chapter 15

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"Aunty please no more I am really full." Aradhaya whined .

Mala glared at her." Shut up Amaya , think this as your punishment for your carelessness." She said sternly, feeding her another spoonful of soup.

Aradhaya looked at Swastika pleadingly." Don't look at me like that Aradhaya, it's not going to work." Swastika said shrugging.

Aradhaya pouted."fine but I want to go home, I don't like it here." Aradhaya said.

Mala looked at her sternly." Do you hear yourself Amaya, it's been two days only of your fracture." She said in disbelief.

"Aunty please I don't like hospital from childhood only , please aunty I promise I will listen to you all." Aradhaya said with puppy eyes.

Mala thought for sometime then looked at Swastika who nodded at her." Okay fine let me talk with the doctor but you will always be in bed no work only rest ,." Mala said and Aradhaya nodded her head with a wide smile.


"Welcome back home bhaabi." Vivian shouted lightly hugging Aradhaya who sat on her bed in Rajput mansion.

"Amaya you remember nah what doctor said, you will be in pure bed rest okay." Mala said.

Aradhaya nodded she was sad that she have sit till Soo many days like a doll plus she skipped her college on second day itself.

"Aunty please let me go to college nah I already missed it for two days,." Aradhaya said.

Everyone looked at her in disbelief." Just shut up I m like your mother Soo listen to me and rest." Mala said.

A knock Disturbed them. They saw one of the servant standing." Ma'am , someone named Nisha has come to meet Amaya ma'am ." He said.

Everyone looked excluding Aradhaya looked confused." Who Nisha,." Swastika asked.

"Aunty she is my friend." Aradhaya said.

"Oh okay, send her up." Mala said.

Few minutes later Nisha knocked on the door, she stopped looking at the other people. " Did I come in the wrong time." She asked smiling sheepishly.

Mala smiled." No beta you come at the right time we were just scolding her for even thinking of stepping out of this room and she is thinking about going to college." Mala said looking at Aradhaya disbelievingly.

Nisha chuckled a bit, " okay you both talk we will come later." Swastika said.

"You go mom , I will give these ladies some company, by the way I m Vivian Ms.Nisha." Vivian said flirtingly smriking,

Everyone of their eyes widened, Nisha looked at him amused." I m Nisha Ahuja , its nice to meet you little bro." Nisha with amused smile.

Vivian smile vanished and he cleared his throat." I..I.. have to call friend excuse me." He said embarrassed and walked out.

Everyone laughed after he left." I m sorry for his shameless flirting Dear , I hope you don't mind." Swastika said.

Wish shook her head." It's completely alright aunty and it's his age of doing these." She said smiling widely.

"Okay you guys talk ,we go now." Mala said.

As both of them left , Nisha turned towards Aradhaya." How are you Amaya, ." Nisha asked her.

Aradhaya smiled." I m fine just this stupid hand is not letting me do anything." She said pouting.

Nisha smiled." Oh I know how horrible this is, but trust me the best thing is the pampering and the love filled scolding." She said smiling wide.

Aradhaya to smiled. " By the way I made this for you." She said taking out a card from her bag.

"I know everyone bring flowers or other things but I thought this will always remain with you, I m sorry if you don't like it..I..." Nisha was blubbering but Aradhaya cut her off,

"It's Soo sweet of you Nisha, I love it very much." Aradhaya said with a wide smile.

Nisha smiled to." By the way how did you come to know about my accident." Aradhaya Asked.

"Ishaan told me," she said.

They started talking." Are you from India." Nisha asked.

Aradhaya nodded." Yes , but you are from new work right." Aradhaya asked.

"Umm well my birth place is India Shimla but because of circumstances I have to move in with Shaurya to New York." Nisha said biting her lips.

She was nervous that to might judge her character because of her staying with Ishaan, she has faced this type of situation enough to be surprised.

"Oh but don't you get scared from him." Aradhaya Asked,

Nisha blinked at her but then smiled." Nop, he is all hulky outside but a big softy inside." She said thinking about Ishaan.

