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So life was better. The Olympian Coven took over the Volturi's job as enforcers. What was different was how they ruled. They decided to make a counsel of the different vampire clans and wanderers. When things needed to be discussed or every ten years, which ever came first, a counsel was held. Under a new law, made by Percy, vampires started to drink only animal blood. Though there were mistakes at first, especially for the older vampires, everyone tried their best for this new law. It took a couple years, but in the end it was actually better for the vampire race.

The shifters were also satisfied about the rule, since they had been sworn to protect humans. With the Forks area becoming the epicenter for vampire activities more shifters were born. They eventually became allies with the vampires and helped them.

As for Leah and Percy it was still rocky to begin with. Percy showed her what it meant to be a goddess and like Chaos had predicted Zeus had been mad, however after Percy threatened him her calmed down. Percy still had hard times the first couple years they were together. It took a while for Leah to help Percy along with his family and remaining friends. She remained by his side and helped him every step of the way. After almost ten years he was finally able to move on from Annabeth and the two started a more romantic relationship. Five years after that they decided to have children, their first were twins, a god and goddess. They named them Annabeth and Luke. Another year later they had another girl named Zoe. Each time a child was born Percy, with Leah's blessing, named their children after his fallen friends. So the two lived a  life, different than either ever suspected, but a happy one none the less. 

That's a Wrap! Well I know this was short and I warned you that it would be. But I finished it! I hoped you all liked it! I am rededicating this to oliv68, because without her this would never had been written. Thank you Olivia! Also a thank you for all who have read this! I hope you enjoyed it! If any of you have ideas for me to write just message me. It doesn't guarantee that I will write it, I do start school again January 19th. So any story I do write will either be short again or will be written at a snail pace when ever I get time. I am however always happy to hear ideas. 

~Lady Tempus~ 

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