chapter 25

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Authors POV

Aradhaya climbed downstairs, she saw everyone at the breakfast table except Vihaan, she sighed in relief as she was thankful for it , after yesterday night incident she doesn't want to face him.

She went to the table sat beside Vidushi who smiled at her." Good morning Bhaabi." Vidushi said smiling

Aradhaya smiled lightly." Bhaabi didn't you sleep yesterday well you look tired." She asked frowning and everyone else looked at her.

Aradhaya looked down how can she tell them that yesterday whole night she cried, cried in helpless of not having the power to stop the Strom of unknown feeling inside her, frustration of not knowing what is happening with her, and pain and guiltiness of not feeling guilty for these feelings.

"Bhaabi where are you lost." Vivian voice brought her out of her thoughts.

Aradhaya smiled lightly and shook her head." Noth......" She was cut off as a loud sneezing sound coming in the room,

They all looked at the stairs to see Vihaan coming downstairs sneezing continuesly his nose was red from continues sneezing.

"Goo.....*sneeze*.....good....*sneeze.. morning." He said sitting in his place.

Mala and Swastika looked at him worried." Vihaan how did you caught cold." Swastika asked worriedly.

Vihaan glanced at Aradhaya who was looking at him in worry." Mom yesterday I drink cold water to much...." Vihaan lied.

Mala glared at him." Vihaan you know very well that you easily catch cold then why did you drink cold water that much, anyway did you took medicine." She asked.

Vihaan nodded." Bhai your whole face is red , why don't you rest today." Vivian said.

Vihaan shook his head." I can't Viv and Don't worry I have taken medicine I will be fin*sneeze* fine till n*sneeze* night." He said.

Aradhaya was feeling guilty it's because of her he got sick I should have listened to him Gannu ji , he denied but still I forced him and dragged him in the rain , stupid me Aradhaya thought.


"And you know Nisha and I talked yesterday whole night, she showed me the pictures of her cute dog Ben....he Soo cute........" Gia was blabbering but Aradhaya was lost in her thoughts, she was worried for Vihaan.

Gia saw her lost and snapped her fingers in front of her." Huh." Aradhaya said surprised.

"Babe I m talking with you and here you are lost in your thoughts." Gia said.

"Babe are you thinking About Vehaan." Gia asked hesitated hoping her answer would be no.

Aradhaya looked at her surprised." How do you know." She asked.

Gia sighed closing her eyes." I just guessed, but tell me what are you thinking." Gia Asked.

"Yesterday I forced Vihaan ji to drench in rain with me but today he got sick and went to office like that only." Aradhaya said biting her lips in worry, she didn't wanted to recall what happened after that.

"Didn't he took medicine." Gia asked.

Aradhaya nodded in yes." Then why the hell are you worried , I mean common it's cold he will be okay tomorrow." Gia said she knows she sounded way to mean but she didn't wanted to let Aradhaya get to much involved with Vihaan, little did she knows she is a bit late to stop Aradhaya's heart from blooming into the forbidden feelings.

Aradhaya looked at her in disbelief." Don't be mean Gia , it's because of me he is caught cold, and I m not going to stop worrying until I do something for him." Aradhaya told her sternly.

You don't know what you are getting yourself into Ara-Dhay Gia thought sadly.

"Okay why didn't you picked up my call yesterday." Gia asked annoyed.

Because I was crying," I fall asleep early." She lied.

"Duh , you are such a bore you know yesterday night Nish and I had long video chat, we wanted to have a group video chat but you didn't picked up." Gia complained.

Aradhaya smiled." Looks like you and Nish have become good friends." Aradhaya said.

Gia grinned nodding, their bell rang and they stood up from the campus and started walking towards their next class.


"BHAABI, MUMMY...PAPA... WHERE ARE YOU SEE WHAT I FOUND." Vidushi shouted running down the stairs, behind her was a frantically running Vivian.

Everyone looked at them," what happened what did you found." Swastika asked.

Vivian looked at Aradhaya with pleading eyes, Aradhaya looked at him confused and he mouthed Avneet causing her eyes to widened.

