Chapter 4

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After what seemed like a very short period of time- It was the day of the dungeon raid. I ran a hand through my hair and adjusted my hood. This was the only way I was capable of keeping my emotions from showing. 

Kirito smiled, a bit too joyfully for the moment. "You ready?"


(Fast forward to the dungeon) 

Many people were falling to the floor and even the leader had fallen dead. Kirito had a new spark in his eyes- He was determined.... 

"Hey you! Move to the right!" I called to a random person, shooting forward to attack an enemy only to my dismay have my cloak rip and fall to the ground. 

"N-no!" This couldn't be happening. Many stopped in awe and I went red. "Don't stop! Go!" I yelled, running at the boss. 

"This kill is mine!" 

Kirito strode to my side, "No it's mine!"

"No, it's mine!" I shot forward, but he beat me to it. "Switch!" We exchanged positions and he received the final strike on the creature. 

Huffing, I landed on the ground. "What bull-" 

"Hey! You're so awesome! Dude, how did you do that? Why weren't you on front lines?" 

"He's a beta tester!"

"He cheated!" 

Woah- wait! This made me confused and angry. "He just saved our asses, and now you're getting up his?" 

"He got us stuck in this god forsaken game! It's his fault multiple people died!"

Kirito didn't say anything, just retrieved the boss item (a black cloak) and gazed around. "Fine- I am the cheater you call me. Have fun trying to survive without me." 

He began to storm away and I felt a sudden difference in my emotions. "Wait! Kirito!" I ran up the steps from behind him and gave a grin as he turned around. 

"Thanks for putting light on my world view! And- I was wondering- would you maybe create a guild with me?" 

Kirito gazed back at me and shook his head. 'Sorry, but- I have other things to do. I prefer to work solo anyways." 

I shook my head, astounded that he refused. "What?! But on your own you'll die!"

Kirito gave a sly smile, tilting his head. "I've come this far on my own haven't I?" 


Several months have passed and I'm now the CEO of the Knights Of The Blood Oath. A guild where only the most elite players in all of Aincrad are accepted. And I just so happened to be the second best player in the whole thing. 

I had just arranged a strategy meeting when a familiar face entered. It was indeed a public meeting and I was glad to hear some suggestions-excluding this guy. 

"I think we launch the NPC's into the front lines. With all of the skills they have, we might have the chance of beating the boss!" I stated, pointing to the graphed paper before me. 

A male in all black and raven hair stepped forward. "No way! We can't use NPC's! The boss may go into the town for more ravaging of the land!" 

I narrowed my eyes at the male who dared defy my command. "What?"  My voiced dripped venom, and the room went cold. "That would minimize death on actual players! Besides! They spawn in after their deaths!" 

The male dared defy my yet again, pushing each and every one of my buttons. "You're wrong! The damage on the boss would effect the other players too! When it loses health points, its attacks become more violent, more dangerous!"

Whispers were heard amongst the crowd and I demanded silence. 

"Fine! All in favor in using the NPC's?" I questioned. Less than a quarter of the room rose their hands. 

"All in favor of leaving them out of it?" The rest of the room obliged. 

"Fine. We use physical labor and skills then." "Meet me at the boss room in two days! See you then!" I growled and everyone filed out. Including my pain in the ass. 

Strolling out, I growled some more about how useless the vote of the people was when I spotted my defier. 

He was sleeping?!  

I hopped the fence to see the male closer. I nudged him awake with my foot. "Wake up! Lazy good for nothing!" 

He opened his eyes, slowly before assessing the situation. "Ah! Asuna!" 

I narrowed my eyes before assessing him. How did he- 

Oh, my god....

"Kirito?!" I glared. 'What in god's name are you doing?! Everyone else in this god forsaken game is out working, and you're sleeping?!" 

Kirito grinned up at me and smiled. "Sit down! It's really quite comfortable." 

My face erupted in a fit of flames and crossed my arms. "No wa-" 

He tugged me down by my elbow and I sat beside him. "What-" 

He held a finger to his lips. "Lay down sweetie. Enjoy the view." 

I was so shocked, humiliated, and confused that I lay down beside him, gazing up at the tree. 

"Pretty huh?" But he wasn't looking at the tre, he was- 

But I can't really remember the rest. Because being so at peace made me so tired. 

and I shut my eyes...

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