chapter 42

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Amaya opened her eyes and saw herself laying in a luxurious bed , she sat up as the events before she lost conscious come rushing back to her.

"Glad you are finally up." She that one voice which she Hates from her core.

She looked up at him who was standing in front of her in that same sherwani. She stood up from the bed stumbling a little.

Veer looked at the girl standing in front of him with fire in her eyes and before he could understand anything a tight slap landed on his cheek. He closed his eyes to control the boiling anger in his vain.

"You bastard , how dare you, HOW DARE YOU MR.VEER SINGH , how dare you to kidnap me on my engagement, you know what you psycho , who gets pleasure by destroying others happiness, s mentally sick person." Amaya shouted at him as angry tears come out of her eyes.

Veer silently listened her because he knows she has the right to shout at him for spoiling her day .

"What did you got by doing this Veer, what you got, I hate you Veer, I hate you from the core of my heart, I wish I never meet you." Amaya told him as she slumped on bed , the thought of what would have till now in Rajput palace is making her shiver.

Veer felt a pinch in his heart hearing her words but he ignored it,

"You know what , you always call Vihaan bad nah but the reality is you are no less then him...." Amaya said but in the next second she stood face to face in front of Veer who's eyes were splitting fire at her but she glared back at with the same intensity of rage.

"I can never be like him, did you understand never, and whatever I did he deserved it." Veer said with dangerous low voice.

Amaya pushed him away." Today you have to answer me Veer Singh, what did I deserve all these what, what  Vihaan did to deserve all these, ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD." shouted a rage filled Amaya.

Veer patience was broken, he grabbed her arm and pulled her close." You want to listen right then listen." He said and pushed her away,

" My family was just like Vihaan's family, with my father mother me and my unmarried uncle, my parents Vihaan's parents were family friends and because of it Vihaan and I was always together from the day we were born, as time started passing Vihaan and I become more brothers then friends, Soon my family included a new member my baby Sister I was Soo happy that time you know, Vihaan and I both pampered her like a doll she was , but happiness was short lived as mom and dad died in accident, I was devastated but Swasti maa and mala took care of me like my mother, yes she couldn't fill the void but I felt blessed because of Rajput family, my uncle took over my dad business and tried to give us all the happiness he could give , I really felt blessed to have a uncle like him who treated me and my sister like his own children's." He smiled remembering the happy days of his life,

Amaya looked at the man standing in front of with that divine smile, he looked nothing like the cunning man who kidnapped her few hours ago, he looked more innocent and lively.

(A/n- guys I m not sure about their age that's why I m not mentioning it , I have to do a long calculation to of all of their age because all if their story is linked.)

"After two years of my parents death destiny again played with me by snatching two years old sister, we all were playing in the mansion when she fall from stairs , we all were horrified, specially me as she was my responsibility I was her big brother but I couldn't protect her, we all took her to hospital and doctor declared that they couldn't save her I was again devastated, Vihaan said that her whole face was covered with bandages, uncle didn't let me see her as he said it will lead my condition worse , I went into depression but again Vihaan was there to give me his shoulder to cry , Vidushi was my only hope then , by time I made myself believe that wherever she is, she will be safe with mom and dad , my made myself busy studies Vihaan and I was good in studies that's we completed our education early and in college we Shaheer, Ishaan and Reyansh, Shaheer was from a rich family but he was a down to earth person, Reyansh was a adoptive son of a rich businessman and Ishaan a orphan , Reyansh and Ishaan were schoolership students and hardworking to , we all become friends, soon after completing our college we drifted apart Ishaan, shaheer and Reyansh went back to India while I and Vihaan joined business,." Veer stopped as he clenched his fist he was leaning on the wall while Amaya was sitting on the bed.

Amaya felt tears sliding down her cheeks hearing him, she never thought that he has suffered this much , her hatred and anger for him melted a little, she could feel the pain of that ten years old how much must that boy felt when he heard about his sister is no more, she bite her lips to stop the sob.

" It was my 20th birthday and Vihaan told me that he want to celebrate my birthday a little differently, from few months I noticed that Vihaan behavior towards my uncle was changed, but I ignore it thinking that I m thinking to much, there was also change in uncle's behavior he increased our security and also our bodyguards he was always Soo tensed but I again ignored it thinking that it's because business. That day Vihaan told me that we will celebrate my birthday in his new mansion which was outskirts of the city I agreed and made dad agree to, Vihaan told my uncle to not bring much security as the place was well secured with His security team owned by his dad, we all trusted that bastard , true his words the place was well secured with his bodyguards. The mansion was empty with only three of us and it was decorated, when I asked him that where everyone he told me that we reached early and everyone will reach in few minutes, Vihaan offered uncle to give a tour if the mansion who agreed, I was enjoying the view of the garden from one of the room it has been half and hour since both of them went to have a tour if the mansion when I heard painful screams of my uncle, I hurriedly followed the source of the voice and stood in front of a room , I opened the door and was greeted by the most dreadful scene of my life , Reyansh and Ishaan was torturing my uncle brutally his whole body was covered with blood and both of them was whipping him, I tried to run towards them to stop them but Vihaan who was watching all this silently caught me, the dreadful scene in front of me made me remember my sister and parents and how I lost them, the mental exhaustion made me weak and I could only beg them to leave him,I begged Vihaan to let me go and save him but he hold me tightly and I saw in front of my eyes how those monster killed my only family slowly and brutally, when Vihaan left me I just fall on my knees I couldn't believe that how everything was destroyed in one moment, I runaway from them and everything, I went faraway where no one could find me and made myself strong and powerful enough to take revenge from those monster." He finished with his eyes closed like he was reliving those moments again.

