chapter 40

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Authors POV

Everything was fixed their engagement will be done within next week and marriage two three weeks after that , the pre marriage rituals would be started after a week of engagement, it was decided that all ceremony will take place In Rajasthan in Vihaan ancestors palace.

"Aradhaya where are you lost go check the invitation list and see if we forget to add anyone." Mrs.patel shouted to Aradhaya who lost in her thoughts.

As Aradhaya's Holliday's were going on she and Amaya is staying in India while the Rajput went back to London to arrange everything.

"Huh yes maa." Aradhaya said and picked up the guest list.

She got a call from Nisha and went to her room to pick it up.

"What the hell am I hearing Aradhaya." Nisha shouted from other side.

Nisha , Gia and Aradhaya was in a video call.

"Nisha please whatever is happening is happening for good only." Aradhaya told her averting her glassy eyes

"Good, you call this stupidity good Aradhaya, tell me who will be happy after this marriage." Gia asked.

"Time heals everything Gia and it will heal Vihaan ji and di's relationship to." Aradhaya told her.

"And we are leaving for Rajasthan day after tomorrow as before the engagement we have to perform the Ganesh puja, when are you two coming." Aradhaya asked them to avoid the topic.

"I m not going there to see you suffer Soo spare me but I can't attend your sister marriage." Gia said angirly and hung up.

Aradhaya sighed and looked at Nish." Now you also don't say you are not coming because for everyone you are Di's close friend." Aradhaya said.

"I have to come even if I don't want, to give you a shoulder to cry." Nisha said and Aradhaya smiled lightly at her words,

"Where is Mr.Singhaniya." Aradhaya asked

"He has gone to console your Romeo." Nisha said.


"Who sent those photos." Vihaan asked clutching the glass of drink.

The three of them are sitting in Reyansh nightclub.

"Veer." Reyansh said and shared a look with Ishaan.

Vihaan closed his eyes as his jaw clenched tight." Sometimes I can't even believe that he is the Same Veer who was ready to give his life for me." Vihaan said.

A expression of guilt passed Ishaan face which Vihaan noticed." Now don't start with your self loathing." Vihaan told him in a irritated voice.

"But you can't deny that it because of us that your and Veer relationship has turned this much toxic." Reyansh said, he still feels guilty for becoming the cause of both best friends rivalry, Ishaan  is his childhood friend and he couldn't even think how painful it must be for Vihaan to see his best friend as enemy.

Vihaan laughed." It was my choice Rey and trust I don't regret it for second, I know I used his trust but in a way I saved him to , I don't know what that man would have done with him." Vihaan said sighing.

"You know guys sometime I think how the fuck I made my life this much fucked complicated." Vihaan said with a bitter laugh.

Both Ishaan and Reyansh looked each other feelings pain for their friend condition.

In Rajasthan ,

Amaya's POV

We reached the Rajput palace and saw everyone was waiting for us including Vihaan's friends.

The palace was beautiful with old architecture, giving it the feel of old times.

Everyone welcomed as and Aradhaya's friend who's name I assumed to be Nisha passed me a small warm smile, I smiled back at her she looked nice girl and I m happy that Aru got a good friend.

"You guys rest a bit I tell the servant to show you the rooms, we only invited our closed once as I didn't wanted any media to disturb as during the puja." Mala aunty said to mom and dad.

Some servants come and showed us the room, the room was big and has old interior.

I saw that Veer was not present this means he didn't come, I clenched my fist thinking about him , I want to confront him but not like this, I want to confront him face to face Soo that I can at least sand a tight slap on that smriking face.

In night time Vidushi dragged all of us younger generation in the terrace which I might add is massive.

We all were sitting in circles Vihaan's friends and Aradhaya's friends were three including one cousin of Vihaan who's name is Shreya, she is just like me but a little spoily if I add but she has innocent heart I bonded well with her.

"Are we only going to sit like this vidu." Vivian asked sarcastically.

Vidushi rolled her eyes but then smiled excitedly." As we all gathered after a long time together let's see how much we Know about each, I will ask a question about a person and you guys have to answer it correctly, like what's my favorite actor name common guys answer." Vidushi asked.

I keep mum as I don't know," Chris Evan , your captain American for whom you didn't let me watch my favorite cricket match." Vivian said with scoff.

"Aww I love you bro." Vidushi said hugging Vivian who rolled his eyes.

I smiled at them I remembered my and Aru's childhood memories we were like them but then my selfishness destroyed everything.

"Next question, What Ishaan Bhai likes to do in his free time." Vidushi asked and Nisha raised her finger,

" He likes to chop." She said and Ishaan who was sipping drink started coughing, making Reyansh to clamp Nisha's mouth shut.

