The Changes - Part 2

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My mother hugged me in the living room of Alex's and my new apartment. "Be sure to call me if anything happens," she said in a hushed tone as she gazed straight into my eyes.

'If anything happens?' Did she think Alex and I were going to have problems? "What do you mean?" I questioned, not even hiding the suspicion and displeasure in my expression.

She kept an innocent face. "You know... anything." Her meaningful look reminded me that there were things other than Alex she might be worried about. They were my lifeline in Ottawa when my depression peaked, so maybe she just wanted me to know they were still there for me if my mental health declined again.

My expression softened. "Yeah. Thanks."

Mama Camejo, having already hugged her son, was standing by the door, purse in hand. Lily had already said goodbye and gone down to the complex's dog walk to let King pee before they got on the road.

My father hugged me and smiled weakly. "Take care, Liam." My smile mirrored his.

Alex kissed his tía's wrinkly cheek as she held and rubbed his hand. When my eyes met Ms. Camejo's, her shoulders relaxed. She stepped towards me and put her hand on my arm, then, standing on her toes, kissed my cheek.

And then they were gone.

Alex turned to me and grinned. "What's with that look? My mom just gave you her approval!"

I'd been in confused shock. Was that what it meant? A grin slid onto my face as well. "I love you."

Arms wrapping around my neck, Alex brought his lips to mine. In all honesty, our parents' tenseness had transferred to me. Or, maybe it was officially having moved to the city. I was nervous, to say the least. This was a totally new start. Alex and I were starting a new chapter together and I wasn't sure what was next. Then there was the fact that all this was just for me. Alex had been here for four years already; he had friends and got a job for a major news source he'd already interned with. The only new part of this for him was me. Would we really be okay?

The doorbell rang and Alex pulled away to raise an eyebrow. "Did they leave something?"

I glanced around the apartment for purses or phones as Alex opened the door. In front of his face was a giant case of toilet paper.

"I forgot to bring up the toilet paper," his mother said, peeking her head from behind. "What are you waiting for? Take it!"


After Alex agreed to give me another chance that Christmas of our third year, I spent the days trying to rekindle our friendship. Text messages, FaceTime, Facebook, phone calls... When I mentioned moving to Toronto after graduating, he was supportive. When I talked about us rooming together, his voice turned hesitant as he chuckled and mumbled maybes. But following my confession of love and our agreement to date, he tweaked his plans slightly to adapt to me. 

The one bedroom he'd planned for could stay one bedroom since we were dating. The location didn't change because the cheaper areas were the cheaper areas. But he included me in every decision. Which apartment, which furniture, which dishes, which bedsheets... I didn't dare make any choices; what right did I have? Decisive, stubborn Alex didn't seem phased by me leaving things up to him. Still, he'd always ask first when it came to the next thing. The apartment we were renting and all the furniture in it had been 90% paid for by Alex. 9% were graduation gifts. 1% came from me. I was basically mooching off my boyfriend. 

Alex had been planning everything for himself since before he came to Toronto for uni. He'd had a list and a timeline. He had talent and personality. So, naturally, everything had fallen into place by the time he received his degree.

If only I had been able to spend last Summer working full time instead of taking courses to catch up on credits. If only I had decided on photography to begin with, then I wouldn't have needed to catch up on credits. 

If only Alex and I had been together since high school, then we would've been planning together since high school.

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