"Viv is having a" Vivian covered her mouth and grinning sheepishly at his parents.

"What is she talking Vivian let us hear to." Mala asked.

"It's nothing badi maa,...few days back I stole one of her favorite earplugs and today she found them and come here to complain to you guys." He said nervously laughing while Vidushi shook her head furiously.

Everyone narrowed their eyes at him and he started sweating,." Hey let's go to my room and watch some movies what say Vivian." Aradhaya butted and Vivian nodded frantically dragging a wriggling Vidushi with him.

In Aradhaya's

Vidushi pushed him hardly and glared at him in murder." You pig" Vidushi was cursing him continuesly.

"Okay that's enough Vidu I m your elder brother even if it's for two minutes , Soo please save one percent respect for me." Vivian said sarcastically.

Vidushi rolled her eyes and turned towards Aradhaya who was walking towards them after closing the door

"Bhaabi you know this jerk has a girlfriend but didn't even thought tell his cute... little innocent heartbroken bhaabi...oh...god... please come and take me with you my own brother betrayed me." Vidushi said dramatically wiping her tears.

Aradhaya bite lips to stop laughing while Vivian rolled his eyes muttering drama queen.

"Vidu for your kind information she is not my girlfriend, I mean I love her but she only see me as a friend and I m afraid she will break our friendship if gets to know about my feelings." Vivian said sadly.

"Aww my cute brother why you fikar when Vidushi is here." Vidushi said clicking her fingers while winking.

"No don't do anything of your evil mind first let her complete her studies unlike me she way to much passionate about business and I don't want anything to distract her from her studies." Vivian said seriously.

Vidushi and Aradhaya both awwed and pulled his cheeks." Stop it both of you, don't pull my cheeks it will get stretched." Vivian said irritated but with a hint of blush while rubbing his cheek.

Vidushi turned towards Aradhaya." You know about his first love nah what is her name....yeah Avneet." Vidushi asked.

Aradhaya nodded, Vidushi turned towards Vivian and glared at him." I m still angry at you, you didn't told me anything about her." Vidushi said while pointing a accusing finger towards him.

Vivian sighed." What should I do to gain your forgiveness my highness." He asked.

Vidushi grinned evilly."I m saving one for future and for now I want you to intruduse your friend to us, after all I should also get along with my another future SIL." Vidushi said winking while Vivian blushed.

"Acha now I think we should go to dinner otherwise until will come and drag all of us with ears." Aradhaya said and they all chuckled walking out of the room.

They went to the dining and saw everyone there they settled in their place.

"Dad where is Vihaan Bhai." Vidushi asked.

"He is in his room." Vijay said.

"Won't he have dinner." Vivian asked.

"No , you know how cranky he becomes when sick , I told him to have a little but he gave me the excuse of work." mala coming out of the kitchen.

"Don't worry di I will make soup for him," Swastika said.

They all had dinner while Aradhaya thought something.

After spending sometimes laughing and chatting everyone Went to sleep. Swastika was in the kitchen making soup when Aradhaya come.

"Amaya beta do you need something." Swastika Asked.

Aradhaya hesitated." Aunty if you don't mind can I make the soup." Aradhaya asked.

Swastika shook her head smiling warmly." No beta you go to sleep you have college tomorrow nah , I will manage." She said.

"No's okay with me actually my parents and sister used to love my handmade soup that's why I thought to make it for Vihaan ji too..." Aradhaya bite her tongue realizing what she said and smiled sheepishly.

Swastika chuckled." Okay you make." She said and let her make the soup.

Aradhaya grinned.

In Vihaan's room.

Aradhaya knocked on his door and opened it after hearing his words. She entered inside and saw him sitting on the bad with his laptop in his lap , his was glasses, he was wearing a t-shirt and his hair was messed up like always,

He looks sooo.... Aradhaya stopped herself from completing it and shook her head.

Vihaan looked up not getting any response and saw her standing looking lost." Aradhaya what wrongs do you think something." He asked.

Aradhaya looked at him and nodded." Yes , how is your health I m really sorry I shouldn't have forced you yesterday." Aradhaya said guiltily.

