you shall be picked!

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She looks like the picture


I look down my pelt shaking at the thought of....the picking....even the word made a ripple of fear on my black and white pelt I looked up I see my sister Cloverpaw and Silentpaw

(Silentpaw )


Silentpaw was always treated differently there had been talk of her speaking to...kittypets! Well Cloverpaw was liked by many but sometimes she would get random scars and we still don't know why. But anyways they were both walking to me Cloverpaw looked angry well Silentpaw looked worried as they saw me they ran to me "Ravenpaw where have you been!!! We have been looking everywhere for you! You do remember it's the picking day today right!" Said a worried and angry Cloverpaw

"I'm fine I have just been with my mentor is all! Don't worry about it!" I tried to convince them but I was never really the convincing typ

instead they both start shouting at me then at each other before I spoke "hello!, remember it's time fore the picking! Let's hurry or the Dark forest cats will beat us or our family's again!" This time they both lisen and start to run with me

to the clan meeting at the high stone we manged to make it a dark forest cat stood in front of us "give me your paw" he spoke emotionless, like he has done this a million times before he gets a twig and cut my paw so there is a little bit of blood on a leaf as we are done we walk away and sit in what feels like almost endless cats everywhere as I sat down I looked for my sisters we were put in different groups becouse when you become Apprentice's we get put in serten groups for the picking as I sat down I looked at the cats around me I never paid attention to the other cats only the leader,deputy,medicine cat,mum and my siblings but also my mentor Wintertail, other then that i didn't care about other cats, I wasn't really interested in them.

I had no reason to. As my mind comes back into focus and I  look back, i see the leader of the dark forest Tigerstar the most scary and evil dark forest cat there was at least in My opinion as he spoke he could make full grown warriors shake in there pelts he spoke with power as he looks at everyone "Hello Riverclan I am Tigerstar as you all may now today is the picking I will pick two she-cat's and Two Tom's to compete in a game of life and death!, 10 enter only 1 comes out" as he said that I couldn't help but shake no matter how many times I hear it I still get scared and I was also feeling sorry for the poor unfortunate Cats who would be picked for this Moons Games " As Always let's start with the Toms!" He slowly walks to a broken,dead tree as he spins it around he then picks out two leaf's and looks at it he then reads the name "Robbinpaw, swiftpaw" he said the names as two Toms walked forward Robbinpaw was a red Tom with forest Green eyes Well Swiftpaw was a Gray Tom with Dark gray tips of ears, belly and tail his eyes were a orange colour
"Now time for the she-cats" he did the same onces again "first is Sunpaw" she was a bright orange she-cat with silver/gray eyes "And Ravenpaw" as he said my name the crowed went silent as they whisper who was Ravenpaw I steped forward but my siblings scream "No Ravenpaw!! No please" they both beg and cry as well as scream I closed my eyes, I wanted to scream and run back but I walked forwards towards where the others where, Tigerstar was the first to speak "Ok and this is the Tribute's of RiverClan" as soon as he said a lot of Dark forest cats start to push me to a tree where only my friends and family can say there good byes to me it went well.....I mean as well as it could go I guess, Silentpaw was crying, Cloverpaw was carm but you could tell she wanted to cry but she knew that the last thing I wanted was another crying cat, my mother wished me good luck but the thing that made me want to cry was when my dear mentor walked in he sat down and said somthing that would destroy my already broken heart "if you come back, when you come back, I will  make sure your warrior name will be Ravenwind my dear, for your father darkwind he would be so proud of you just as me and your sisters as well as family are, you where always my favourite apprentice out of them all" he cried but i felt like I too wanted to cry so I did. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore I let all my feelings out telling him how I was scared and many more things that where bothering me but not long after he came he was rush out by a dark forest cat and just like that took me away from my life as I knew, I would win this no matter what I swear!


I hope you liked I know it's short but I wanted to post this tell me what you think will happen in the comments below thank you for reading and

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