Starting A New Life...

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Warning: Mentionig of Bullying & Panic Attacks.

Casino Dealer.

That was the job Little D Number 2 gave him.

He was thrilled.

Number 2: Yep! Casino Dealers! They  conduct games in casinos and casino hotels. They deal cards and may handle large amounts of money. They may work evenings, weekends and holidays, as casinos are often busiest after 9-5 working hours. They may receive gratuities in addition to salary! This would be the perfect job for you Papa!

Mammon: Hmmm...

Kanon: I think it's a great idea too Papa! If you take the job! You can work the evenings and weekends! While we spend more time together on the weekdays.

Kanon did had a point...

Mammon did also have some experience since he had come and go to multiple casinos back in Devildom.

Sadly because of the facts of asking for loan when it comes to money...everyone he met saw him as some irresponsible, greedy idiot...

But... If you can look past the kleptomania and irresponsibility with money, you’ll find that Mammon is actually a caring, protective demon who would drop everything to help you if you asked.

He’s also a lot of fun, whether he means to be or not, so you know you’d never be bored with a demon like Mammon around.

Although...he just wished MC didn't break the pact with him. It still hurt...

A/N: Let's be honest, from the moment he was introduced. We all thought he was annoying. But overtime, he quickly grew on us and he became such a fan favorite.

Mammon could take a lot. Teasing and insults were often and frequent and while they generally were done with the kind of twisted affection the demon brothers had for one another, even Mammon could meet his limits.It was clear when that teasing was no longer meant “lovingly” and was accusation masked beneath jokes.

Specifically, Mammon was being accused of being unfit to be MC’s guardian this time. A thief and a liar could hardly be trusted with their well being! Lucifer sometimes wasn’t involved in this, but his younger brothers, all taking turns listing why he was unfit to MC and why they would be a better alternative.

His brothers were the worst...

The first thing Levi said when MC met him was that he thought Mammon should die all because he wants his money back.

Satan, whom he used to take of, berates him at every turn and would go to Lucifer just to get him in trouble.

Asmo got mad because he came into their room during the retreat and told him to kill himself.

Beel tied him up to a chandelier all for a bribe and almost killed him once for eating the food he left in the fridge.

Belphie makes fun of him from time to time not caring how Mammon felt.

Then finally, there's Lucifer...he broke his promise to Mammon. He loss his trust and took him for granted so many countless times....

After all, it was Mammon, who followed him first without question during the rebellion.

Mammon, who tended to his brothers' physical and emotional wounds after their lives changed forever.

Mammon, who anchored him and kept him from drowning in his own regret and guilt.

Mammon, who was essentially the glue that kept his family together. the end...No one cared...

No one bother to stand up for him. Not even once. Not even when MC was around. No one cared to know what he was going through.

They have the gall to blame him for Lilith's Death...

Let me ask you a question...


Fighting this stupid war in his mind everyday that no one sees...

He was sick and tired of all of this...

Which is why he decided.

Mammon: (I’m not going to do the mediator thing anymore. They have MC for that now. Anything going on between them is going to stay between them. They can leave me out of it. I'm not going to try and fix this family anymore. I don’t have it in me to fix thousands of years and centuries worth of trauma anymore. Nobody does. Those guys pushed me too far...Please just I hope that they...see a family therapist or something. I’m tired. I’m not letting myself be sucked into this or be the punching bag anymore....)

He strived to be better than them and getting this job would the perfect opportunity to fix his wounds.

Mammon: Alright. I'll do it...Gemme the application.

Both Kanon and Little D Number 2 cheered.

Great. That's one thing out of the way. All he could do was hope that he gets the job and find a good school for Kanon to go too.

He didn't want her to stay couped up in this house by herself...even if she had the Little D and his crows to keep her company.

Maybe he can get some advice from the others back in Devildom.

Although...he claimed he wanted nothing to do with his brothers. He did wondered what they are doing now...

But for now, he'll just focus on his new life.


Levi and Asmo weren't doing so well.

Levi: Arggggggh....

Asmo: Hey...You...doing okay?

Levi: Asmo...Why is a normie like you worryong about me?

Asmo: *Huffs* Just Asking...,You...Look like you've been crying...?

Levi: I...I...I...

The third eldest begin shaking which alarmed the fifth eldest brother. Levi looked visibly hot and flustered. He was also sweating and trembling at the exact same time!

Asmo: Levi?...Levi! S-Satan! Help!

Hearing the Avatar Of Lust 's pleads for help, Satan immediately ran into the living room to see the distorted state Levi was in.

Satan: W-What the hell?! Levi! Levi!!

Levi's breathing started growing heavy while he clutched into his D.D.D like his life depended on it.

Asmo: Where's MC?!

Satan: Tsk! Not here! Lucifer send them away to do a task!

Asmo: Seriously?! At a time like this?!

Satan: Levi! Levi! Calm down! We're right here! We're right here!

Asmo: Stay with us!

Levi's vision started dizzy to the point where it had faded to black. He fell to the ground with a thud.

Satan: LEVI!!!

Asmo: W-What happened?! What's Going On?!

Satan: FUCK! I think...He had a panic attack!

Asmo: *Eyes Went Wide* O-Oh My  Diavolo!

Satan: Quick! Get him on the couch!

Asmo moved him to the couch with Satan's help. The fourth eldest wondered why he freaked out like that. He then noticed Levi's phone was still on.

A thought appeared in his head. Leviathan is one of those people who have anxiety especially if there was something prone to attack their comfort zone. What if...Levi saw something that generally made him freak out...from his D.D.D

Satan picked it up and turned to the screen.

He peered straight into the screen and saw the answer he was looking for.


Leviathan: You needed me for something Lucifer?

Lucifer: Yes. I can't talk to you in person due to the unnecessary mountains of paperwork I have. So I have something to share with you.


Lucifer: For now on, you will no longer be doing online classes.

Leviathan: WHAT?!

Lucifer: As another elder brother, you need to step up and provide an good example for this family. This right here is the perfect opportunity to do that!

Leviathan: B-B-But Lucifer! You know I can't do that! I have anxiety being around people!

Lucifer: That is not my problem anymore. For now on, you will be attending R.A.D.

Levi: B-B-BUT!


Leviathan: L-Lucifer...This isn't fair!

Lucifer: Life isn't fair and it's time for you to understand that.


Lucifer: That is all. Be prepared for R.A.D starting monday. Do not embarrass me or ruin Lord Diavolo's reputation. Understand?


Lucifer: Good. That is all.


Satan felt the sudden urge to kill Lucifer. AGAIN. The Stupid Peacock is aware of Levi's mental state around people but the nerve to ignore it and force him to take classes at R.A.D?!

For what?! Diavolo's Reputation?! Not this shit again!

Diavolo This?! Diavolo That?!

Asmo: Do you know what's going on?

Satan: Yeah. Lucifer is forcing Leviathan to attend R.A.D.

Asmo: What?! But... Leviathan can't barely stand to even be in the same room with us!

Satan: I know that, idiot!!!

Satan gets it. He's aware the guy is future king of Devildom but what does his reputation have to do with Leviathan?

With crippling social anxiety and low self-esteem, Leviathan requires a lot of patience and persistence...But it seems that Lucifer is pushing it!

Just wait til he gets his hands on that old man!

He can't fucking stand him! Seriously, what's his fucking deal! Everything has changed since Mammon had left...

So it seems that while Mammon's new life is starting to get better. His brothers' lives are getting worse...and this is just the beginning...

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