What's in the Box?

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*Wilford's POV*

I hummed softly as I began looking through some of the highlights of Youtube, trying to find the next big thing! Why? Well, I had to keep up in the loop somehow and what better way than to steal people's ideas and make them your own???



"WILFORD! ARE YOU OK?!" Sarah yelled.

I stared at the newly made hole in the wall for some time before replying, "Oh I'm good! I just thought I saw...A spiderrr..."

"Did you put another hole in the wall??"

I stared at the hole. "...No."

"Wilford I swear if I go in there and there's a hole you're patching it up!"

'B-But my gorgeous hands can't touch that plaster stuff! It smellssssss.'

I quickly got up and looked around for anything I could use to cover it. I found a paper-PERFECT!

I quickly drew a quick little doodle and began to tape it against the wall. I stared at it for some time before making more drawings and putting it around the area.

The door opened and I quickly sat on the bed, smiling innocently as Sarah stepped inside. "Wilford?"


"...Why are there a bunch of drawings on the wall?"

I hummed and kicked my legs lightly. "Well, I wanted to add a bit of decor and, since you won't let me buy anything extravagant to put up-I had to make do!" I looked to her. "Do you like them~?"

She stared at the wall for sometime before coming closer to them. "You know, I do and all but...I have a high suspicion that behind one of these drawings is a hole."

I pouted. "Are you really going to remove my drawings just to benefit yourself? How selfish could you be??? I spent hard earned time on these drawings and-"

"Ok, ok! Let me pull down one drawing. Just one! And if there's nothing there then I'll leave it be-ok?"

I eyed her skeptically before nodding reluctantly. "Fiiine. But, if there's nothing there then you're putting the drawing back up." She nodded and began to look over the drawings.

She'd have to be damn lucky to pull off the one with the hole behind it-there's just no way of telling-

She grabbed the sides of one and pulled it off slowly to reveal...the hole. How in THE HELL-

"Wilford~ I think I found the hole."

I pouted for a moment before gasping and going into full actor mode. "Sarah oh my word where in the heavens did that appear? Did Google accidentally go haywire?! Did a woodpecker fly in here?? ARE THERE TERMITES-AH-"

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me over to it, pressing my face awfully close to it. "Smell."

I blinked. "Wh-What??"

"Smell it!"

I paused for a moment before complying and finding...

"See, for a short time bullets will have a smell that lingers with them. Especially if it was shot in close range." She flicked my head which made me wince. "Alright, time to cover it up."


"Would you like to be pulled by the ear? I'm sure Cineos would love to do so."

"You wouldn't."

She raised an eyebrow and her eyes switched over to his. "Wanna bet?"

"..." I growled and got up. "Fine fine, I'm coming, I'm coming..."

She smiled as her eyes returned to normal and led me to get the needed supplies.

After she showed me what I needed to do, I began to plug up the hole. I swear there has to be a better way-how else am I supposed to shoot the ghost people who dare to challenge my authority?!

I stared at the mulch like stuff and touched it slightly. Ugh, it feels sooo gross!!!!

I paused in thought...maybe...maybe I could make something with this?

I patched up the hole and moved over to my phone, typing in 'Touching weird stuff' and pressing search...and oh my...what do we have here?

I smirked as my mind began running through all of the possibilities. This was gonna be fun.


*Dark's POV*

I trusted Wilford on most things. I trusted him with his weapons...mostly. I trust that he won't go completely insane unless led to it. I could even go as far as to say I trust him with my life...My life, not the others.

But...as far as going along with his shenanigans...I can't say that I'm always 100% ok with them...especially if they require me to not actually see what I'm doing. I am a man of control after all.

"Wilford, I don't completely feel comfortable with this concept of not seeing what I'm touching. Or not even knowing what it is," I commented as he was setting up the camera.

He rolled his eyes and hummed. "Well that's the whole point! Some feel comfortable and some don't-it varies from person to person-tell him Google!"

Google began to research the little challenge and within moments came up with a synopsis. "He's right: A-According to what people have p-posted, many have a variety of reactions. Some c-can easily bypass the fear of the unknown while others ha-ave trouble. Some more than others:" He pulled up a video clip of a man standing above a blue box with who I assumed were his friends on either side.

