Part Three : Chapter Eight

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Isaac was driving his mother's car, funnily bobbing his head to the music, encouraging me to do the same. I emulated and puckered my lips, resembling an Ostrich which made me giggle. I admitted humorously, "I can't keep a straight face and do this!"

"You don't have to. Just enjoy the beats," he referred to the rap song which consisted solely of beat-boxing and explicit words, yet thoroughly catchy.

"I can guess where we're going." My voice was drowned in the beats and Isaac enquiringly raised his eyebrows. "I said that I can guess where we're going!"

"Oh yeah?"

I turned down the volume a little, immediately feeling guilty at spoiling his fun. "Did you even hear what I said?"

He ceased dancing with his head, focusing on the empty road. "Where do you think we're going?"

"This road leads to your university so I hope we're not headed there," I said warily and he looked sheepish. "Isaac, It's so bloody far! We won't make it home before it gets dark."

"I won't put you in trouble. You have my word."

"And how worthy is your word? You told me we're going to get something to eat."

"Which we are," he said cheekily and swerved right, to the drive-through of Mc Donald's and considerately asked me what I wanted before he ordered.

I received the paper bags of hot, fried food and peeping inside, I mumbled sorrowfully, "It's unfair . . . I don't feel like arguing with you anymore . . . You bought me for some fries and burgers . . . " I fished out a crisp french fry and popped it in my mouth. "I don't mind though . . . "

He grinned in satisfaction as I bit into my Big Mac, conscious about the sauces smearing on my lips and the lettuce dropping. He smoothly looked away so as to not increase my evident embarrassment. I took my sweet time with the burger and fries, giving them all my love and attention.  When I was done and sipping the iced caramel latte, I had a foolish epiphany which I should have had ages ago. "Why are we going to your uni?"

Isaac who was dreamily lost in his own thoughts and his ears which were accustomed to my chewing noises perked up. "I was waiting for so long for you to ask that."

"See, that much I trust and love you---"

"Love food," he corrected gently.

"Alright, alright, you win," I surrendered, shaking the latte to see the thick liquid inside swirl.

Tiredly placing his head on his hand which was resting against the car door and the other hand lazily on the steering wheel, he said, "It would be a child's job to kidnap you. The only effort is to buy you food."

"Come on, you're no stranger to me to cause any danger." I innocently laid my hand on his thigh.


"Yeah, my darling?" I giggled at my own words.

He laughed boyishly, shaking his head. "Let me concentrate on the road."

"You know when I was little . . . " I playfully raised my first two fingers and motioned them to walk like a man on his thigh. "A toddler . . . My parents had to take me along to the movies because there was no one to watch me. There I wouldn't let them focus on the movie and to shut me up, my dad had to get out every once in a while to buy me ice cream so I would remain quiet."

"Your dad is a great man. As a kid, I wanted to grow handsome like him," he confessed with a wistful smile.

"You're handsome," those words flew out of my mouth and Isaac's neck turned a vivid, pink colour. "Okay Mister Handsome, why are we going to your uni?"

"We aren't going to the uni exactly---" he was going to add more but decided otherwise. "You'll see."

"Don't leave me on suspense," I protested, but he smiled smugly. "Heartless! People these days are absolutely heartless!" I exclaimed, staring at the kindest man that I knew and loved.


Isaac led me excitedly to the building, holding my hand tightly as if afraid that I would break free and run away before he could show me the surprise. This particular building was imposing with approximately thirty floors and walls painted a nude beige colour. The guard greeting us cordially, reminding me briefly of my dad who was doing the same in some other similar building.

All the way up in the immaculate elevator, Isaac was checking my face with twinkling eyes. He even leaned down to happily kiss me all over my lips and neck which made me giggle and shove him aside (there were cameras present). We arrived at the twenty-second floor and the first flat closest to the elevator was apparently our destination. Isaac retrieved the keys which jingled and opened the polished wooden door.

He stepped in first and stared expectantly at me.

"Wow," I reacted lamely at the vacant, clean apartment which was devoid of any furniture.

He clicked his tongue, discontent with my reaction and grabbing my hand, took me to the balcony. He pushed open the glass, sliding doors and cool breeze drifted in, the entire city containing houses and cars tiny like an anthill with ants below. I inhaled deeply, clutching the railings. "OK, this was worth the drive."

"I'm going to move in here this coming semester," he announced, his mop of curls swaying a little and his pale-grey eyes scanning the city, following each perceptible movement with child-like thrill. Suddenly, they were on me, steadfastly looking at me. "Do you like this place?"

"Yeah," I breathed, sensing this tension that was forming in the air floating between us.

"Move in with me," he said without any hesitation.


"You have applied to colleges here and I know you'll get accepted, I know it," he said determinedly. "Maybe it feels soon for you and I get that . . . There are still days left, you don't have to answer now. We can see how these days go---"

I stood on my tip-toes and with the wind beating my loose hair, I caught his lips in mine and swallowed those uncertain words. With him, I believed in the wonderful possibilities that the future held, not the uncertainties. From the corner of my eye, I saw a small bluebird gaily perched on the railing and the minute I pulled away, it fluttered its wings and flew away in the limitless sky.

"There's so much to taking into account and so many things to go right and to convince my father- to convince my father will be the biggest deal of all," I said hastily as he lovingly held my face in his hands. "But," I paused and pecked his chin like a bird. "I want to move in with you."

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