A Story teller's tale

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"Wait, hold the phone. Now give the phone to me, you're the Jack Frost?"

"The one and only."

Danny raised a brow "As in, the Jack Frost. The snowy guy that brings snowstorms and what-not that's in the book of fables Jamie gave me?"

Jack beamed, he was probably enjoying this more than he should "yup."

Danny narrowed his eyes in mild suspicion as he leans against the bed frame from where he sat on the floor "How old are you exactly?" he then brought a clear glass of water to his lips as he waited for his answer.

"Three hundred and seventeen."

Danny's eyes widen as he choked when he spits his drink "w-what?!"

Jack narrowly avoided the spray of water. If he was honest, Jack didn't know whether to laugh or be moderately offended.

Danny shifted from where he sat on the floor "well, if it of any consolation. You look great for a person your age."

Jack snorted "yeah. Thanks. But for the record, mentally for the most part, I'm still seventeen." He grinned "or, eight, depending on who you ask."

Jack finally looked around the room. Danny's bedroom looked relevantly new, the walls were a blank grey and aside from a bed, nightstand and dresser. There was an alarm clock, but that was it. It was obvious that this room was once a guest room, or had only been recently occupied.

It wasn't much to look at, but Jack couldn't help but marvel it. "You know, I think this the first time I've been invited to someone's house." If his numbers were right, Jack had only been in a mortal house three times. All of them consisted from a year ago, when Pitch attacked Jamie's house.

Danny glanced at him curiously "really?"

When Danny's twin star eyes pierced through him once more Jack felt his stomach flip.

Ignoring his inner conflict, Jack nodded "Well, it would be kinda creepy otherwise. No one being able to see me and all." The ceiling wasn't tall enough for Jack to balance on the top of his staff, so he settled on sitting gargoyle style on the worn nightstand.

Danny frowned "... no one being able to see you?"

Jack slowly nodded "Yeah, speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask."

Danny looked at him "yes?"

Jack glanced at him curiously "how... how did you do it?"

Danny blinked "do what? Flip you over? It's actually kinda easy-"

Jack shook his head while giving Danny a small smile "No, I mean... how were you able to see me? Aside from you, adults and teens can't see me. Heck, most kids can't see me."

Danny froze, although he supposed that he really shouldn't be too surprised. It did explain a lot, like how the other younger kids and Jack were thunderstruck by Danny even recognizing Jacks presence.

But still. It's not exactly an everyday occurrence when someone tells you that your seeing things that most people can't. "Wait. What do you mean, most people can't see you?!"

Jack let out a sigh as he swiftly moved on to the bed and sat down pretzel style. Danny soon followed his lead as he waited for an explanation "Danny, once a mortal reaches thirteen- fourteen if they're lucky. They can't see spirits. Even if they still believe, no one knows why. But they just can't anymore"

Jack began to wring his hands nervously. "Yeah sure, there are a few rare cases that a kid grows up being able to see spirits..."

Danny raised a brow "... But?"

Jack took a deep breath "But they can't have physical contact, its literally impossible. Unless the belief around that spirit is akin to mortals believing that they're a god by a large group of people, but that doesn't really happen anymore."

Danny blinked "what does belief have to do with whither a person can see a spirit or not?" Danny's eyes widen "Are you telling me, that not only me, a sixteen-year-old kid shouldn't be able to even acknowledge your existence." Danny took a deep breath "but that to even consider the possibility of anyone being able to see you, they have to believe in your existence without really any proof what-so-ever?"

Jack nodded "That just about sums it up."

Danny slouched from where he sat "Wow. That's rough man."

Jack tore his gaze from Danny and looked down at the floor "It is, but you get used to it."

Danny narrowed his eyes "but that doesn't mean you should."

Jack shrugged "It's not like I can change it, it's the way things work." He hummed "anyways, is it alright if I try something?"

Danny didn't look quite ready to let the subject drop but he let it go anyways "Go ahead."

Jack handed Danny his staff "could you... is it alright if you hold onto this for a second?"

Danny gave him a mildly confused look as he reached for the staff and held it close to him "Um... sure?"

Before Danny's contact with the shepherd's staff was too brief for him to notice but the staff had a gentle pulse to it, a hum almost. Exactly like a heartbeat. As soon as he felt it, Danny's eyes widen. He began to connect the dots "I'm guessing that I shouldn't be able to hold this ether, right?"

Jack shook his head, slightly dazed. Even with the distance he could almost feel the gentle grip Danny had on his staff, it tugged on his chest like how it would feel if Danny had a hold on his heart instead. Not that there was much of a difference. "No. A mortal can't touch a spirits' prized possession."

Danny traced the frost patterns, loosening and reassuring his hold like he was holding a valuable as delicate as glass "prized possession, huh?" He looked back up to Jack "Didn't you already know that I could hold your staff? I gave this back to you two days ago, when we first met."

Jack still hasn't been able to look away from his staff in Danny's hands as he gave it back to Jack "Yeah, I remembered. I just needed to make sure."

Jack suddenly blinked in realization "aren't you worried that Jerry might hear you and think that you're talking to yourself?"

Jack didn't know if he imagined it or not but Danny's face seemed to downcast before it was replaced with a smug grin. "It's alright." Danny beamed with pride "I soundproofed the room."

Jack raised a brow "Really? How long ago?"

Danny gave a mild shrug "recently. But never mind that, tell me more of your history and spirits and culture."

Jack turned into a faded shade of red "Are you sure? I mean, you gotta be tired of me talking at this point."

Danny smiled as he put his elbow on his knee and rested his head on his right hand "Are you kidding me?! This stuff is fascinating!" He leaned forward "Plus, you're over three hundred years old. That leaves plenty of room for mishaps and adventures. In other words? Color me intrigued!"

Jack gave him a soft smile as he leaned against his staff "you know, you've got to tell me about yourself sometime."

Danny forced a smile "I know." then his smile became more genuine, yet bittersweet "But right now..."

"I'll settle for your stories."

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