"Here is one example: a man name Bobby is shown on a channel called Team Edge and his objective is to simply grab and hold the object in the box for 10 seconds. But here, you can see just how bothered he is by the mere construct of not knowing and this lasts for about seven minutes."

A.N. It's great guys, 10/10 would watch again because POOR BOBBY and at the same time HE'S SHOOK X'D

Video referencedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mcx4cqRXc

Original challengehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbCuFOuqh5I

I watched the clip for some time before trying to take a look at what exactly is in the box. "It looks slimy..."

"That's be-be-because it is a goat heart."

I blinked. "Do they really just have one of those things just lying around??" Google shrugged and closed the window after.

"Google! Can you go grab Sarah pleeeease?"

Google rolled his eyes but proceeded to go and retrieve Sarah anyway. Wilford hummed as he checked the set once more. "Alright-Dark, come here."

I stood in my place. "Wilford, I don't like the idea of this at all."

"Awwe come on Dark-are you really that scared~?"

My eyes squinted some and I huffed. "I'm not scared."

"Then you wouldn't mind going first, right~?" He stepped aside to reveal more of the box.

"..." I growled before stepping over to the box, granting him a smirk. "I swear if there's something in there that-"

"Don't worry about it Dark! Geez, you have so little faith in me!" He punched my arm playfully. I glared at him some and he shrank back. "I promise it won't be anything bad."

The worst part was I couldn't read his mind at that moment. He was blocking me from knowing anything.

This was going to be bad.

Sarah and Google finally came into view and Sarah blinked. "Wait, we're actually doing this? What are you gonna even put under there??"

"Who knows~? Only me!" Wilford giggled, jumping some. "Now come on-let's start the video!!! Everyone in position!"

She chuckled and came near me, followed by Google. Wilford pressed the little 'Record' button and a little red light began to glow on the side of the camera.

Wilford adjusted his tie once more before pulling out his microphone and jumping in front of the camera. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all other configurations of being~ My name is Wilford Warfstache and welcome to the 'What's In the Box?' Challenge!!!"

His ghost audience began clapping for him and Sarah couldn't help but emit a small giggle. She was so easily amused but...it was cute.

Wilford turned and smiled some before introducing us. "Aaaand over here we have our lovely contestants! First up we have Darkiplier-Dark for short." I waved some. "Oh come on now Dark, why not a little bow or something?" I stared at him. "No? Fine. Then, we have Googleplier, also known as just Google."

"Hello," Google greeted.

Wilford hummed. "Aaand last but not least, we have Sarah!"

Sarah smiled and waved. "Hello everyone!"

Wilford giggled and looked back to the camera. "So Wilford, what will the participants be doing today? Well! Let me tell you random stranger: Today they will be sticking one of their hands into the box by this hole up here-" he pointed to the hole on the top of the box. "Aaand from there they will proceed to try and guess what is inside the box! Very very simple yes buuut we'll just have to see how they react! Alright-to start us off we have Dark! Now-close your eyes Dark."

I blinked. "Why?"

He laughed. "I have to put the object in of course!" I stared at him. "Come on Dark, what are you, a scaredy cat?"

"I-I'm not, I just-"

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Sarah, be a dear and cover his eyes please."

Sarah chuckled softly and took my hand, turning me to her. She reached up and I pulled away some. "Come on Dark-you know me. I won't let anything bad happen to you while your eyes are closed."

I stared down into her brown depths before relenting and bending down closer to her, letting her cover my eyes with her warm hands.

After what seemed like forever, the hands were removed to reveal a smiling Sarah which only made me smile. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Wilford coughed. "Ahem, are you two love birds done? We have a bit of a show here y'know!"

I blushed along with Sarah and turned to face the box. I stared at the hole in the box before setting my hand next to it. Oh well-it's now or never.

I stuck my hand into the box...


*Sarah's POV*

Dark wasn't a nervous person. Usually. The only things I knew that really caught him off guard were signs of affection, not controlling a situation, and being in the dark about certain subjects-especially if everyone else in the same space is completely aware of these subjects.

But this little game couldn't possibly throw him off...right?

Nah...not Dark. Besides-Wilford hadn't put anything bad in there. From what I saw it was a metal ruler-nothing more! He'd be fiiine...

