! Sarah will love us again!" Wilford exclaimed. "Now we can finally do the interview~"

"Wait, I didn't agree-" Dark held up a plate. "...Alright..."

"Oooo this is gonna be fun!" He pulled out a camera-wait, that's my camera!

"Where did you find that??"

"Oh, while you were ignoring us I was looking around and I found it. It'll help me to inspire some questions!"

"Ok but I'm taking that right back afterwards-"

"To upload?"

"No! Why would I do that? I don't even have a youtube channel."

"Awe, you're no fun."

"Besides, if I were to have a youtube channel, it would be-...nevermind."

"Hmm? Oh boy I could see so many questions now! Come on, let's go!" He pulled me away to one of the spare rooms that he had probably found and sat me on the bed. I had one extra bed in the house in case anyone came over as they always say they will do...but anyway-

"So what exactly are you going to be interviewing me about?"

"Well...EVERYTHING! I want to know your life, your family, your ambitions, your thoughts on killing the human population-"

"Wait what?"

"I-I mean building things to increase the population!"

"..." 'This is going to be a long day.'


*Dark's POV*

We heard Wilford begin his interview through the walls and some muttering being returned. "It seems that Wil-lford has found someone to pl-lay with," Google commented, watching where they had just left.

"Yeah...while they are doing that, do you suppose we should have a look around?"


And so, Google and I decided to explore the rest of the house. It wasn't all that big, it had about four separate rooms, including the one Sarah slept in, a back porch that was covered (A.N. It's a sunroom but I don't think they would know specifics. Alright, on with the story), and a kitchen.

In one of the separate rooms, there was a desk that had some papers scattered on it and some little figures that were being made with many on the ground next to the trash bin. Most of them looked like little robotic figures, meant to have a function but...what the function was wasn't evident. There was also a bookshelf with very few books, most like school textbooks and some more incomplete figurines. There was even a treadmill in there (A.N. don't ask how he could know what a treadmill is) but it seemed to have been used for spare parts instead of the main use.

We exited the room and in the other room there was a whole array of books of all types: fantasy, fiction, engineering, mathematics, music, puzzles (math related and others as well), and even some activity books. "She seems to...keep busy," I muttered softly but loud enough for Google to hear it.

"Yes, she does. She mainly seems to enj-joy math but isn't that one of the most disliked subjects?" I shrugged and noticed a very small section of journals. Google caught what I was staring at and commented, "I believe those could be journal entries. I don't beli-lieve it would be wise to look in them."

"Why not?"

"Well, according to the internet, it's ru-rude."

"Hmmm...fine." With that we left the room and we found there was noise. Like, bumping around and such...and laughter? Google and I stared at one another and then towards the room.

"Shou-ould we be concerned?" Google asked.

", they are probably fine."


*Sarah's POV*

"Stop! I told you I'm not going to tell you!" I gasped out as he continued to tickle me profusely.

"Nope, you're going to tell me exactly what you read as fanfiction, the fans would find it fairly interesting!"

"There's no one even there! AH! Stopppp!"

"Come on Sarah! I can do this all day! Besides, your laugh is so cute~"

"Ahaha! I'm gonna pee!"

"Then you better answer quickly!"

"No!" I then positioned my feet in front of his stomach and pushed him off of me and I ran to the restroom.

Once I had relieved myself, I came back to see Wilford have a bored look on his face. "You really had to go?"

"Yes! You were tickling me a lot."

"...Why won't you tell me what fanfiction you read?"

"'s just not all that interesting."

"But you do read it..." He began to get up and approached me, not looking away from me. "It has to have some interest to it."

"N-Nope, not interesting at all."

"Hmm..." He closed the door with his hand and had me cornered against the door. "I don't quite believe that...and I don't think you do either." He came closer and closer to my face and my eyes were getting wider. He was only so many centimeters away from my face when I began to blush. Then he smiled and laughed. "Oh my! Look at your face!"

I was confused. Then I realized what he did. "Hey! Don't make fun!"

"You were blushing soooo badly. Oh my, I hope I got that on camera!!" He ran over to the camera that had a new position pointed directly at us.

"No!" I ran over and tackled him onto the bed as he grabbed it. "Give it here!"

"No, you're just going to break it!"

"I'm not gonna break it, I'm going to erase that video!"

"But you looked so cute!"

