When Dawn Meets Dusk

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“Mum I’m bored.”

“You’re always bored.” Said mum as she stopped washing up.

“Yes but this time I’m really bored”

“Why don’t you go and read a book then?”

“I’ve read them all though”

“Have you done your homework?”

“Yes!” Dawn said rolling her eyes.

“Is your room tidy?”


“Mm. Your tidy and my tidy are two different things.”

Dawn smiled sweetly.

“Why don’t you do your ironing then?”

“Nah. CBA.”

“Language Dawn.”

“Thowe mummy” said Dawn in a baby voice

“Washing up?”

“I’m not that bored.”

“It was worth a try. How about an X-Box game?”

“I’ve played them all.”

“I doubt it; I’ve bought you so many.”

“You could watch a DVD?”

“Watched them all” Dawn said sounding even more bored then she did at the start of this conversation.


“There’s nothing on I want to watch”

Mum stopped washing up and dried her hands.

“Well, there is something which I want to talk to you about and this seems like a good time to do it. Come and sit at the table”

Dawn’s curiosity rose by 2% and a further 3% when her mum came back into the room with a pad and pen.

“Okay,” said mum sitting down by Dawn.

“I know how hard it is for you sometimes when you have to amuse yourself when I’m busy doing housework, so….” Mum paused as if she was searching for the right words.

“It’s obvious you need someone to play with so…”

“Like a sibling?” said Dawn.

“Exactly like a sibling,” said Mum.

Dawn looked at her mum. “You’re not….pregnant, are you?” she asked.  “Are you?  When’s it due?  You look a bit plump so I’m guessing 3 months?”


“Have you had a scan?  Is it a boy or a girl?  Do you have a picture?  Who’s the dad?  Is it my Dad?  Oh, that would be awesome! 


Have you got back together?  Is he moving in?  Are you getting married?  Can I be a bridesmaid? 



“I’m not pregnant!”

Dawn gulped.  “Sooo . . . what you’re saying is . . . I just called you fat?”

“Ooooh yes!” said Mum.

“Sorry,” said Dawn giving her Mum a hug. 

“Just cuddly,” said Mum hugging her back.  Dawn chuckled.  “And your Dad sends his love.”

“So, if you’re not pregnant, how am I going to have a new sib?”



“I could adopt a child.”


“In this way, we can make certain choices like whether we would like a boy or girl and how old the child should be.”

“This is so cool! I’m going to be a sister.” Dawn yelled.

“Would you like a brother or sister?” asked mum as she clicked the pen and opened the pad of paper.

“Erm… A brother please?”

“Okay then. Next, younger or older?”

“Younger but not too young as Callie says they are annoying.”

“Okay. What is the minimum age you would like?” asked mum as she wrote down Dawn’s requests.

"13 as any younger would be hard to cope with." I replied. 

I think back to Callie's older brother at the age of 10, he was quite literally the devil's child. Both me and Callie hated him. That's why I don't want a brother who is younger than 13.

"So . . . let me recap. You would like a younger brother who is only a year younger than yourself?" Mum asked Dawn reading out her notes.

"Yep. That's it!"

"Okay I will look at the adoption magazine and look if there is anyone. But keep in mind that it might take a while."

"Okay mum. Can I go and tell Callie?"

"Yes you can go and talk to her but don't tell her just yet."

"Awww. How come?"

"It might take a few years untill we find one that will be suitable for this family."

"Okay so why can't I just say that we are thinking about it?" Dawn asked sounding puzzled.

"Fine but don't mention any of the requirements that you would like." sighed Mum.

"Okay! Cool. I love you mum." Dawn said as she hugged her mum before going back upstairs.

"Love you too darling."

When Dawn had gone upstairs her mum went into her own room and gets the magazine from under her bed. She then sits down at her desk and starts to look through.

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