"Oh you are very brave, by the way is your family to in new york or India." Aradhaya asked.

Nisha's smile vanished but then a soft smiled tugged on her lips." In New York." She said.

"Oh you are lucky i m missing my mom dad and sister but thank God Vihaan family is here, they didn't even let me feel like a outsider." Aradhaya said smiling wide.

They continued to talk, Nisha invited her to come in New York and also said that she will design her wedding dress.

"I should go now Aradhaya, it's getting late ,." Nisha said standing up. I nodded smiling.

"You take care of yourself okay I will call tomorrow,." She said Aradhaya nodded with a smile then she bid bye and left.

"Bhaabi!!!!." she looked at the door and saw Vidushi .

She jumped on the bed besides Aradhaya, she talked about her day and how Gia missed her. She also collected Aradhaya notes from Gia.

Aradhaya didn't told her about the embarrassment Vivian faced otherwise she was sure she would have make Soo much fun of him.

Mala come with dinner according diet suggested by doctor.

Aradhaya was not getting any sleep, she was tired of sleeping whole day Soo she called Gia talked with her for sometimes then read one of her medical book.

In midnight

Vihaan entered the mansion after his work filled day. He didn't bother to turn on the lights and slumped on the couch.

One thing was disturbing him from the day of Aradhaya accident.


Vihaan was listening to Aradhaya Vidushi and Vivian conversation.

He was surprised that how easily she considered his family as her whom she meet just three four days back . He was smiling looking at the way she made them understand.

He was feeling guilty for behaving like a jerk to her for no reason. Some tapped his shoulder, he turned around to see Mala standing there looking at the scene.

" I happy with your choice, never let go of her because Stones are easy to found not Kohinoor." His mother said and walked away.

End of flashback

He was Disturbed from then. Everyone of his family members loved Aradhaya and simple naive nature but then what about Amaya , she is a total opposite of Aradhaya, will she be able to win everyone just like Aradhaya.

And to cherry of the top was his guilt. Guilt of behaving like a jerk to her for no reason for blaming her for something which she doesn't have any idea, she was in the same situation as him and if someone has to be blamed then it's all three of them.

He rubbed his temple feeling frustrated." Do you always come this late." He heard a soft voice and turned his head to see Aradhaya standing.

"What are you doing here didn't doctor told you to not to get up from bed." He asked standing up.

Aradhaya gave him sheepish smile." I was bored from sleeping all day and the water jug in my room got finished." She said showing him the empty jug.

Vihaan walked towards her and snatched the jug." Doctor told you not to lift anything." He said.

"But I m lifting it with my normal hand." Aradhaya said.

"Still, come I will help you." He said walking towards the kitchen followed by Aradhaya.

He filled a glass of water for her and handed it to her." Here." He said.

She took it with a smile." Thank you, but you didn't answer my question." She said.

"No but as I was not able to fully give my attention to work from past few days it was all pending and that's why I got late today." He said.

Aradhaya nodded, she could see how tired he was from his messed up hair , wrinkled shirt , lose tie and the tired eyes.

"Did you had dinner." She asked him placing the glass on the kitchen counter.

He looked at her for sometime then shook his head." No I am feeling tired , will skip it today." He said tiredly and started to walk out but Aradhaya caught his hand. Vihaan looked at her then their joined hands and instantly Aradhaya left it.

"You are not going anywhere without having dinner." She told him sternly.

Vihaan crossed his arms." And what makes you think I will listen to you." He asked raising a eyebrow.

"Because if you don't listen to me then I will complain to Mala aunty that you intentionally skipped your dinner." She countered back.

"And here I thought this girl is naive." Vihaan muttered.

"Did you said something." Aradhaya asked and he shook his head.

"Fine you go , I will serve myself, it's already late it's not good for you to be awake till this late." He said.

"I am not going and besides I m not getting sleep to." She told him.

