When Fate Come's A 'Knocking

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*Authors Note*

Um, ok, so, Phantom Planet didn't happen. Danny never reveled his secret to the world, or even his family, and he's not dating Sam. Its a post movie fanfic for the rise of the Guardians (everything here stays the same). And its post 3rd season for Danny Phantom. Thank You,and Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY SIR! (You know what I doing, now read peasant; if you wish)

Danny Fenton had been homeless for three weeks.

Three. Weeks.

And aside from a few measly details. Those three weeks was all he could remember. He didn't know where he's from, where he was born, where he used to lived, who was his family, he didn't even know if his family was still alive. Or if he ever even had one.  

He snuggled a little deeper into his dirt stained red jacket as he crossed his arms over his folded legs. Not because of the cold, but of the strangeness of it all truly beginning to settle in.

And all because of a woman with a clipboard.

He started to lean back on the moss crusted bricked wall as he began to reacquire the whole event. His only true memory before he came to Burgess.

That wasn't even the oddest thing about her. If anything, it's the fact that Danny was positive that she wasn't human. Then again, he wasn't too sure if he was completely human ether.

One second, it was black. The next, he was in a swirling pool of silver and then in what strongly resembled an office. And Danny was left with a strange feeling that life had pulled the rug from his feet and shook his world like a snow globe so many times that surly nothing else in this world or the next could faze him.

Now, this is the part where life pulls a wild card on him and says- think again sucker!

Danny remembered what she looked like, what she said, and what she'd done with an almost unsettling lucidly compared to everything else.

First thing that happened as he entered the spotless, empty and a nearly blinding white 'office' wasn't a fight, or a petty speech or a crack-pot plan to take over the world that one might expect from such an unusual kidnapping. In fact, if he didn't know better, Danny would've assumed that he was brought there by accident.

The only sound in the room was click-clack of the woman swiftly typing on a key board. And behind the marble desk was wearing a black hijab with a silver, long sleeved turtleneck. But despite the fact that there was a dark haired and blue eyed teenager that 'poofed' out of a magic portal and had suddenly appeared in what Danny had assumed to be her home. She seemed completely unfazed by it. In fact, for the first ten minutes or so, she didn't seem to have any consultation that he was even there.

Danny, if he remembered clearly, began looking for an exit. If conflict could be avoided by a possibly hostile woman whom could summon portals at her will, well then that was probably a good idea.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

When Danny first heard her voice, he nearly jumped out of his skin. Looking back, Danny felt like he was the kind of person that took a lot to unnerve him. Maybe that was just wishful thinking. Her voice seemed to echo through-out the room, as if a piece of it hid in all the dark corners. Her intonation pulsed with power, her tone was gentle, cold and detached all at once.  Danny's head whipped back to her direction, he found some comfort that she hadn't moved or even flickered her argent eyes in his direction, the rest of him had felt a spark of annoyance.

Another thing off with the woman, was whatever preternatural thing he is, she wasn't.  She was a much older, a much stranger, a much more omnipotent creature. The only thing that they had in common was a lack of humanity, and a humanoid figure. That was were the similarities and familiarity ended.

Danny remembered a long pause before he spoke. "And why not?"

His voice then at the time also had a daemonic echo within it, but it didn't hold the same depth or richness as hers. Danny tone also made it sound like it was a challenge. A dare. His intonation mocked bravery.

As Danny finally spoke, for the first time her eyes trailed to him and looked at him in the eye. When her eyes finally flickered towards him, Danny felt almost violated. As if, just by looking at him she could pierce into the core of his very being.

"Because I said so, and I'm not done with you yet."

Danny then raised a brow "and what do you plan to do then? And, better question, why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to anyone that kidnaps me? The last guy wanted me cloned."

As Danny presently sat down by the dumpster, he wasn't sure if what he said was a joke or not.

Instead of answering his question's, in smooth movements rarely seen in humans, she arose from her seat. From the end of her desk was a clipboard that she grabbed as she walked closer towards him.

Danny was proud to say that he stood his ground. Although to rebuke that statement, if he ran screaming to the hills like a normal person. He might've not been in this situation in the first place.

Her eyes almost lazily scanned the clipboard as she stood only a few feet in front of him. Danny could then see that she was also wearing a black cotton dress pants with women's silver dress shoes. That, and the fact that she was a very tall individual.

Much taller than Danny.

Once more she flickered her eyes towards him "I must say, Danny Fenton, you're a rather unusual case. A face to face introduction is rarely, if ever necessary. But after I've cross examined your files and your requirements for my services. There was simply no other choice."

"... my files? Why do you have files of me?! And who are you? Why the hell would I require your services-"

"Because I'm fate" She said as the clipboard flickered and disappeared from her hand. "Or, at least a channel and catalyst of it." ...Come to think of it, Danny realized that was the only remotely clear answer he got.

"Fate. Of course. Who else."

She raised her brows in amusement "I hope you realize that what I do at this point on isn't personal."

Danny even though it was now only a memory, he could almost feel the frantic beating of his heart as she said those words. He remembered how he widen his stance and how his body tensed, his hands curling into fists, ready for a fight. "And why is that- AAAAHHG"

Suddenly, Danny couldn't breath.  As he was violently thrusted to the wall, silver wisps held him up, refusing to loosen their painful grip. It was in his eyes, his mouth, his ears. It pulsed in and out of every atom in his body and painfully. They wormed in and out of his body like maggots. A task as simple as breathing became a labor. He felt something being sucked out of him. A life force, a piece of him, something crucial, something important

It wasn't hard to figure out later that 'something' was his memories.

Danny still feels that something else was robbed of him too, he just didn't know what.

He didn't know how long it went on. Him struggling and failing. Him trying to breathe but only to feel as if he stole nothing but a breath of toxic cigarette smoke.  How his mind frenzied like static and his tongue felt like a warp of cotton.

As the smog finally began to loosen up in the corner of his eye he saw another portal open below him. Except what was at the other end wasn't another room. Or an open space.

It was nothing but soil and tree roots.

He was going to be buried alive.

And as the wisps robbed him of the only support he had. He could do nothing but watch himself fall.

He didn't even have the energy to scream.

 .  .  .

Danny, once six feet in the air dangling by his feet was then six feet under.


He didn't know which way was up or down. All he could tell from his surroundings was the consuming smell of damp soil and the feel of dirt in-between his fingers.

Danny presently looked down at the sleeve his earth-crusted red jacket. It was much better now than when he first crawled out. But that is the only positive remark he could say about it.

What saved him was the tree roots. Which to Danny was ironic in the sense that he thought that would be the very thing that would kill him by trapping him under the Earth. Those roots were the only thing that could tell him if he was digging in the right direction. If not for the roots, he might've just dug himself deeper into his grave.

What also helped was how soft the soil was.

He must've been quite a sight. Gasping for air and covered head to toes in dirt. Not even shivering in the otherwise freezing autumn rain.

And that's how Danny first came into Burgess.

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