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Jack slowly creeped through Danny's window "Danny?" The wind let Jack down on the floor gently, a small 'thud' echoed through the room. "I know that it's kinda late, but I really need to talk to you."

Jack turned to the left where Danny was, laid down on his side facing Jack. His hands were twitching and his brows were furrowed.

Jack frowned, could Danny have dreams? Quickly Jack glanced around the room. No dream sand was present. Pitch's or Sandy's.

Jack looked back at Danny with utter confusion. Danny couldn't be having a dream... could he? He walked over and nudged Danny's shoulder gently "... Danny?"

Danny violently jerked up, only moving at the waist up. In response Jack flailed back with a yelp. Danny blinked groggily, he scratched the back of his head then gave Jack a sideways look. "... Jack?" He rubbed his eyes "Wha- what are you doing here?"

"That's um, that's a long story. Did I wake you up or...?"

Danny shook his head "Naw, it was just a nightmare."

Jack felt something in his chest tighten up "Danny, you're not- you're not suppose to have nightmares."

Danny huffed "So I've been told." He then moved over, giving Jack room next to him as Danny laid down again.

Jack leaned his staff against the nightstand "... You know that I don't sleep, right? Ever."

"Maybe" Danny grunted "But I do. Get in."

Jack, figuring that there is no stopping Danny, sat down next to him. The mattress sagged a bit from Jack's weight and the springs squeaked. Jack gathered the blankets from his side of the bed and gently folded it over Danny, as well as moved the pillow to Danny's side of the bed: heaven knows that Jack didn't need them. "You're going to have to meet the other guardians when morning comes."

Danny tossed the pillow off the bed, with Jack's bewildered look, Danny simply stated "I don't sleep with a pillow" and turned to Jack, resting his head on his arm "anyways, why do I need to meet your co-workers?"

Finally, Jack laid down next to Danny "Because, something big is going to go down, and I think you might have been unintentionally involved,"

Danny raised a brow "I have no idea what you mean by that, but I trust you."

Jack frowned "do you have any clue why you can see me? Any at all?"

Danny snorted "I don't even know where I come from Jack, I don't remember much of anything."

Jack froze "What."

Danny paused "I never told you, did I?"

Jack gave a sad smile and shook his head "no, but can you tell me now?"

Danny nodded "A lady in silver and black, Fate she called herself, she took them. My memories. She buried me too. By the tree we go by. The one by the lake."

Jack had sweat dribbled down his forehead "oh Danny." What can one say to that? Jack decided that it was only fair to tell his own story. "I lost my memories once, too. Tooth gave them back." Jack paused "maybe Tooth will have yours as well."

Danny's eyes widen a bit, despite the drowsiness "Really?"

Jack nodded, and brushed a strand of hair away from Danny's eyes "Really."

Danny gave a weak laugh as he rubbed his eyes.

Jack blinked, he had never seen Danny cry before.

"... You know Jack? I think... I think it would be great to meet your co-workers."

Jack cupped Danny's cheeks, his thumb stroked away a few tears "I'm glad that you think that..."

"You know," Jack quietly mused "I think I love you..." He swallowed, hard. If he really thought of it, for at least three hundred years, he didn't really love anyone. He couldn't of. Being invisible and untouchable does that.

But Danny was always an exception.

Danny gave Jack a sleepy-eyed glance "Ah, well," Danny pulled Jack close and gave him a soft kiss on the lips then broke away "me too." Right then and there, somehow, Danny fell into a deep sleep.

Jack, of course, did not. In fact, even if Jack could sleep, he didn't think he would have been able to at this moment. His face was a bright red and eyes comically wide as he slapped shaky hands to his lips.

Of all the ways Jack imagined this conversation to end, this was not one of them.

Authors note: Please, REVEIW, FAVORITE or FOLLOW (Also, I'm dong prompts on Tumblr)  

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