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Sara made herself comfortable in the living room chair "So, Jerry, what was the emergency?" She put her elbow on the arm of the chair and rested her cheek against her palm "I'm betting that it has something to do with Danny."

Jerry decided that the best way to handle this was to be blunt "Danny has dreams."

Sara jolted upwards from her arm-chair "what?!"

"Dreams, nightmares, the whole package." Jerry ran his hands through his hair, tugging them at the roots "and night terrors."

Sara looked at him wide-eyed " Danny must be a lot younger than I realized-"

Jerry shook his head "No, Danny is sixteen years old. At the least. Seventeen at the most, but my bets lie at sixteen."

Sara leaned back in her chair, shocked "... that's... that is incredible." A gleam of realization flashed in her glassy blue eyes "Wait, what do you mean? Seventeen at most?"

Jerry rubbed the back of his neck "Danny has amnesia. He remembers literally nothing before only mere months ago. He doesn't remember what he looked like when he was younger, he doesn't recall where he came from, hell, he told me that the only reason why he knows his own name was because some weirdo told him it was. He wont say who. It might not even be his real name, I think Danny just took it because it was better than nothing."

Jerry pinched the bridge of his nose "according to the doctor, Danny has one of the most serious cases of amnesia recorded to date." Jerry harrumphed "and I think he's keeping secrets, too."

Sara glanced at Jerry. Not many would notice, but to her, Jerry seemed to gush his words like he needed to let this out for a while. And Sara only knew this because she practically raised him. "What makes you think that keeping secrets hon?"

Jerry gave a loose shrug "I dunno, years of being a cop? I can kinda just tell at this point. Plus, him soundproofing his room set off some alarms." He looked at the red rug that burned against the wooden floor "but I don't think its anything dangerous. And heck, who am I to force out of him the bits he does remember?"

Jerry gave a sudden dry chuckle that held no warmth "Oh, and we tried looking through records, DNA tests, missing child reports, the what not to see if we could find out where he came from... and you know what? According to every record we could grab ahold of, Danny doesn't exists."  Jerry ran a hand through his hair and tugged at the roots "and yet, according to the doctors that did the blood test, Danny got all of his vaccines. Just like any ordinarily kid would."

Jerry looked back at Sara "And here's the kicker, there's a unidentified substance tied into Danny's very DNA. The only reason why he doesn't have weekly appointments was because I figured that it doesn't really bother Danny and whatever it is, its warped in his DNA. Modern technology cant just unravel what's in someone's DNA. So why bother? Plus, a kid has better things to do than be poked around with needles in a lab." Jerry crossed his arms "the doctors really tried fighting me on it though."

Sara stared at him gobsmacked "Danny sounds like... one really complicated kid."

Jerry barked a hoarse laugh "you could say that."

Shocked, Sara leaned back on her chair, mulling everything over. "... you didn't just call me to talk, did you?"

Jerry paused "When I was younger, you told me that I had constant night terrors. I still don't remember any of it, but I need you to tell me how to handle one. Could you please do that for me?"

Sara hesitated "Its been a while, to say the least. But I can try to give you the tips I can still remember."

Jerry let out a breath that he didn't know that he was holding "thank you."

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