He Falls (Alternate Ending)

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~Thanks to @Zelda_story_teller for suggesting this~

Midna's shriek split the air, ringing, as Ganondorf's magic hit Link in the face, knocking him across the room like a discarded puppet. She tried to rush to his side, but bonds of merged energy snapped around her wrists, holding her in front of Ganondorf. "Now, now, little princess, you get to watch your precious mutt's life be crushed by the King of Evil's hand." She writhed and squirmed, trying to get to the struggling hero. "Link, no!"


Her eyes widened as he was enveloped in green light from the heavens, lifting him to his feet. A beautiful voice, like ringing bells filled the tower, and even Ganondorf trembled before the might of Courage. Link's eyes had gone completely green, the power of Farore flooding him. The Gerudo King snarled, angry at everything, nameless fury coursing through him, filling all his veins with the Power to unmake reality. Pulling all Zelda's divinity to bear, he summoned a huge energy ball, and , with enough force to destroy a dark god, he shot it at Link, who only just knocked it back in time. Half blind and mad with pain, Link no longer wanted to save Hyrule, he just wanted to survive this fight. Ganondorf twisted Zelda's face into a leer, bashing back the energy again, hitting the hero square in the face. The scream of pain was like gentle music to the demented gerudo's ears. "Want more, pathetic scrap?" I can give you more suffering. This form wearies me, let us move to fighting as beasts." Link's emerald eyes gleamed otherworldly, pupilless unnerving. There was a small thump as Midna fell to the ground, bonds dissipated. She sprang up almost immediately, ignoring the burns around her wrists as she rushed to him, grasping one bloodied hand, and transformed him. "Link, we must kill him! He is too powerful! Link, are you listening?" His eyes blazed with holy light, her blue-eyed beast was no longer as the legends had described him. He was too far gone, her words meant nothing to him. The only thing that mattered was keeping himself breathing. As long as he could do that, he'd be fine.


Ganon bared his fangs, huge tusks jutting out of his mouth, tossing his head and roaring so loudly every stone in the castle vibrated. Link did not move a muscle, mutilated body heaving, blood flecking canine lips. Ganon charged past his head, he only flicked an ear. Then, he lunged, teeth ripping through boar flesh, spraying black blood over walls and windows, tearing away chunks, fighting to live. Midna tried not to cringe from her place on the wolf's back, soaked from helmet to toe in the beast's gore. Looking down, she saw Link's legs bending in ways they weren't supposed to, bone scraping bone, and as soon as the boar hit the ground, dead, the green light in Link's eyes faded, and he collapsed with a shriek of agony. "Link!" Zelda, still shaky, ran over to the pair, looking into Midna's broken eyes. The Twili wrapped her delicate arms around her hero, silently begging Zelda to do something. Hyrule's princess put a gloved hand on Link's chest, feeling his struggle to breathe. "I-I..." She looked down at the imp, whose face screamed for her to try something, anything, to get him back on his feet. "I'll try, Midna."


She held a hand over his chest, and channelled her thoughts, using what was left of her fractured power on the limp hero. He opened his pretty eyes in surprise, blinking cutely. He pulled himself to his feet, only to get tacked by an ecstatic imp. "Link! Oh, Link!" He had no choice but to wrap his bruised arms around Midna, who was attached to his chest like a burr. "Link! You're alive!" He patted her head, not sure what to do. She put her hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer, kissing him on the cheek. He cuddled her to his chest, enjoying the sweet flavours of being alive and having his loved one by his side. From the side-lines, Zelda looked on like a guardian angel, watching them reunite with a guided eye. "It's lovely that you have been reunited, but isn't there a Gerudo King who needs to be brought to his knees out there?" Link looked up through Midna's hair, and decided the Gerudo King could wait. His little imp came first. Always.


He may be saved

Her pitiful dog

But kingdom be razed

By the darkening fog

From shadows he has come

To save this holy, sacred place

But from war and fire he has won

Looked death in its ugly face

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