What's wrong with these people

Everyone looked at her in confusion."vegetables, she means vegetables." Reyansh said and Ishaan coughed more loudly if possible.

What the hell, I always admired Ishaan because he is self made billionaire, but my ideal like to chop vegetables in free time

I could see everyone was controlling their laugher and Ishaan shooting daggers at Reyansh and Nisha.

I looked at Vihaan but he was looking irritated, what happened to him doesn't he wants to stay.

"Okay next question what is shreya favorite destination." Vidushi asked and this Reyansh answer,

"Love." He said confusing us again,

"Her favorite destination is love, a place filled with her loved once and not fake people, a place where people will not judge her by toughness but see how delicated she is from within. Where people will make her understand that her mistake with love rather then taunts." Reyansh completed with a charming smile on his face all the while his eyes didn't leave Shreya who staring back at him with a smile.

Why do I smell couple goals I thought with a smrik.

"Next question what is Vihaan bhai's favorite color." Vidushi asked while her eyes were on me.

What's his favorite color black maybe, because most of the boys like black

"Black." I said and Vidushi looked at Vihaan to confirm but to my disappointed he shook his head.

"Oops it's wrong Bhaabi , okay let's try another question, what bhai favorite hobby ." Vidushi asked.

"Playing sports." I asked uncertain.

Vihaan nodded his head in negative again, and I felt embarrassed that how can't I know some simple things about the person whom I m going to get married within next month.

"His favorite color is blue and his favorite hobby is singing and playing guitar." My gaze snapped up hearing Aru.

"Di told me all these but I think this wedding stress might have made her forget all these." Aradhaya said with a small smile.

Everyone looked convinced at her words and it saved from embarrassment, the game continued till midnight but u couldn't stop the thought which was running in my mind,

How does Aradhaya know about him Soo much, she got know about him Soo much in few months which I couldn't in years

End of Amaya's POV

Authors POV

Next everyone wake up early and the puja arrangements started, the elders were busy attending few close relatives.

Aradhaya was sitting in front of the idol arranging everything as per the instructions of the pandit ji( the priest)

She was wearing Yellow saree with her in bun and necklace which her mother forced her to wear.

Her eyes meet the idol of Lord Ganesh and a pained smile make way to her face,

I always believed you Gannu ji , whole night I stayed with you before beginning the new journey of life then why I fall into the sea of forbidden feelings, why didn't you stopped these feelings from blooming into my heart Gannu ji Aradhaya thought as a tear slide down her face which she instantly wiped, she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Nisha

She was wearing a simple silk saree with pink blouse,her curly hair was free with only silver jhumka's on her ears.

" If you don't want , you don't have to attend the puja I will do the rest of the arrangements." Nisha said.

Aradhaya shook her head." It's my sister first marriage ritual Nisha how can I miss it." She said with a smile.

"Wow it's Soo beautiful." The heard a voice and turned around to see Vidushi and Shreya looking the rangoli in fascination.

"From where did the sun rise today the Rathod princess is wearing traditional." Nisha said teasingly.

Shreya was wearing Golden and cream color salwar with Golden jhumka's and elbow length hair flowing freely.

Shreya made a face at her and turned towards Aradhaya." Will you teach me how to do it." She asked excitedly like a child and Aradhaya nodded her head.

"Guys you all forget me." Vidushi said with a pout.

"Aww who said we forget you look stunning." Nisha said pinching her cheeks and she grinned.

She was wearing a long golden salwar with with flowery printed dupatta, her hair was tied in a braid with few curls hanging.

"But where is the bride to be." Shreya asked.

"Here I m." Amaya said walking towards them slowly to not trip over her saree

She was wearing a blue saree with neckpiece and hair in designing ponytail.

"You look beautiful Bhaabi." Vidushi said with a smile.

"Thank you Vidushi." Amaya said.

"Arad.....awww all of you are looking Soo beautiful." Swastika said as she saw all if them.

All of them smiled at her." Aradhaya would please go and bring the angavastra of Lord Ganesh its is in my room I forget to bring it." Swastika said.

Aradhaya smiled and nodded and stood up to bring it.


Aradhaya was returning in the puja area carrying the silver plate which had the beautiful angavastra. She was walking while checking the other jewelry if the idol when her she tripped over saree, she closed her eyes to feel the pain but instead felt a gentle yet firm grip on her elbow preventing her fall.

She opened her eyes to see Vihaan holding her, he was looking handsome in red kurta but Aradhaya turned her face and tried to walk away but Vihaan didn't let her,

"Are you happy now, see everything happening just the way you wanted." Vihaan said but his voice was filled with pain that made Aradhaya to close her eyes to stop the tears,

"Yes." Aradhaya said and Vihaan tightened his grip on her.

"You are hurting me Vihaan ji." Aradhaya said,

"And you are hurting me Aradhaya." Vihaan said.

