chapter 28

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Ok Soo I have decided to edit this story only after completing it,

See I updated today also Soo shower me with your lovely comments*sweetly smiling*

Amaya's POV

I was walking back to hostel after training when my phone rang, I saw the I'd and a wide smile appeared on my face, it's Kajal my school friend , she was my senior in school but still we become good friends, unlike me she is rich girl her father is a director but still she is a down to earth girl.

I immediately picked up." Amuuuu I missed you , why didn't Called me all these months you know how much I waited to talk to you." Her angry voice come from the other side.

She is a simple software engineer yeah shocking I know her father is a director but she is a software engineer but she never has any interest in these camera professional rather she wanted to do something different. She was out of county for a important meeting of her company,

"I miss you to Kaju......" I said I really do she was always my second sister after Aaradhya, she always helped me to find solutions whenever I was in a dilemma and now when I m in the biggest problem I need her.

"Guess what I m back in Paris but I couldn't go to India as my arrogant boss won't let me take a long leave." She said sadly.

She doesn't know anything whatever happened in these months and I don't want her to know to because she was always a straight forward girl who never thought second time to voice out against wrong.

But I need to tell her everything, I need someone to clear my head, I need someone who can show me the light when I m surrounded by darkness of guilt filled feelings.

"Kaju are you free today." I asked her gulping.

"Yeah I m free for today." She said.

"I want to meet you , I m in Paris." I told her and closed my eyes.

"What!!! You are in Paris but what are you doing here......Amaya tell me clearly I m not getting anything." She said shocked plus confused.

"I will tell you everything just...just meet me." I told her.

"Okay fine give me the address I will be there." She said.

Authors POV

In London

" Fooled the guards."

"Did rush driving."

"Risked your safety."

"Went to pub without even informing me."

Vihaan was counting while Vidushi and Aaradhya was sitting on the bed with their head bowed down like child's.

"God I can't believe, Vidushi I m blocking your all cards for one month, doubling the guards, and you will go to college and come back straight to house for one month,am I clear." Vihaan asked sternly.

Vidushi looked at him in horror she opened her mouth but shut it looking at his face," AM I CLEAR VIDUSHI." Vihaan asked loudly and Vidushi jumped and nodded her head in Yes frantically.

"You can leave." He said and she practically run from there.

Vihaan then look at Aradhaya who gulped and looked down.

He walked towards her slowly." Soo Ms. Aaradhya Patel , nightclub huh." He asked raising a eyebrow,

Aradhaya looked at him timidly from her lashes fuck her innocence will be the death of me Vihaan thought.

" Vidushi got her punishment now it's your time Soo what punishment should I give you." Vihaan said with a thinking expression.

"You know it should be something harsh that will make you cry." He said walking more closely towards her while she clenched her eyes tightly in fear.

He looked at her and smiled, he knows that Aaradhya doesn't have anything to do with yesterday incident my innocent angel way to naive to have this kind Adventures fantasy he thought.

He leaned towards her ear." Are you ready for your punishment." He whispered while his breath fanned her face.

Vihaan saw her lips trembling in fear and he shook his head smriking,

In the next second the whole room was filled with her laugher as Vihaan tickled her, " hahaha Vi... hahaha.. Vihaan ji.. stop it.... hahaha." She said laughing loudly trying to push his strong hands from her waist.

"I m a Rajput Aaradhya and I never break my word, I told you your punishment would be harsh and you will cry." He said tickling her more.

"Vihaan ji please stop... hahaha please.
." Aradhaya said still laughing while tears come out if her eyes for continue laughing,

Vihaan finally stopped and helped her to sit." I know that my devil sister and your friends forced you to go with them yesterday but you should have informed me." He said a little disappointedly.

Aaradhya looked down." Sorry i thought that they will be happy." Aaradhya with a small sad pout.

Vihaan sighed." Sometimes we have to be strict and restrict them from some happing for their safety Aradhaya." Vihaan said softly to her and Aaradhya nodded understanding him.

"Vihaan ji if you are okay shall we go to meet Nisha she is leaving today nah." Aaradhya asked with puppy eyes.

Vihaan nodded, Aradhaya smiled and started walking but Vihaan pulled her back causing her back to bump into his front.

Aaradhya heart started beating again feeling his closeness, Vihaan turned her around and she closed her eyes in shut.

"Yesterday you looked beautiful." He whispered and left from there.

Aaradhya opened her eyes and a blush adored her cheeks along with a stupid smile.


"Bhaabi here I m sharing my pain of losing freedom for one month and you are smiling " Vidushi said accusing looking at Aradhaya who was busy. In her thoughts.

"Huh...uh no I m sorry i was just thinking about yesterday's fun." Aradhaya lied ,

She couldn't tell them that she was busy day dreaming about Vihaan, the way he stood for her that day, the way he was Soo possessive about her the way he complimented her.....

"BHAABI you are again lost." Vidushi said irritated.

Aradhaya smiled sheepishly then looked at Gia who was lost as well.

