So Much Has Changed...

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Warning: Lots of self-doubts & mentions of bullying.

Mephisto: So you're going to the HOL?

Mammon: That's right. I need this break. It seems the noble demons have been getting on me and my brothers' case for a while. It's been stressing us all out. 

Mammon decided to spent the weekend with his brothers. It's been awhile since he ever mingled with the others.

Mammon: I wonder what we can do today? Video games? Movies? Shopping? 

Mephisto: I prefer horse track racing. 

Mammon: Well this is about my brothers. We can do that next week, babe. 

Mephisto: Promise? 

Mammon: Of course~!

Mephisto: Well if anything troubles you. Make sure you let me know beforehand. 

Mammon: Thanks. Yer the best boyfriend ever~!

Mephisto: *Smug* Can you tell Lucifer you said that?

Mammon: Asking for an early grave are we?

Mephisto: *Huffs* If it would look bad on his reputation if he ever dare try to lay a finger on me. 

Mammon: Just don't push his buttons and he won't push yours. Ya know, you could spend a little more time with my brothers too. I wouldn't mind. 

Mephisto: *Huffs* I will never spend time with your brothers.

Mammon: But Asmo's got pics of you & Satan together during the Roar, Thunder Event.

Mephisto: He did want?!

Mammon: And there was also that time we were scions, and that other time you, Raphael, & Beelzebub posed in those gothic outfits, and let's not forget the Halloween. 

Mephisto: I'm going to get my revenge on Asmo later. How dare he takes photos of me without my consent during these events. I can't have Diavolo see me like this. 

Mammon: Idk. You look like you were having fun. 

Mephisto: Ugh...I'll talk o you later. I'll say hi to Thirteen & Raphael for you. 

Mammon: Thanks. Bye babe. Love ya!

Mephisto: Love you too, Mammon. 

Tbh, the second born wished he didn't stop talking to his boyfriend. He saw the HOL not too far away. His brothers must be waiting for him.


If there's one thing that Mammon can agree on and relate to everyone else...

Is his family issues...

Tbh, he's sure everyone in the world has some type of family issues.

Most of the time it be daddy issues, mommy issues, etc.

But for Mammon's case, it was brother issues.

Fir the past ten years, he had noticed the change of pace in his brothers.

Back then, before he and Kanon had gotten away from it all.

Day after day. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. His brothers would always resorting to bullying him.

Push him around and call him names.

For the past millennial, his self-esteem had gone up in flames.

To the point he couldn't take it anymore...

He could still remember their horrible words...








"Worst Brother Ever!"

"We Hate You!"

"Get Lost"



His heart was torn & destroyed by their words into a million pieces.

Those words had pushed him over the edge to the point of almost self-destruction.

If it wasn't for Kanon....

He probably wouldn't had been here by now.

Don't get him wrong. He may have buried the hatchet between him and his brothers.

He had forgiven them.

They all had made amends.

But their words still remained deep within.

Plus, their family problems were far from over.

Mammon made it already clear that whatrver happens between his brothers. Stays between them. He's sick and tried of the family drama. Trying to put up with everyone's bullshit for years.

From Lucifer's abusive punishments to his younger brothers' horrific bullying and harassment. 

In fact, it seems they had least when he's not around.

For what he had heard from Lucifer...

His brothers are now taking turns picking on each other.

Satan & Belphegor continued doing what they do best to make Lucifer's life a living Hell.

They ruined his papers.

Wreck his work clothes. 

Destroyed his favorite pen.

Send embarrassing photos of him online.

This provoked more fights between them and the eldest brother.

Possibly...even more violent than before.

Leviathan & Asmodeus also seem to have a go at each other.

Calling one another every vile name in the book.

Beelzebub is trying his best to keep everyone from going for each other heads.

But it wasn't enough.

Where was MC in all this?

Why aren't they putting a stop to it?

They have the pact symbols of all his brothers for a reason.

Or are they going to continue to be worthless.

He's so glad he opened his eyes and stopped following after MC.

To think, he was once in love with someone who wouldn't hesitate to hurt him.

But now, he didn't need MC anymore.

He's got Mephisto now.

Though, he couldn't help but wonder.

Even though he didn't want to get caught up in the family drama anymore.

But it wouldn't be too much of a trouble if his brothers get a therapist.
Would it?

Mammon couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Wow, he felt like Lucifer.

He never thought he'd say this but he felt some respect for Lucifer for putting up with everyone's antics.

Mammon walked up to the House Of Lamentation. He looked up to see the castle was still the same as usual.

A gothic revival of the house's architecture with seven headstones of each lord in the front yard.

Where it used to be the home of the founding father demons.

The first sins.

Mammon:...(I wonder where they could be right now...?)

It's been a long time since Mammon had seen his predecessor. The very person who gave him the title: Avatar Of Greed before they disappeared.

He looked up back at the House Of Lamentation.

A big dark spooky castle on the outside but on the inside. The structure would change and rearrange themselves every single night.

Rumors used to say a family were brutally murdered and the sole survivor was the eldest son, who claimed the servant committed the crimes.

The police arrested the servant and the case was closed.

However...more rumors speculated that the eldest son was on bad terms with his family.

Almost like how... Lucifer was on bad terms with the brothers for over a year.


Afterward, the eldest son had died to due old age. Following his death, there were figures seen in the windows, and screaming and arguing could be heard despite being vacant...

Because of the dark history. The mansion was called The House Of Lamentation.

At least that what Mephisto told them a thousand years ago.

Mammon decided not to stick around admiring the structure he once called his home.

He was only here to make a visit to his brothers.

He also needed to speak with Lucifer about something that's been bothering him...ever since the meeting they had at R.A.D.

Not needing to use the door, he quickly teleports inside.

Mammon: Hey Guys. I'm here.

He was expecting a warm welcome. But he all he got was silence.

It was so familial.

It was...almost like the times his brothers ignored him everytime he came home.

Well surely that's not what's going on...?


Mammon: (I'm sure things have changed between us. Surely they wouldn't go back to ignoring the Great Mammon and treatin' him like crap right?)





Don't let this happen again...

With that, Mammon started to panic.

Mammon: (Please don't do this! I don't want it to happen again! THEY LOVE ME! THEY TOLD ME! SURELY THEY WOULDN'T GO BACK TO-?!)





Mammon went blank faced before walking on over to where he heard the explosion,all the way to dining room to his brothers in their demons forms, fighting. Again. There was fire & pure chaos everywhere.







Beelzebub: *Holding Up The Fridge* I'M HUNGRY!!!



Mammon let's out a small nervous chuckle deciding to let them get all that anger out of their system.

Jeez. Were they all always this violent with each other?

Mammon: I guess...I've worried over nothin'...

Nothing has changed.

Everything's okay.

Everything's just fine.

His brothers still love him.

Kanon is still alive.

They're all still living a good life.

Mammon: (Everythin' alright Mammon...nothing bad is goin' to happen...)


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