Aradhaya bite her lips to stop herself from breaking down in front him , today is the first ritual of sister marriage and she didn't wanted to spoil it with her tears.

She opened her eyes as she heard footsteps. She freed his hand from her and stood with a distance between them just then Amaya entered,

"Oh here you are Aru Swastika aunty is calling you and Vihaan come Vivian is searching for you." Amaya said and dragged Vihaan with her.

Aradhaya wiped her tears and entered the puja area, she handed the plate to Swastika and sat beside her.

"Aradhaya Aradhaya." Vivian come running towards her.

"What happened Vivian." Aradhaya asked passing the gold crown towards towards Swastika.

"Please come with me." He said with puppy eyes.

"Okay but where." She asked confused but he just dragged her with him to where the Rey Ishaan and Vihaan was.

"See I m telling them that today I m looking more handsome then them but Rey Bhai is disagreeing you say who is looking more handsome." Vivian asked crossing his arms.

(Vivian outfit)


(Reyansh outfit)

She didn't have to look at someone else's because for her he was most handsome man, but she didn't looked at him instead turned towards Vivian.

"You are looking most handsome." She said with a smile and Vivian jumped up showing his tongue to the three guys.

"Guys aunty is calling for puja let's go." Shreya come to them and said before going she sent a quick wink towards Reyansh who shook his head with a smile.

Everyone sat in the floor for the puja but Vihaan didn't, his heart was not ready , he can't take fake promises in front of God can't pretend that he is ready for this marriage when his heart belongs to Aradhaya.

He suddenly stood surprising everyone." I can't do this puja." He said and left from there shocking everyone.

There was some murmuring in the guest and Reyansh stood up." I think he is getting cold feet , you know pre wedding jitters we will bring him back." He made up a excuse with a smile both of them went to Vihaan room.

Vihaan room

"What the fuck was that Vihaan." Ishaan shouted storming inside his room.

"I can't do this guy, I fucking can't give fake promises in front of God." Vihaan said frustrated.

"You should have thought about it earlier Vihaan, now because of the three of yours stupidity don't put your families reputation in stake." Ishaan said angirly.

Vihaan turned towards him." Tell me one thing Ishaan how can I do this puja when my heart belongs to Aradhaya tell me." He asked frustrated.

"It's your fault that you fall in love with her." Ishaan snapped at him.

"Oh really Ishaan if my heart fall for Aradhaya knowing that it's forbidden for  me is my fault then will you say the same to Nisha to, common what happened cat caught your tongue." Vihaan said frustrated, he was not knowing what he was saying in anger , anger is the most dangerous drug which makes do something which later regret and suffer ourself.

Ishaan clenched his fist."yes I would say the same with her, it's her fault that she did the mistake of falling in love with me." He said with gritted teeth.

"Ishaan." Reyansh called his name gestured him to look behind.

The two of them turned around to see Nisha standing there with her fist clenched.

"Mala aunty is calling you guys please come early, Vihaan Bhai you don't have to take fake promise in front of God , just tell him everything honestly, but please come downstairs everyone is thinking it in a wrong way." Nisha said in calm voice and turned around to leave.

"And more thing Ishaan, you are right that falling for you was a mistake but you know what it was the most beautiful mistake of my life and I will commit that mistake again and again in future to." Saying this she left from there.

"Fuck." Ishaan cursed running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Reyansh sighed." You both are really fucked up when it's come for love life." He said earning a glare from the two.

"Vihaan come downstairs and I believe in Destiny Vihaan if Amaya is destined to be yours then nothing can change it." He said

In puja area

Everyone was tensed specially Aradhaya as she knows the reason behind Vihaan behavior, she just prayed that he won't do something which will spoil this happy atmosphere. Please Gannu ji give my di every happiness which she deserves Aradhaya prayed in her mind.

Amaya suspicion grow more after this, she was now sure that there is definitely something wrong with him , he was not that Vihaan anymore, he was changed.

They saw Nisha coming." They are coming aunty." Nisha said and sat beside Aradhaya, Aradhaya saw that her mood was totally changed but she thought to ask after the puja.

After few minutes the guys returned. They sat for the puja and the puja started,

I don't know if I took the right decision or not , I was never that much close to you as Aru but please I leave my decision up to you for the first time in my life, please do what is right for me Amaya thought as everyone joined their hands for puja.

Reyansh said that if someone is destined for someone then no one can change it I don't know what is in my destiny but at this point of my life i only want to tell make sure that the one who is destined to be mine shall always remains mine Vihaan thought closing his eyes


Precap- engagement


I m just waiting when this year will end , don't know what else this cursed year going to snatch from us.

How many of you are excited for the next update

Stay safe, stay happy and share your sorrows with your close ones.

Love Ira❤

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