"God I m struck with two day dreamers." Vidushi said annoyed.

Aradhaya shook Gia who come back to reality." What's wrong." Aradhaya asked but Gia shook her head.

They reached the mansion and got out of the car,

As they were entering inside they heard some giggles, confused they followed it towards the pool area, what they saw shocked them to the core, Aradhaya immediately covered her eyes as he was shirtless.

Nisha was giggling and clicking pictures of Ishaan who was busy playing with a dog

"Make him run more Ben , he made your your Nishi suffer a lot,." Nisha shouted to the dog who was running in the garden.

But the instead of running away from Ishaan jumped on his Arms, Ishaan chuckled holding him securely.

"He also knows what you did is wrong yesterday and he support me because he is my good boy right ben." Ishaan said ruffling his fur.

Nisha mouth hang open." You traitor Ben I will also see you will give you midnight snacks, you will take you for playing flying disc ,." Nisha shouted angirly.

Ishaan saw the three girls who were looking at them with mouth hang open, shit he thought and cleared his throat, " uh Nish your friends are here , you go talk with them I have some work." He said putting Ben in the garden who runaway to play.

He left from there , he was embarrassed that they saw him like that, no one ever saw his this side except Nisha fuck my day  he thought irritated.

Nisha turned towards them and smiled who were gasping like a fish." What happened why are you guys looking Soo shocked." She asked walking towards them.

"Was it really Ishaan Bhai ,." Vidushi asked still shocked.

Nisha shook her head and dragged them all inside." Leave all this tell me what punishment did you guys get." She asked.

"Lost my freedom for one month , double security, blocked cards." Vidushi said twisting her face.

"What about you Aaradhya." Nisha asked.

These feelings alone are my punishment Nish , " Vihaan ji didn't give me any punishment, but he was disappointed." Aradhaya said sadly.

"What punishment did you got Nish." His asked.

Nisha's face turned pale hearing it how do I tell them what exact punishment I got she thought as Ted hue appeared on her cheeks.

"Well first of all Jaiden is giving me silent treatment, second my chocolate are stopped for two months , i have to eat all healthy foods which are a total yuck, third Jaiden took his little revenge yesterday by making me drink a glass full of bitter gourd juice." Nisha said with a disgusting face..

All if them burst out laughing hearing her, Nisha made a face at them but she to burst out laughing," but I don't understand one thing how did they find us ." Vidushi said.

Nisha bite her lip and looked down." I know." She said.

She showed all them her bracelet." It has a tracker inside it , yesterday I asked Ishaan and he told me about it." Nisha said  and all of their jaw touched the floor.

"A freaking tracker." Gia asked surprised

Nisha nodded." Then you shouldn't have wear it yesterday." Vidushi said

"I can't take it off it's very special to me, it's Ishaan first gift to me."Nisha said caressing the bracelet

They all awwed at her and Nisha rolled her eyes blushing.

In Paris

"What the hell." Kajal shouted after hearing everything from Amaya.

Amaya looked down, " kaj...." She started but Kajal showed her hand.

"Don't Amaya , you know I  m not able to believe that my best friend Amu will play such a twisted game, what happened to you Amu , what changed....." Kajal asked.

"I don't know Kajal.... I don't know anything .....Kajal I m getting scared... Vihaan is ignoring me.. he..." Amaya started but Kajal cut her off,

"He should Amaya...." She said hardly and Amaya looked at her shocked.

Kajal sighed." Amaya Dont Take me wrong....I know you are ambitious passionate..but Amaya there is a difference between ambitious and selfish.... passionate and blind...." Kajal tried to make her understand.

"Amaya tell me one thing, did you ever for once even tried to do something for your relationship... did you ever tried to give the Same importance to Vihaan the way he gave you,..... Amaya relationship can't be maintenance with only one person support..if it continues then one day it will fall and break into pieces... relationship needs equal support equal trust, equal respect..." Kajal said and Amaya looked down,

She thought about all the times she always took his love for granted , she always put everything above him , she wanted become ambitious but ended up becoming selfish , she understood one thing that whatever Condition their relationship is in is because of her,

Kajal took her hand in her." Amaya you are my best though whatever you did you disapponted me very much but still you are my best, Don't do this chasing your dream is good but don't become blind in that chasing,  I have saw from my own eye the destruction of a beautiful relationship and I don't want it repeat again." She said with a sadness in her eyes,

Amaya nodded." You are right I was blinded and I did many mistakes and now it's time for fixing those mistakes, I will surely full fill my dream but not in the cost of losing my loved ones, after tomorrow is our University head's daughter birthday and we all have to attend it after that I will talk with him about my leaving to london...j will fix everything which my selfishness has destroyed." Amaya said with determination in her voice.

Kajal smiled lightly I just hope it's not late Amu , I just hope


Soo guys how was the chapter,

Those who are from Odisha and west Bengal guys please be safe from the cyclone Amphan, download some songs and movies it will keep you entertained if by chance our dear electricity ditch us.

Be safe all of you


Love ❤- Ira.

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