Amaya sat there shocked, she didn't know what to think Vihaan killed someone how can he do this, but what she heard from veer told her that he loved Veer like his own brother then how can he kill Veer's uncle, something in the back of her mind told her that there maybe a reason, a reason unknown to Veer ,if Vihaan really killed a innocent person then he will get what he deserve Amaya thought but before that she will hear his reason, she looked at Veer who was looking Soo much in pain and looking at him she felt a burden in her heart.

"I promised myself that I will destroy Ishaan Singhaniya and Reyansh Malhotra brutally and give them thousands more painful death then they give my uncle, I also want to do the same with Vihaan but somewhere that broken friendship doesn't let me, maybe his friendship was fake but my wasn't, and this is the reason I m destroying internally ." Veer opened his eyes and looked at with his signature smrik.

Amaya looked at him, he was back to that cold cunning self which she Hates the most. She stood up from the bed." I won't tell you any sympathetic words because sympathy is something which I myself hate but yes my anger for might have melted a little but that doesn't mean that you are forgiven for what you did today and seed of hate you which you buried in my heart for you also won't be plugged out." She told him with a fierce look and Veer smriked.

Amaya started to walk out." For your kind information let me tell you that the shoot I was talking about I have postponed it and we are still in Rajasthan few km away from Rajput mansion, and now let me full fill my responsibility." Veer said casually pocketing his hands,.

Amaya turned towards him confused." What responsibility." She asked and Veer smriked.

In Rajput palace

Aradhaya was walking in the long Varanda, she has earlier told everyone that she is feeling tired and went to sleep early and escaped from the party. She looked at the shining ring in her finger , she doesn't know if she should feel happy or devastated.

Suddenly some tapped her shoulder she jumped away and saw one of the servant Guy standing,

"What happened, do you need something." She asked confused.

"Aru its me." Amaya said in whisper removing the wig of curly short hair.

Aradhaya looked at her in shock ." Di where were you and what are you doing in this costume." She asked shocked.

I hate you Veer Amaya thought groaning mentally, thinking about his words

"I kidnapped you , Soo now it's my responsibility to drop you back without anyone's eye."

"Aru I will tell you everything first come with me." Amaya replied and dragged a Shocked Aradhaya with her to her room.

In Amaya's room

Aradhaya sat there shocked as Amaya told her everything." What.. this can be true di , Vihaan hi can never do this." Aradhaya said in disbelief but Vihaan words keep echoing in her head.

"I know Aradhaya but the pain I saw in Veer eyes is real , and Vihaan have to answer me." Amaya said a little angirly.

"But Aru what happened here." She asked with worry in her voice.

Aradhaya gulped and told her everything, she was afraid of Amaya's reaction, but she got surprised when suddenly Amaya hugged her.

"Thank you Aru I will be greatfull to you forever." She said breaking the hug.

"B-but are you not angry that I got I got engaged...." Aradhaya trailed off ..

Amaya smiled." A simple exchange of ring can't decide my future with Vihaan Aradhaya, yes I m a little upset that my engagement was spoiled but remember what you used to say Aradhaya if I m destined to be someone then I will be theirs no matter what." Amaya said honestly.

Aradhaya smiled as tears struck her eyes." But now I have to meet Vihaan Aru ,he have to give me the answer." Amaya said in serious voice.

Aradhaya nodded hesitated. Amaya was about to walk when Aradhaya stopped her.

"Di wait ." She called and Amaya turned towards her, Aradhaya looked at the ring in her hand, she pulled it out and felt a part of her was ripped from her body, she blinked the tears of pain and smiled at Amaya,

"You forget this." She said

Vihaan's room

Amaya entered His room and saw him absent mindly flipping a file , he looked a bit disturbed but Amaya was determined to ask him.

"Vihaan." She called him and he snapped out of his thoughts, he looked at her calmly and his eyes did a quick check on her like finding any injury.

"Yes Amaya." He asked as he again got busy in reading the file.

Amaya took a deep breath." Did you and your friends killed Veer's uncle." She asked without beating around the bush.

Vihaan stopped for a minute then continued to read the file." Yes." He said calmly.

Amaya temper Rose she walked towards him and snatched the file from throwing it away." Yes, FUCKING YES VIHAAN , do you hear yourself, I m asking about person Vihaan, a human being and you are casually replying like it's nothing." Amaya asked him angirly.

But Vihaan was calm he calmly listened to her." I can't believe that my fiance, the person I know from this long is murderer, A FUCKING MURDERER, you are Soo casual about it nah then let's see how casual you will be after I show your true colors in front of the world." Amaya told him in rage and started to walk but stopped listening to Vihaan.

"And what if I tell you Amaya that the Soo called uncle of Veer was nothing but a gold digger and a person who destroyed many innocent lives." Vihaan calm voice rang in the silent room Making Amaya turn towards him.

"What if I tell you that uncle never loved Veer and was planning something drastic for him after his 22nd birthday when he will be the legal owner of his family's billion of property." Vihaan asked her calmly standing in front of her.

Amaya was sure if she got anymore shock her poor heart will not be able to handle that.

"Then...then why didn't you told him any...he is misunderstanding you all." Amaya asked him

Vihaan smiled." Do you think Amaya that the person who even hates my presence now will believe my word or let alone listen to me." He asked.

"Then what will you do , " she asked him her poor mind was spinning with all these shocking revelation.

"For now nothing but we are finding someone who will be able to clear the misunderstanding and illusion which Veer is in , just pray that we find that person soon and don't ask me who it is because I won't be able to tell you." Vihaan said and Amaya nodded, she wanted Veer to come out of the pain which she saw in his eyes today....


Precap- mehendi


Any words ?

Common I m waiting to read those precious comments of yours of yours.

And I m telling again that In future I can change the age of the characters because I have to do a calculation of the age according to the events of future stories.


Love- Ira ❤

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