Part Three : Chapter One

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I tossed my cheaply done turquoise blue-dyed hair, staring at myself in the foggy mirror and wondering why the fuck I did it. The more I stared dismally at the mirror, the more out of place I looked. All I needed was a nose ring and I would resemble the stereotypical girl living in a shabby trailer.

Then reality mocked me, I would soon be the stereotypical girl living in a shabby trailer if my father and I didn't come up with a refined plan.

"Papá," I called out, slipping into the black, synthetic jacket and walking towards my father who stood searchingly in the living room, dressed in his gingham shirt and khaki pants.

His eyes settled on me in relief mingled with a little shame. He mumbled enquiringly, "Why are you wearing that jacket?"

"It's not bad. Here take it." I struggled to remove the guard's jacket that was his now since he got a job as a regular day guard at a commercial building. He was vividly embarrassed about this duty which required no qualification and years of expertise in an advertisement firm. I was doing my best to quell his shame and I announced, "I'll come to your place for lunch."

"No, no." His eyes briefly flickered to my dyed hair, but thankfully he made no comment about it. "It'll be tiring for you to walk all the way, mi hija."

"I would enjoy a nice walk," I insisted, wanting to make him feel that he shouldn't be humiliated about his new job. At least, he hadn't sorrowfully given up. I suggested sprightly, "I'll bring noodles from Sam's store."

He opened his mouth to protest but instead sighed defeatedly.

"There are omelettes in the kitchen." He hesitated momentarily, then kissed the top of my head. "You don't have to bring noodles."

"I will," I said obstinately and he left, sighing over and over again.

Chewing the omelettes, I frantically tried to make my horrendous hair appear remotely decent, but I failed by a wide margin. I was irritated by the time I was finished with my attempts, finding a ghastly amount of dry strands tangled in the comb which nearly elicited tears in my eyes. I swallowed hard, grabbing my keys, phone and empty wallet and heading out.

My agenda was to rush to Bailey's Nuts and tightly wear the red cap to conceal my hideous hair from my boyfriend, Isaac. My boyfriend. My, my, my, my, my . . . It was so frightening that I could claim him as my own like a brand, new family with two harmless words possessing the potential to cause so much harm to my feelings and the tranquillity of my mind. My thoughts randomly drifted to him during the day, remembering his wrinkly smile and wondering what he was doing.

When he woke up, did he forcefully rub his skin to fade the mortifying sleep marks? Did his gums bleed a little while brushing his teeth? Did he add sugar to a bowl of cereal in milk as per my assumption since he had a sweet tooth?

Despite my clear fondness for him, I was greatly relieved to not find him in Bailey's Nuts before me as I hurriedly entered.

"Zip it," I said tartly to Tony and Lola gaping in bewilderment at me and they wordlessly exited to the pantry.

The second that I loosely got all my blue hair which was dyed haphazardly from my ears till my ends under the cap, Isaac languidly sauntered in through the glass doors. His dancing eyes connected to mine and in an instant, he pulled me by my waist for a kiss. The tip of the cap interfered us and before he could remove it, I torturously wriggled out of his welcoming arms.

His pale-grey eyes as if seen moonlight during the day was deeply puzzled and I firmly fixed my cap, not meeting his confounded look.

"Hey, hey, hey." He swiftly blocked my path before I could escape. Then he lifted my chin up gently and with one quick motion of my hand, I held on to the cap. His eyes curiously flickered to the top of my head and before he could touch my cap, I ducked away. "Hmmm. What's underneath there?"

He playfully reached again and I swatted away his hands. I staggered back and warned, "Don't Isaac, don't you dare---"

"Oh, a customer," he intervened and the second I dropped my guard, he naughtily picked the cap, causing my blue hair to cascade down till my breasts.

"This was great," I muttered peevishly, looking down and snatching the cap from him. "Now's the chance to break up. If you take any longer, it'll be harder to get rid of me."

"How about . . . " He plucked the cap out of my hands. He wore it and glided across the chess-tiled floor, a funny imitation of Michael Jackson's moonwalk. I burst out laughing which ceased when he sharply threw the cap at me as a finale act and met my eyes with a genuine expression. "Never, Ana."

"If I have to put up with that . . . " I raised my eyebrows and he grinned boyishly. "Then it's only fair you put up with this hair."

"Agreed." He stepped closer to me, once again taking me in his arms and I was backed against the white wall in the corner. His eyes were focused on my hair and he ran his slender fingers through it, then lightly smacked my face with it. It was like having a broom tickle the side of my face and I couldn't resist a small smile. I peacefully closed my eyes, balancing on my toes and tilting my head up. Soft lips immediately met mine with a beautiful tenderness like having a fluffy sponge cake melt in my mouth.

"You make kissing not gross," I murmured and his feather-like caress on my cheeks was lulling me to sleep.

He was the embodiment of a lazy, rainy day where clouds were a gentle grey colour like his eyes and rain pleasantly poured outside while I viewed the world through the little water droplets on my window, safe and cuddled up.

"This is strange, but a lovely sight," Lola interrupted, her tone teasing and Isaac and I unwillingly broke apart.

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