Pondering Impossibility's

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"Holy crap, Jack he saw you!" Jamie said as he took deep breaths from running.

As ungraceful and as blunt as it was, it did sum up exactly what Jack felt at this crucial moment.

Monty looked back at Jack when he finally caught his breath "Is- is that even possible?! Can teens and grown-ups see spirits too?"

"He touched my staff."

Cupcake gave Jack a concerned look then glanced back at the rest of the group "umm, guys? I think Danny broke Jack."

The other children stared at Jack in his disoriented state and nodded.

Jack ran a hand through his platinum hair "He touched my staff"

Pippa looked at him worryingly "You said that twice now."

Caleb glanced at Jack then looked back at Claude "... Do you think we should do something?"

"Do I look like a doctor to you?"

Caleb glared at Claude "I think the correct profession is a therapist you doofus."

Jack, however, paid no attention to the group wondering about his sanity. He was too busy questioning his reality. Already his thoughts were spinning "He- he saw me. He touched my hand. He's my age and he saw me holy cow." Jack blinked "well, not actually my age. But physically my age." Jack paused for a moment and was finally aware of the other children around him, even to him his voice sounded like he was struck dumb "... do you think he's actually a teenager, or just a really old looking kid?"

Cupcake did a facepalm "Jack, I think it's time that you processed the simple fact that a teenager saw you and was able to make physical contact with you."

Jack stared blankly at her.

Cupcake huffed and bopped him on the top of his head. "REBOOT!"

Jack hissed in both annoyance and pain "Ow! Was that really necessary?!"

Caleb smirked "maybe not, but it was sure fun to watch."

Jack gave him a light glare, but a small smile betrayed him.

Jamie shook his head "ok, back to the 'Danny problem' before we go completely off topic" he turned to Jack "so, seriously, how common is it really for a teen to see a spirit."

Jack shook his head, still in mild disbelief "I've been alive for over three hundred years. And I've never had a teen or adult be able to see me."

Pippa blinked at that "wow. Ok, very rare then."

Jack shrugged with his grin widening as he began to rant when realization was finally dawning to him that a teen saw him. "I mean, I've heard from older spirits that adults and such have been able to see spirits. But only a few spirits had said something like that has ever happened to them."

Jack paused for a moment and furrowed his brows "but in all the stories I've heard, no teen or adult had been able to have physical contact with them. Or their most prized possession."

The kids gave each other a questioning look then Jamie raised a brow at Jack "Prized possessions?"

Jack nodded nonchalantly "If they have one, Mine is my staff."

Monty tilted his head "why is important that adults and teenagers have never been able to touch a spirit's most prized possession?"

Jack leaned towards them "because no mortal can touch a spirits prized possession."

Claude's eyes widen "not even us kids?!"

Jack answered by straightening his back and sweeping his shepherd's staff effortlessly through them like thin air. Cupcake's eyes widen "whoa."

Jack nodded as he leaned back on his staff "'whoa' indeed."

For a while the group silently mulled over these new bits of information. Caleb looked back up at Jack "so, what now?"

Jack felt his mouth dry. He honestly had no idea on what he should do next. He never even heard of such stories of teens like Danny. Should he confront him? Does Jack need to do something? Should he even to do anything at all, and just ignore the event all together? What does a spirit do when a sixteen year old looking kid can see him, when it's impossible?

Or, it was impossible.

Pippa was the one that finally broke the silence "I think a great start would be to tell him your name, Jack"

"Wait, I didn't tell Danny my name?"

Cupcake shook her head "Nope. You kinda spent the whole time gawking at him like a fish out of water."

Monty re-adjusted his glasses "well, to be fair, so did we." he shrugged "but, you more so then us. So, no offence, but yeah. A fish out of water. That was you."

Jack opened his mouth to say something then closed it "ok, points to you." He looked around and rubbed the back of his neck nervously "so... when do you think I should do it?"

Claude shrugged "there's no time like the present man."

. . .

When Jack came back, he realized that Danny hadn't moved a inch since their meeting occurred. Danny lay there, with his eyes wide and short gasping breaths. He didn't notice how his clothes had snow sweeping in.

Now not being in shock or denial, Jack finally had a good look at Danny. His hair was as dark as the night sky and his eyes were a strange, almost unnatural, and beautiful combination of neon green and a sky blue that seemed to glow like newly born stars.

A branch snapped.

Danny blinked.

Finally, he seemed to be pulled back to reality as he finally seemed to realize his surroundings. Danny looked down and scowled "aw crap, my clothes got snow in them."

Jack shrugged as he sat next to him "Yeah, about that, my bad."

Danny's eyes narrowed at Jack's voice. Before Jack could blink Danny had in one swift movement grabbed him, knocked him down into the snow and pinned his arms behind Jack's back. Snow flying as from Danny's speed and strength as he did so.

Jack's eyes widen as he tried to process what had just happened and began to struggle without any luck of escaping.

What in the moon's name was going on?!

But before Jack could open his mouth to protest, scream, or use his staff that was currently being used to help pin him down. He felt the pressure suddenly lessen as his wrists were then free. Without the support, Jack fell face-first into the snow. Or, he was about to before Danny caught him and gently set him down.

"I'm- I'm sorry!" Danny ran his hand through his hair as he tried to look at anything but Jack "I don't know what happened!"

But Jack tuned out Danny's rant, for all he did was stare. Now that Jack was much closer to Danny, he could see faint freckles spiraled across his nose and cheeks. However, Jack pushed this new discovery to the corners of his mind as he got up "how does someone accidentally, professionally, pin someone to the ground?" Jack had his usual good-humor smirk as he said this.

For a moment, Danny seemed to of been struck speechless before he slumped his shoulders. " I honestly have no idea how."

Jack snorted. "Well, to be fair. I was pathetically easy to capture."

Danny nodded "True."

Jack faked a gasp as he put his hand over where his heart was supposed to be. "you wound me Danny. I might never be the same because of this."

Danny shrugged "Meh, you'll get over it."

After a long pause, Jack crossed his arms "rude."

Danny then blinked in realization and glared at Jack suspiciously, taking a cautious step back. "... how did you know my name?"

Before Jack could open his mouth, they both turned to a familiar voice.

"Sorry Danny!" Jamie took deep breaths "That was my fault. I told Jack your name." Soon the other kids began to show up behind Jamie as they were gasping for air.

Jack swallowed a gasp as Danny then eyed Jack with his ever-glowing twin star eyes. "Your name is Jack?"

Jack beamed "yup. I'm Jack Frost."

Danny stared at Jack blankly, a smile slowly evolving on his face "... pfft Seriously?! Your name is Jack Frost? That's like calling me Danny skin-bag."

Jack raised a brow, doing his best to ignore the children's giggles "Uh, no, it isn't."

Danny gave Jack a charismatic lopsided grin that made Jack's pulse hiccup "Why not?"

Jack rolled his eyes "because I'm not actually made out of Frost. That's the difference."

At that Danny let out a full blown, lung-busting laugh "alright Jack Frost" he then held out his hand "I'm Danny Fenton."

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