Vihaan's shook his head with a smile." It's totally fine Aradhaya, it's not your fault that I cold and I don't get along." He joked to lighten the mood, they both were trying hard to act normal and forget everything after yesterday incident but both of them knows it's not something which they can forget ever in their life,.

Aradhaya laughed a bit, Vihaan smiled seeing her laughing her laugh was Soo musical why her laugh is Soo different Soo , why it's Soo.....warm and soothing Vihaan thought.

Aradhaya looked at him to see him again looking at with that intense which made her feel weird thing in her stomach, she cleared her throat and Vihaan snapped up from his thoughts.

"Umm i..ahemm...umm.. brought soup for you." Aradhaya said stammering a little.

Vihaan head snapped up hearing it." What no way , I don't like soup, who the fu....." He stopped as Aradhaya glared at him." I mean who the crazy person send you here with this soup, everyone here Knows I don't like that....wait it is mom aren't it... she always force me to could Choti maa to she is the queen of emotional blackmailing..but not this time..I..m not a child anymore... before they used to say that it will make me strong...but... now I m enough strong...too........" Vihaan continues blabbering was stopped as Aradhaya shoved a spoonful of soup inside his mouth.

He looked at her with widened eyes and was about to throw it but...." Spill it and I tell Swastika aunty that you called her crazy and not only that I still have that picture of you and Vivian sleeping like two log on social media." Aradhaya threatened and Vihaan gulped it down sending a glare at her to which she smiled sheepishly.

"I should stop you from going anywhere close of those devil girls, they are spoiling that innocent mind of yours," Vihaan muttered.

"Now that I think you gulped it down I Take that as yes, Soo here common finish it common." Aradhaya told him handing him the bowl.

Vihaan made a face." Don't make that face, its not that bad , Swastika aunty told how you show tantrums when it's come to soup that why I added more things to make it testy." Aradhaya told him

Vihaan send a annoyed look at her and took a sip hmmm it's not that bad  he thought," everyone fears me and here my own family always blackmailing me." Vihaan muttered shaking his head.

Aradhaya laughed a bit , she took his laptop and saved the work and switch it of." What are you doing." Vihaan asked her while sipping a spoonful of soup.

"Shutting down your work, it's already 12:00 am and you are still working." Aradhaya said taking off his spectacles.

She was about to put it back in the case but Vihaan stopped her, he put the empty bowl on the bedside table and made her wear spectacles.

"Vihaan ji what are you doing." Aradhaya asked as he fixed the big glasses on her.

"Shhh." He shushed her and took out his mobile.

"Vihaan ji no , I look horrible in glasses." Aradhaya said raising her hand took them off but stopped looking at Vihaan glare.

"But I think you look Damm cute, now look here." He said clicking her pictures.

"Vihaan ji who clicks picture at this hour." Aradhaya whined.

But she only got a simple."shut up."

"Here look how cute you look ." Vihaan said showing the pictures.

"But still...." Aradhaya whined.

"I m going to post them in my Instagram." Vihaan said making Aradhaya horrified.

"What.. no you... won't." Aradhaya said.

"Oh try me, I m not going to let this Damm cute picture to get wasted....and .. uploaded.." Vihaan said showing her the notification.

Aradhaya glared at him and left the room stomping her foot but Vihaan didn't miss the small smile on her lips.

He smiled and looked at the caption which read' the cute innocent Angel.'

Next morning

"Okay Nish I Soo we will pick you up after college, yeah first we will visit London eye then....." Aradhaya was walking Downstairs while talking with Nisha when she bumped into someone.

She closed her eyes to welcome the pain but felt to strong arm instead. She slowly opened her eyes and meet with the most mesmerizing Brown orbs which drowns her in them, his strong cologne hit her nostril making her making her feel dizzy.

Vihaan was lost in the innocence beauty in his arms , he eyes took everything tiny details of her , she and Amaya both were twins but then why his heartbeat like this whenever he is close to her, why doesn't it feel wrong.

"Aradhaya are you there....hello... Aradhaya...." Nisha voice brought them back to reality, Aradhaya looked down at her mobile which she was clutching.