"Rawr!" I jumped on him again and had a man-grip on the arm that had the camera and was about to grab it when I felt his fingers begin to tickle my stomach again. "AH! No!" I let go almost immediately and fell back and once again he had conquered me and was tickling me, placing the camera aside on the table. "Wilford!"

"Come on, let me hear those squeals of yours!!!"

After another good five minutes of this, I was finally tuckered out to where I couldn't really move. "Wilford, please..."

"Hm? Are you already done fighting back? I was just getting started!"

"Please, I give, I give..."

"So you won't delete the video?" I nodded and he grinned. "Good. Awe, your so cute when you're vulnerable~"

"Sh-shut up." I crossed my arms and looked away.

He got up and stretched. "I'm hungry, come on," he proposed, pulling me from the bed and passing through the living room where Dark and Google kind of watched, slightly confused and amused.

When we got to the kitchen, he began to look around and found the supplies to make a sandwich. He grabbed out a few plates after looking around through the cabinets and hands me a couple of slices of bread. It took me a few moments to realize that with the extra people I need to buy more groceries...'ehh....'

I tried not to think about it at the moment as I made my specialty sandwich. The others later joined in this cumbersome activity and soon we all make it to the table, Dark kind of copying my specialty sandwich. 'I guess that means he had liked it...' We ate in silence, all very much consumed in enjoying the food in front of us. It took me a while to realize that this is one of the very few times I've been able to enjoy a lunch around people without rushing to get back to work. It felt...nice. I looked around at the others and saw the way they all ate differently, each unique but somewhat similar. 'They really are brothers...'

When we finished the meal, I realized what time it was. "Oh! I forgot he's updated!"

"Hm?" Dark asked.

"Markimoo!" I ran over to the television and grabbed the remote and found the youtube icon. I clicked on it and scrolled over to his videos and clicked on one of his let's plays. It was Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 2. As the video started, I chanted the words along side him: "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to-" and then I stopped since I really couldn't know what else he was gonna say. The more I watched the youtubers the more I memorized their intros into different games. One of my favorite intros was Jacksepticeye's, which was, "PUH POOF, TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME BACK TO-" It was always fun to yell out as a pastime.

As I enjoyed the video, Dark sat next to me and commented, "You realize that there are three, three better versions of him right in front of you and yet you choose to watch him."

"Well, you all have your own personalities, if you had your own youtube channels I would probably watch y'all. But we're not doing anything right now so..."

"..." He grabbed the remote and turned off the tv.


He then looked over to me and picked me up once more, bridal style. "Come on."

"Whoa! Hey! I did not allow you to pick me up!" I kicked and pushed off of him and eventually I grabbed on to the side of the door frame when he opened the door. "I said no!"

"We're going to go and have 'fun.'"

"Dark!" I looked over to Google and Wilford who honestly didn't know what to do. "Help!"

"Um..." I felt Dark glance over his shoulder and I saw Wilford flinch. "Ah, um, come on Sarah, it'll be fun!" I saw Google grab my keys from the hook on the side and they all walked out, Dark still trying to get me to let go of the door frame.

"Sarah let go."

"I don't want to go outside!"

"You can't be a recluse!"

"I can if I wanna be! I have rights according to the Constitution!"

"..." Suddenly time seemed to stop and everything went cold and I felt hands remove mine from the door frame, gently but determined, and I was once again in the arms of Dark. I felt slightly dazed as he walked me to the truck and placed me in the back seat of the truck.

When I heard the truck start up as he buckled me in beside him, I looked to see Google trying to look up how to drive a car along with rules of the road and of the terrain around us. "Google-"

"Don't worry, it doesn't seem that hard. It's l-like riding a bicycle in the words of humans."

'...considering that I've never been able to ride a bicycle makes me fear this very much.' Before I could exactly express my thoughts, the car began going backwards, pulling out from the driveway, and then got on the road down the neighborhood.

"See, so far so good." He kept going at a sleek 30 miles per hour and we were approaching a speed bump.

"Um, Google-"

"Sarah don't be-e-e a back seat driver."

"But Google-"

"We are fine, there's no need to-" The truck went up quickly and then over and we all jumped out of our seats. I stared at Google's eyes through the rear-view mirror and he had some pink on his cheeks. " I missed a few things. We should be fine."

I glanced over at Dark and he whispered in my ear: "If anything happens I'll do my best to keep you safe." Although I was more concerned about the truck that was gifted to me when I was younger, that comment made me feel better about the situation. We went over another speed bump and I looked over at Google again. "I couldn't see that one! It was so low to the ground!"