Dark reached his hand down into the box and I went over to the otherside to see exactly what was going on...and...he seemed to be avoiding the middle where the object was.

"Dark, you gotta come a bit closer to the middle. Don't be shy now~!"

Dark huffed and proceeded to let his hand get closer towards the middle. His hand BARELY skimmed over the top before he quickly retracted his hand. "Ah-what the hell Wilford?!"

Wilford blinked. "What?"

"What's in there-it's cold!"

Wilford paused before a little smirk came upon his face. "Is that really the thing throwing you off here? Everyone look-Darkidoo here is scared of the cold!" Laughs could be heard around us as Wilford laughed too.

Dark growled. "I'm not scared of the damn cold-"

"Then grab it and tell us what it is! Come on-we're not waiting all day~"

Dark growled again but stuck his hand down there again. He searched around for it some before touching it again and shaking some. Why was he shaking?? It's just a ruler-

"Now come on Dark, you gotta pick it up if you want to identify it~"

Dark glared at Wilford and began to try and pick up the object. He finally managed to pick it up and began to feel it when his face dropped some. "Wilford....is this just a ruler?"

Wilford smiled widely and clapped his hands. "Yes!!! Dark got it right!!! How about a little applause for our brave demon~"

His ghost crowd applauded Dark while I giggled some, seeing Dark's face beginning to flush. He turned and glared at me some before letting go of the object and stepping to the side. "Alright! Google is up next!"


*Google's POV*

A.N. Google didn't get a perspective last time soooo...yi-

I didn't quite understand what made Dark so paranoid. I mean sure, he didn't know what was in there but Wilford promised there wouldn't be anything particularly bad in there. Why would Wilford lie?

I stood next to the box and closed my eyes when instructed. When I opened them again, I reached into the box easily and-

My arm froze. I-It was gooey and wet and felt-I-I don't even know!

I pulled out my hand and shivered some. "Something wrong Googs~?"

Wilford...Wilford was teasing me. Me-Google.

I would not let this continue. I growled and placed my hand back in, grabbing hold of the strange liquidy object before trying to read what it was. With my most recent update I could easily scan it and feel-... "It's slime, isn't it?"

Wilford smiled and nodded. "Cooooorect!"

I let it go and shivered. "Why? And, frankly, how?" I know I didn't put anything on the list to even make the damn stuff and there wasn't anything in the house. I didn't want to find any anywhere near here because of Wilford-

Wilford chuckled and pulled out some bubbles from only God knows where. "I have my ways~"

I stared at him, my eye twitching some before moving away.

"Allllright! Now we have Sarah!"

"Alright!" she chirped, stepping up before closing her eyes.

Wilford hummed and switched out the objects rather quickly, not letting either Dark or I see it...

When I tried to go see what it was, Wilford blocked me. "Going somewhere~?"

I blinked. "...What's i-in the box?"

He smirked and wagged a finger in front of me. "I can't tell you~ Sarah has to guess!"

I frowned some but nodded, backing away as he did the same.

"Alright Sarah! You can open your eyes now!"

Sarah laughed some and opened her eyes, sticking her hand in easily. She smiled as she searched until her hand touched it. "Hmm...it's cold and sort of feels like some sort of metal...but not like the ruler..." Her eyebrows furrowed some and I heard the object being lifted.

She continued shifting the object with some confusion. "It's sort of heavy, kind of like-" "BANG!"

She jumped and dropped the object as we all went to the ground, confusion racking our faces as we searched for the source. After a moment she yelled, "WILFORD! WAS THAT A GUN?!?"

He was looking elsewhere when he claimed, "Mayyyybe..."

I face palmed internally as I stood up, seeing Dark get up and face palming in my place. "Wilford for God's sake-A gun? Really?? And it was loaded???"

Wilford turned and pouted. "I didn't know. It was an accident, I swear~! Don't you believe me Sarah?"

We watched as Sarah recovered from falling to the ground, slowly but surely but...it wasn't her any longer. It was...Cineos.

Cineos glared at Wilford some before offering a smirk. "Huh, seems like someone screwed up~"

Wilford gulped and took off in a flash. "YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME ALIVE!!!"

Cineos just chuckled and took off after him quickly.

I shook my head and went to grab the supplies for the freshly made hole. That honestly could've been worse.

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