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A/N: Kanon comes home and she tries to get know her Uncle Luci...

Mammon: Hey Little Treasure, ya ready to go home?

Kanon: Yep! I've learned lots of new things thanks to Mr.Simeon and  Luke. Especially Luke. I know how to bake lots of sweets.

Mammon: Hahaha! I bet ya did!

He turned to Simeon and Luke with a cheerful smile.

Mammon: Thanks again for looking after her.

Simeon: It's no problem, Mammon. We're very happy to have her.

Luke: K-Kanon! Let's bake a cake together next time!

Kanon: Okay~~~!

Mammon: Alright. Let's get ya home.

Simeon: Oh, Mammon. A minute of your time. I was meaning to ask you...are you and your brothers getting along?

Mammon:....Well...we were...til Lucifer showed up.



Mammon: Then after that, they started arguing again and almost destroyed my apartment while they beat up Lucifer.

Simeon: *Shock* Oh Goodness!


Luke: How cruel! I mean I know I don't like Lucifer because he's very mean but that's going too far!

Simeon: Did you stop them?

Mammon: I did. But...after calling them out, I felt like I made things worse again. Like... everything goes back to square one...

Simeon: Mammon...

Mammon: Simeon... I know they're my brothers but...they never were exactly family to me. Am I supposed to really forgive them...even if they're willing to change and do better...even after what...they all did to me...?


Simeon walked up to Mammon and gently puts an arm on his shoulder.

Simeon: That is entirely up to you, Mammon. Even if the Lord forgives those who have sinned and wronged you. But that doesn't mean you have to forgive them if you're not ready too...

Mammon: Simeon...Sometimes...I wish you were my older brother.

Simeon: ....Why is that?

Mammon: Because when it came to my older brothers. They both lied to me. Michael said he would take care of me but he prefered work over me and gave me up because he couldn't handle me...and Lucifer... Don't even get me started on him...Because there's a list I would whether not repeat...


Mammon: I wish you were my older brother...Sure you were also a jerk sometimes like everyone else...but you were also nice to me...more so than others...You also treat me like real family...more than they ever did...To everyone else, I was just a burden to them...They even wish I've never existed...



Simeon: Mammon...Even if that is the case...I am aware that Lucifer's been too hard on you in the past. But he really cares about you, Mammon.

Mammon: Tsk. Well he has a unique way of showing it.

Simeon: *Sighs* I know. Before you ask, I'm not justifying Lucifer's behavior. When I heard how he was really treating you. I was angry at him. He let his stubborn attitude get the better of him. So now he has to face the consequences of his own actions.


Simeon: Mammon...I also want to apologize to you.

Mammon: F-For what? You didn't do anything.

Simeon: Yeah. That's the point. I didn't do anything to help you. I did not stop Lucifer after all these years of harming you. Demon or not, you did not deserve what he and the others put you through...I should've done more...I should've said something...Instead I let everything go as it is...

Mammon: Simeon...It's not your fault...Besides, even if you did interfere, Lucifer would've said something like: "It's none of your business" or "Don't meddle into the affairs of my family".

Simeon: True...he would say something like him, I am just a friend longer a brother...

Mammon: Yep....So Again. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. It's not like I'm expecting someone to do something about it. 

Simeon: Oh Mammon...even if that was the case or not, I hold a lot of regrets. Most of those regrets were about you and your brothers...ever since the Celestial War...


Simeon: Mammon...If you hold a lot of regrets yourself. It's best that you acknowledge those feelings. You are allow to feel regret. Do not keep them bottled up anymore and show yourself some kindness. Give yourself time to heal. Clarify what you have as value.

Mammon: (Clarify what I have as value...? The only thing I have now is...)

He turned to look at his daughter.

Kanon: Papa?

Mammon: *Smiles* I'm alright, kiddo...

He patted her head much to her delight.

Mammon: I'll take those words to heart, Simeon. Thanks.

Simeon: *Nods* You're welcome, Mammon. Remember, you're always welcome here at Purgatory Hall. If you need anything, be sure to let us know.

Luke: Y-Yeah! Even though you're a demon! Out of all demons, you're the only one I like.

Simeon: Oh? Then what about Barbatos, then? You seem to take an liking to him too. Almost sort of like how a child looks up to their parent.

Luke: *Embarrassed* Simeon!

Mammon: Okay! Okay! Thanks ya guys! Come on Kanon!

Kanon: *Nods* Bye Mr. Simeon! Bye Luke! See ya again!

Both angels waved as the father-daughter duo vanished off back to Mammon's home.


After appearing back home, Mammon and Kanon were now in front of their apartment.

Kanon: Papa?

Mammon: Yeah?

Kanon: So...Uncle Lucifer is here too?

Mammon: Y-Yeah...He's here...(He's still here...I can feel his aura...The others must be out...)

Kanon: Is it...okay if I spend some time with Uncle Lucifer...I want to get to know him a little bit more...If you don't mind...

Mammon:.... That's your choice, Kanon. As much I want to say no. Because of what Lucifer did to me...but remembering Simeon's words...I'll...give him another chance...

Kanon: Papa...You don't need to open up to them just because of me...

Mammon: Wha-?! H-How did ya know?!

Kanon: Papa...No offense...But you are pretty easy to read. As much as I appreciate you letting me meet your family. But I can see you are scared of them...