We ended up making it to the main roads and we found ourselves approaching a local carnival that had made its way into the city not too long ago.

It wasn't all that big but it was a good enough size to host some rollercoasters of sorts along with some minor games like popping the balloons and even knocking down some horse figurines. We got tickets (thankfully Wilford had gotten my purse and I had happened to have cash on me) and headed in. There were people everywhere already even though it wasn't even close to being evening and adults were everywhere smiling and some children who may have been missing school for this as well. I kind of chuckled at the thought of the kids probably begging their parents to let them go.

I felt a hand wrap around mine and pull me forward and saw it was Wilford. "Come on! The games aren't going to shoot themselves!"

I smiled and we went along to play the games. There was no question of Wilford's shooting skill and once or twice I had to point out the play gun in front of him before he used his own weapons which really did seem to appear out of nowhere. He was able to get many of the larger prizes with his good aim that many had to limit him on how many tries he could do himself. Google on the other hand was merely observing the people and their actions, sometimes a screen appearing in front of him as he researched the area.

While Wilford was beginning to get trigger happy, I felt another hand take hold of mine and saw it was Dark. "Come on, might as well enjoy a few rides here too right?"

Looking at him now, he seemed more...composed than he was before. It's like after the whole ordeal this morning and the past, maybe he's trying to...

Before I could finish my thought we had made it to the first ride. It wasn't all that high so I believed, it was a fireball roller coaster that it goes around and around and hangs you out in the air. I haven't ever actually rode on one of these things, I usually just stuck near the people handling the items of those riding on it.

'In fact...' I thought as Dark led me to the other side to place our stuff down 'I never really rode on any rides...' Dark and I sat in the very front of the roller coaster and Google and Wilford sat behind us. 'Because....' The man began to make sure that we were strapped in correctly and walked around to the station. 'I'm afraid...of roller coasters. The speed, the turning, and being upside down! I'm afraid-'

My thoughts were interrupted as a speaker went on. "Good afternoon everyone I just want to make a few reminders for everyone. Please do not put any limbs out of the roller coaster while it is in motion or try to remove your straps. This ride is very fast but it may jar some. As was located in the front of the roller coaster, those conditions may apply to you if you are with those symptoms. If you don't have any other quarrels then I hope you enjoy the ride." (A.N. I've been on one of these but I've blanked out on what they were saying besides the limbs).

I looked over to Dark who seemed to just be observing the ride before looking at me. "Sarah? Is something wrong?"

"Um...How d-d-do I explain this..." Before I could say anything further, the roller coaster began to move and I grabbed hold of the bar in front of me for dear life. "Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear!" The ride went forward some, the back some, then forward halfway, then backward almost two thirds of the way and left us hanging there, my chest pressed against the straps. "Oh no. I don't like this-" Then we were pushed nearly all the way to where I could see below me and I began freaking out. "NONONONONONONONONONONO!"

THEN THE WORST PART CAME. We were brought all the way around backwards, and then brought all the way around forwards, I giving out little speals of "Dear God why?! Oh my God! Ah!" And I profusely yelled in my man voice that appears when I am most terrified since I have not comprehended screaming apparently and clung to my bar at all times. Then at one point it stopped and Dark and I were upside down. "Oh please just end!!!" I yelled out and I heard Dark chuckle lightly. I stared over at him and saw him grinning. I wanted to say something but then we were being brought down again and of course, the ride didn't answer my wishes and we were brought all the way backwards and forwards, the whole time Wilford just whooing.

By the time the ride had settled back down and was indeed back on the station, I pushed the straps off of me and felt my legs were shivering. When I looked down, I noticed I couldn't even control them but made an effort to stand, with the help of Dark of course, who seemed to be...grinning at my futile efforts. "Having fun yet?"

I glanced at the ground as we made our way off and I saw Google pulling off a very loopy Wilford off of the ride. "Wilford, come o-o-on now, you can walk-k-k on your own!"

"B-but we're still moving, it hasn't stopped..." 'So Wilford is a little off his rocker as well. So they are like us mostly.'

When we finally exited the area, we looked around before Dark came in front of me and asked, "Are you ready for another?" a grin slowly appearing on his pale features.

'I feel like he does this to get to me on purpose...' I looked around at the other rides but actually...felt more confident in a sense. "Yeah!"