Vihaan made her stand properly." N-nish I will call you later." Aradhaya said why stuttering gannu ji

Aradhaya started walking Downstairs." Still angry." Vihaan said following.

Aradhaya ignored him mentally smiling, she greeted everyone sat in the breakfast table, they all had breakfast with Vidushi and Vivian bickering.

"Vidu come today I drop you guys." Vihaan said as they were about to sit inside the car.

Aradhaya rolled her eyes but inside she was feeling giddy, they all say inside drove towards College.

In college

"Byee Bhaai." Vidushi said climbing of the car.

Aradhaya was about to climb off but Vihaan stopped her." Still angry , okay I also see till when you will stay this fake angry on me." Vihaan said smriking.

Aradhaya showed him her tongue and climbed of the car hurriedly,.

She was smiling like a stupid when she joined Vidushi who was standing in the entrance waiting for her.

Vidushi raised a eyebrow teasingly and Aradhaya looked down causing her to chuckled, they both started walking inside, but Vidushi and Aradhaya both felt something off, most of the students who were in the campus were either staring at Aradhaya or whispering among them.

Aradhaya and Vidushi both looked at each other confused, Aradhaya was feeling uncomfortable by the way everyone was staring at her.

They saw a panicked Gia running towards them." Gia what happened why are you looking Soo scared." Vidushi asked.

Gia shook her head and turned towards Aradhaya." Ara-dhaya there there you go back no need to attend college today, I will send you all go." Gia said making both of them shocked.

"Gia what are you saying, why would return back, please tell me what happened." Aradhaya asked her.

"Aradahaya please go back, I  m telling you nah there is no need of attending college." Gia said frustrated.

" Gia girl calm down and tell us why are you behaving like this." Vidushi asked.

Gia was about to say something but Aradhaya noticed Jackson and went towards him.

"Jackson it's good I meet you see nah Gia is behaving Soo weirdly , do you know....." Aradhaya was asking him but he cut her off,

"Shut up... don't you dare talk with me, I feel disgusted to even look at girls like you." Jackson harshly Making Aradhaya and Vidushi to look at him shocked.

"J-jackson w-why are you talking like that." Aradhaya asked him with heavy voice.

"Oh look who is here." They heard a voice and saw some group of students walking towards them.

They were the same students who insulted her.

"See guys our Soo called Innocent nerdy is here." Monika one of the girl said mockingly.

Vidushi walked towards them."mind your words Monika Jackson,..or I won't hesitate a bit to complain to the trustee about all this." Vidushi told them angirly.

"You are all welcome Vidushi." Monika said smiling sarcastically.

She turned towards Aradhaya." You know Aradhaya I was really a fool to call you unsmart that day I m really sorry...... A girl like you who trap rich man's is anything but unsmart." Monika said with a mocking smile.

Aradhaya's head snapped up hearing." Monika mind your language." Gia said angirly.

"You don't talk are not less than her.... everyone in the college knows about your dirty little secret." Monika said.

Aradhaya turned towards Gia who looked down while fisting her hand and she surprised to see tears in her eyes.

"Monika do you have any idea what punishment I can give you for falsely accusing Aradhaya and Harassing." Vidushi asked her clenching her teeth.

"Oh trust me I m not dumb to accuse her without any prove, see this." Monika said and showed her mobile.

Vidushi snatching it and looked at it there were two pictures of them, it was from the rainy night , in one picture Vihaan was tugging a strain of her hair while another picture was taken in a way it was looking like they were kissing.

"Now say what will you say ." Monika said smugly.

Vidushi looked at Aradhaya who was looking down her eyes were red and Misty but she didn't said a single word.

Vidushi wanted to defend her but she was helpless as Aradhaya told her to not tell them anything about her relationship with Vihaan.

"You know I always thought that you are innocent and simple nice girl but I was wrong you are also like those girls who are after rich man's and their money, tell me are you Vihaan Rajput new fli.........."  Before Jackson could complete a hard punch was landed on him making him fall on the ground.