He's...scared of his brothers? He's the Great Mammon! The second eldest! The Avatar...Well Former Avatar Of Greed! Why would he be afraid of them?!


Okay...Maybe he is afraid of them...more or less with Lucifer, whom once again, is his biggest nightmare. Then there's considering the bullying, beatings, insults, and punishments they put him through for centuries.

Mammon: It's complicated Kanon. They have hurt me.

Kanon: *Blunt* Which is why I don't like them...I don't like people who hurt/abuse others for no reason and those who poke fun at making them miserable for some sick kicks. 

Mammon: Smart girl. When you start making more friends growing up. Make sure you choose them wisely. Because now we live among the Three Realms where everyone is only out for themselves.

Kanon: Understand Papa...and what I said earlier...despite me not liking most of my uncles because they were mean to you. But I want to at least know what kind of people they are...outside of the bullying...

Mammon: Alright, Kiddo...So you're ready to meet your Uncle Luci?

Kanon: *Nods*...

Mammon: Okay...

Mammon took a deep breath and opened the door. Here we go...

They both went inside and sure enough, the eldest brother was inside the house towards the

Mammon: (What The Hell?)

Now don't get him wrong... Lucifer is a master at almost...everything...even when it comes to cooking.

It just... surprised him that he was making dinner for them...while wearing an apron like an housewife.

Lucifer: Mammon...

Mammon: Y-Ya?

Lucifer: ...You're home...Good. Dinner is in two hours and fifteen minutes. I advise you to freshen up. That goes for your daughter too.

Mammon: (Excuse me but this is my house...Who died and made ya King to tell me what to do!)....Fine. What are you making?

Lucifer: I'm trying out what the human realm calls...."Beef Curry Stew". It shouldn't be too hard since I'm following the recipe and gathered all the ingredients.

Lucifer begin chopping up the meat and veggies as quick as a flash in only a couple of seconds which amazed Kanon. Then after that, he put the recipes inside the pot at fats speed before replaying the same pace once again.

Lucifer: Let's see...3/4 pound beef stew meat... (1- to 1-1/2-inch pieces)...1/4 teaspoon...salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper...

Then he resumed what he did earlier mixing, chopping, and pouring the ingredients in the hot pot.

Kanon: Whooooa...

Her Papa was right. Her Uncle Lucifer was the definition of a perfectionist. Seeing Lucifer being perfectionist self made Mammon jealous as usual...

Mammon: (This remind me of that one time me, Asmo, Beel, & Lucifer went camping.) Ya sure you need any help? Me and Kanon know the basics.

Lucifer: I'll be fine, Brother.

Mammon:....Where at the others?

Lucifer: They won't be joining us. They went out. Beel and Levi prefer to eat some pizza.

Mammon: (So they left us to deal with Lucifer...FUCKING Great...)

Lucifer: Kanon was it?

Kanon: Uhh...Yes?

Lucifer: Make sure you wash your hands for twenty seconds. Scrub between your fingers and latter them up with soap. Then rinse until the soap goes away. No dirty hands at the table...Do I make myself clear, young lady?

Still bossy as usual...and hey, he don't have the right to talk too his daughter like that! Only he can!

Mammon could've swore he saw an annoyed look on his daughter's face at being lectured about table manners. He felt bad that now she had to deal with Lucifer's nagging. The only thing Mammon hopes is that he goes easy on her because she's a child. But then again, he wasn't easy on all of them growing up...including Satan...

Kanon: *Mocking* Yes Mom...

The first eldest scowled at her behavior. 

Mammon chuckled at his brother sharing returning the same sentiment that he gave Kanon.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Mammon and Kanon freshen up as they let Lucifer prepared the food. Mammon secretly knows this is another attempt at Lucifer apologizing by making them food. He did before when someone pissed off Beelzebub by eating the last pudding cup. It's unknown who did it but Mammon felt extremely happy for once no one blamed him that day....

Which is rare if you ask him...

Two hours later, the three of them were now at the table eating. It wasn't an awkward silence as Mammon anticipated. But it was more tranquil...but still a bit tense...

Lucifer:....How is the food?

Mammon noticed the hopeful look in his brother's eyes directed at him despite the neutral expression he held...

Mammon: It's fine Luci...The food is great...

Lucifer: I see... that's good...

Mammon: Yeah...

Lucifer: Hmm...

They resumed eating...during the few minutes, Mammon had noticed Lucifer throwing a few glances at him from time to time before looking away back at his food.

He'll be lying if he hasn't seen the nervous look on the eldest face...

If he wanted to say something, just says do...



He can sense the awkwardness deep within the silence....

Can they...ever go back to before...? Where their brotherhood was cute & pure? And not the quiet yet dysfunctional life it is now...?

Because now, Lucifer felt like nothing more but a stranger to Mammon. He was no longer the once kind loving big brother he used to know...

Lucifer: Mammon...I...

Kanon: Uncle Lucifer...?

Kanon interrupted him before he could even find the words to say to Mammon. The two adult demons look down at the girl who had finished her plate.

Lucifer: Oh...sorry...did you want seconds?

Kanon: Actually...I wanted to ask you something....

What she asked next made Lucifer sprouted an regretful expression on his face.





"Why Did You Hurt Papa?"

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