His grinning didn't stop though as we dragged the others behind us to the next roller coaster, much to Wilford's discontent.

At the end of the day, we were all tuckered out but I wanted to go on one more ride that didn't require a whole thrilling experience. It was the ferris wheel. They would take you up up up into the air and stop periodically. Plus I feel like Wilford needed a small break from all of the rides.

When we were strapped in and ready to go, Dark sat with me and Google sat with Wilford, who eventually passed out on his shoulder kind of making me laugh a little. When we reached the highest point of the small ride and stopped, I looked around the rest of the carnival and enjoyed the populated view. Everyone didn't look like ants but it was clear that they were all going around and doing whatever assigned tasks they had set out to do. Everything under the night sky...was all so pretty. I smiled lightly as we came back down and I could feel the sleepiness getting to me.

So much so I found myself falling all over Dark. "Wh-whoops, sorry Darkimoo~"

"Sarah...are you ok?"

"I'm fiiiiiiine." I really wasn't. This was the fourth stage of sleepiness. First stage includes a little yawning and some realization that it is time for sleep. Second stage includes lots more yawning and feeling slightly off balance. Third stage includes some slurring and and little dizziness. And stage four was where it all just met and broke me to a moldable mess and I was not suitable to be around people.

"D-Dark, I think this means we should head h-home now, before she progresses any more into this...event."

"Nonsense! I'm fine! See!" I began to twirl around and almost lose balance before Dark pulled me into him. "Hoohoo, hi again Dark! Where did you come from?"

"I've been here the whole time."

"Oh......Ok!" I giggled and was going to walk away from him when I felt him pick me up again, bridal style. But in this stage...I really couldn't give a few. "Weeee! I need-need to give y'all nicknames! I know I just called you Darkimoo but that's mixing Mark's nickname. Haha maybe I should call you Darkidoo!" I realized what I said and burst out laughing in his arms. "Darkidoo! Oh oh! I made a good joke!" I looked into his eyes as he kept walking me to the truck. "Get it? C-cause Mark has an M and you have a D so instead of Markimoo it's Darkidoo! Like do doo!" Then I realized what I said and I laughed some more.

He sighed and held me closer to his chest and I felt...this warmth being cast around me. Before I could really realize what was happening, I began to get comfortable and move in closer to be able to sleep.


*Dark's POV*

I watched her as she adjusted to the new stimuli and fell right to sleep. It was as though she was drunk but she hadn't even drank a beer or anything since we've been out here! Google must've heard my thoughts because he simply muttered, "Sleepless people often act drunk Dark, she'll be fine."

I nodded as we got into the car. Google set Wilford down into the backseat and I set Sarah back there as well, we both taking the front seats. We got home safely, I telling Google to make sure to watch for the speedbumps on the way.

When we made it back to the house, I went to go place Sarah in her room and Google went to go place Wilford in the spare bedroom. As I laid her down and tucked her in, I saw how she looked. I felt...there may have been a change since I saw her last. Maybe...she looked calmer? I couldn't tell. But she did-

'No Dark, this is temporary for Christ's sakes. We can't be having this.' Just as I was about to exit her room, I felt myself pause. 'Hello Dark...'

I held my head. 'No. Not now...'

'You'll need to release me eventually. And Sarah...seems like a nice little human to TORTURE...'

'I won't let you hurt her!'

'Haha, right. I'll see you soon...'

I had control once more and I exited her room and closed the door behind me. '...' I opened the door again to lock the knob and then I left to the living room to find Google holding his head. He looked up at me. "Did i-it happen to y-you too?" I nodded and he sighed. "It's because w-w-we aren't in the other world, no-o-ow they want to come out to pl-l-lay here."

"What should we do?"

"Well...I feel we just n-need to...find a way to hea-eathily release these...moods."

"But what?"

"Well, I know for my-yself, just feeling that I have control helps. Wilfor-rd probably won't experience these th-things because he has ha-ad to use his guns recently. For you...I-I don't know...yours rely heavily o-on human interaction."

"It''s fine. I'll figure out something before it takes over."

He nodded. "Well, I can watch you re-rest for a while to make s-sure it doesn't tonight." I nodded and laid along the couch as he sat on the chair. Then I let sleep take over me.


A.N. 4000 WORDS??? I TREAT YOU ALL TOO WELL! This may be the longest chapter. I'll update this if it isn't, hope you're enjoying!

Future A.N.........It's not the longest^^'

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