Everyone gasped and looked behind Aradhaya to see Rage filled Vihaan standing there, his jaw was clenched tight eyes red with rage, hand shaking in rage.

His eyes meet the hurt filled teary brown and his eyes softened for a second but the rage come back looking at the redness of her eyes.

He walked towards Jack who's lips were bleeding, he made stood up by holding his collar."how dare you... how dare you to even utter those words about her..... HOW FUCKING DARE YOU." Vihaan shouted and everyone flinched in fear , Vidushi never in her life saw him this much angry it's like the person in front of her is not her brother.

"V-V-V-VIHAAN ji please stop." Aradhaya's shaking voice stopped him from killing Jackson there only.

"If you were not her friend then I would have cut your tongue for uttering those words about her." Vihaan whispered dangerously to him pushed him in the floor.

"Mr.Rajput you are defending her but tell us one thing , why she was in that compromising position with you...who is she to you.... The girl who gets in a compromise position with anyone is called Wh......" Monika was saying but stopped as Vihaan showed her his hand.

"Don't just don't... I don't want to anything which I will regret later...and trust me you are lucky that even After insulting MY FIANCE you are standing here... trust me I m not a gentleman I only give respect to those who deserves it be it man or woman, the way you were insulting humiliating a girl even without knowing the full story is not something which will gain you respect from me, and you all wanted to know nah why Aradhaya is in that compromising position with me then listen carefully she is MY GIRLFRIEND, MY FIANCE, AND MY FUTURE WIFE and she can get into any compromising position with me." When Vihaan finished everyone was gasping like a fish

"And yes I would like to discuss this matter with the trustee and make sure you guys don't get away without proper lesson it's Vihaan Rajput promise." Vihaan told them and held Aradhaya hand and dragged her away from there.

In the parking

Vihaan left Aradhaya hand and run a hand through his hair, he was feeling hard to control himself, he wanted Take out his frustration on something.

He turned towards Aradhaya who was silently standing there looking down. He walked towards her and pulled her in his arms hugging her tightly, Aradhaya stiffened at first but relaxed soon she needed that hug she wanted someone to hold her, she never faced something like this ever in her life, the humiliation, the words which she even couldn't imagine to utter the accession,

Vihaan soon felt her shaking in his arms as he felt her tears wetting his shirt, he rested his chin on top of his head and rubbed her back soothingly.

"It's okay." He said softly to her ear.

"Th-the-they cal-called me*hiccups* they said I trapped you...." Aradhaya said sobbing fisting his shirt.

"Shhhh no will ever say anything to you from now on I will make sure of it." He said with rage in his eyes.

After few minutes Aradhaya become normal and come out from his arms, she missed his warm as soon as she come out his arms.

"Why did you told them that I m your fiance." Aradhaya asked wiping her tears.

"Why do you feel ashamed of me." Vihaan asked, his mind was replying him the moment when Amaya refused to introduce him to anyone.

Aradhaya shook her head." No but why." She said she wanted to tell him more that she feels proud to know him, she feels luck that she is a part of him and his family.

"My blood boiled when they called you those things I felt like someone has poured hot lava in vain I wanted nothing but rip their tongue off, no one Aradhaya no one can say anything about you until I m breathing." Vihaan said possessively.

Aradhaya was surprised seeing him Soo possessive." But why Vihaan ji." Aradhaya asked she wanted to know why he cares Soo much if someone said something to her, she wanted to know why he is possessive of her like she was the most precious thing of him.

"That's is the only thing which I don't know Aradhaya, I m fucking going crazy but I m not able to find out why and what's happening to me, but Aradhaya whatever it is i don't want it stop it's very warm and soothing and in the same Time it's frustrating and crazy." Vihaan said frustrated to her running a hand through his hair.

Aradhaya was shocked because the same thing is happening to her , she knows these feelings are the path of destruction but yet her selfish greedy heart told her to forget the future and whatever happy present she has in her hand.


Give your thoughts on this chapter guys,

chetanacw di first time I wrote in this speed , mujhe dosa khilana parega 😭😭😣😣

Do tell how was the chapter guys.


Stay safe all of you

Love-Ira ❤

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