Foreword 1

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by Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Abdur Rahim, Dami Ulum Al Arabiyya Al Islamiyya, Bury U.K.

Sayyiduna Luqman Hakim عليه السلام counselled his son with many beautiful advices. They were so beautiful that Allah • mentioned some of them in the Qur'an. Among those advices He said, "Dear son, establish salah and command good and forbid evil and be patient upon what afflicts you. Surely, these are works of courage."

Allah also says in Surah Tauba, "Believing men and believing women are friends and protectors of one another. They command good, forbid evil, establish salah, give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. It is they to whom Allah will show mercy. Surely Allah is mighty wise.

" In the hadeeth of Tamim Ad-Dari • (a Christian revert sahabi) narrated by Imam Muslim, Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم is reported to have said, "Din is wishing well." (Tamim says) We asked, "For whom Ya Rasulullah?" He replied, "For Allah, His Book, His Messenger, for the leaders of the Muslims and for their general public."

In light of the above, my beloved Maulana Abdus Subhan (may Allah keep him safe) has written this important book in which he has addressed some important contemporary issues facing the youth. As the Arabic proverb goes, "The owner of the house is more acquainted with what is in it."

Maulana Abdus Subhan is a student of Din and Dunya both at the same time. He is studying at university during the day and at a religious institute during the evenings. Many a times, he delivers lectures to the college students. He has a very good command of the English language and at the same time, as you will notice after reading this book, he has a vast knowledge of the Islamic literature.

Having that burning feeling in his heart, he was restless and he felt the pressing need to draw the Muslim community's attention towards subjects which would normally be brushed under the carpet.

This book can be described as the "need of the times" as it highlights the harms of moral decadence. It provides a rare insight into the nature of the various forms of relationships and the disastrous consequences which then follow. It gives guidance to help a person abandon a life of sin and become a pious Muslim.

In short, this book is a 'treasure of golden advice' and I have great hope that it will create an awareness of the evils of haram relationships and encourage the reader to seek the peace and tranquillity found in lawful marriage.

I pray that Allah bless this work with acceptance, grant the author the best of rewards and make it a means of guidance for the whole Ummah. Amin, Ya Rabbal 'Alamin

Abdur Rahim

One of the servants of Darul Uliim Bury U.K.

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