Vihaan shook his head and then opened the fridge , he never entered kitchen and it was always servants or his family who served him which was why it was difficult for him to serve himself.

Aradhaya looked at him amused who was from ten minutes in search mission of plates and bowls.

Vihaan looked at her who was looking down biting her lips to stop the giggles. He narrowed his eyes." What's Soo funny here Ms.Patel." he asked

Aradhaya shook her head." Nothing." She said looking down to stop herself from laughing out loud.

He shook his head and then his fall on the big dinning table where the plates and bowls are neatly arranged.

I must have looked like a complete idiot in front of her searching the whole kitchen when the things are in front of me Vihaan thought and punched him ten times.

He cleared his throat and walked towards the dining but Aradhaya stopped him." Go first wash your hands, see this is why I called you mannerless." Aradhaya said teasingly.

He glared at her and went to wash his hands. Aradhaya shook her head.

Gannu ji this guy is more impossible then a child, Don't know how di will handle him in future Aradhaya thought.

He come back after a minute and started serving himself or should we say making a mess with food.

"Vihaan ji." Aradhaya asked making him stop.

"What." He snapped feeling frustrated from the big task he was doing, fuck I didn't know serving is this difficult.

"You never did any household works." Aradhaya asked biting her lips to hide the smile.

He looked away embarrassed." I never needed to." He said still not letting his ego down.

"But then what you used to do when you were in India." She asked.

"Servants." He replied shortly hell I m not saying here that most of the time I used to eat outside or Reyansh was my personal chef

Aradhaya nodded and walked to stand beside him." Now do as I say." She said.

He opened his mouth to refuse not letting his ego down but Aradhaya cut him off." I know your ego is size of the mount Everest but it's okay to take help sometimes and I promise you that this will be between us only." Aradhaya told him like a child.

Vihaan thought for sometime then nodded, Aradhaya looked at him amused. She instructed him everything and he nearly served.

"Okay now you can go." Vihaan said sitting in the dining chair.

"No you finish till then I will give you accompany,  it's terrible to eat all alone." Aradhaya said making a face sitting.

Vihaan smiled he was touched that she thought Soo much about him." Aradhaya I want to do something for you, you saved Vidushi with your life , tell me what you need." He said.

Aradhaya looked at him shocked." Vihaan ji I never do it for gaining something, I am not a gold digger please don't say like that I see Vidushi as my own sister and friend." Aradhaya said hurt.

Vihaan looked at her in horror." What , oh no shit Aradhaya you are taking me wrong , I didn't mean like that , I want to do something for you otherwise I will feel guilty , I behaved like a complete jerk to you but you did Soo much for me please let me do something to lessen my guilt please yaar." He pleaded. He was shocked that she took his words in s totally different way, never in a million years would he think Aradhaya as a gold digger, not her .

Aradhaya made a cute thoughtful expression tapping her chin."hmmm let me think." She said.

Vihaan smiled at her. "Ok you will give me anything I want right ,." Aradhaya asked excitedly Vihaan nodded his head.

"Then be my friend, I don't like to fight with anyone and always get sad when I behave badly with anyone and from the time we arrived we are only fighting fighting and fighting, let's be friends nah." Aradhaya said with cute pout and puppy eyes.

She is a mixture of childishness and maturity Vihaan thought smiling. He nodded his head." Okay then we are friends from now on and no fighting." He said and she grinning widely.

"Hi I am Vihaan Rajput." He said forwarding his hand.

Aradhaya smiled sweetly and forward her normal hand." Hello I am Aradhaya Patel." She whispered her name and Vihaan chuckled.

"By the way Vihaan ji why did you behaved like that with me." She asked.

"I will tell you some other day now you go to bed I am also feeling sleepy, good night and stop calling me ji." Vihaan said standing up, but it was a excuse he was not ready to tell her the truth yet.

Aradhaya she didn't pressured him just nodded with a smile." Good night Vihaan."she said smiling.


How was the chapter, do tell me.

Stay safe all of you,



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