Chapter 30: Inform

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Chapter 30: Inform

They went back to their house after their vacation. Jungkook was with his Jimin hyung since he have an appointment with his psychiatrist and counselor.

Meanwhile, Taehyung can't come with him due to his busy schedule and a lot of deliveries. He doesn't have any choice but to let Jungkook come with Jimin.

While filling the box with orders, he heard knocks on the door.

"Wait, I'm coming!" Taehyung yelled immediately went to the door.

When he opened it, he saw Moonchae with her guard.

"Where's my son?" Moonchae asked with her serious face.

"He's not here." Taehyung simply replied.

"Check the house." Moonchae ordered her guard.

The two guards got inside totally ignoring Taehyung although they bumped into him.

"This is trespassing, you can't just get inside my property." Taehyung said gritting his teeth.

"What will you do? File a case against me? I can simply tell them you kidnapped my son and threatened him to stay with you. We both know you won't win because you are known for being a murderer. No one will believe in you." Moonchae smirked.

"Sure if that's what you want to happen. Do you really think I'm scared? If no one will believe in me then no one will believe in you too. Who will believe in your foolishness?" Taehyung retorted smirking.

"If you just give me my son, this shouldn't happen. I make a deal with him that I will help you to get out of that jail and he chooses it. Now, he shouldn't come here to you and live with me because that's the deal." Moonchae stated.

"How much did you spend just to do that? I'll give it back to you."

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind Taehyung. Taehyung turns around seeing Jin holding two lifeless guards with his both hands dragging them like they were some snails.

Taehyung's eyes were wide while Moonchae gasped in fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do taser them but they were so slow to search and even made a mess in this house. Don't worry, they were just sleeping and might wake up later. Now, what are you doing here?" Jin asked and threw the guards outside of the house.

"I want my son back." Moonchae uttered.

"Does your son wants to come back?" Jin inquired.

"No, but I need to talk---"

"He doesn't want to come back so don't talk to him either." Jin interrupted her.

"If I talk to him, he will listen to me." Moonchae insisted.

"But he's not here, whom do you want to talk to?" Jin retorted.

"Just tell me where is he?!" Moonchae grumbled.

"Tell me a reason why will I tell you?" Jin inquired.

"His wedding is near and I had to tell him. His fiance's parents were looking for him." Moonchae replied.

"Unfortunately, he can't do that. Jungkook doesn't even love her and I want to tell you that Taehyung is his boyfriend." Jin snickered.

"What?! Taehyung are you a pedophile? Why my son? Why do you want to bring him in your mess?" Moonchae grumbled.

"Wow, as if you didn't bring your son to your mess. Don't you think that you are giving pressure on him? Why are you forcing your son to marry someone he doesn't even like? Don't you feel ashame to be called his mother?!" Jin fired back.

"Hyung, it's enough, let's go inside. People watching us." Taehyung muttered holding Jin's left arm.

"It's better rather than to let him be in a relationship with a pedophile." Moonchae stated.

"No, Jungkook being in a relationship with Taehyung is the best decision he ever made. If you have a heart, you will see how much happy Jungkook was. You are his mother but you don't know what makes him happy.

Oh, I forgot, you never became a mother to him so how you will know? You threw him away, right? Then took him when he is fine and when he comes back here, he became worst again. You treating him as if he was trash." Jin grinned.

"I was doing what's good for him! Don't speak to me like that because you don't know how I will treat him. If he marries Sue, he will get anything that he wants. But to Taehyung, what will he get? Getting shame? Hates? Bash?" Moonchae retorted.

"Happiness that deserves that no one can give even his family. Do you know what makes him happy? No. So leave before I can even hurt you. I don't care whether you're a girl or not. I will hurt you. Leave now!" Jin growled.

Moonchae glared at him before she spoke.

"I'll be back and get my son, I'll assure you that." Moonchae sternly said.

She left them with her guard who just woke up.

Taehyung sighed in relief while Jin shook his head. Before they can even get inside the house, a black cat stops in front of them.

"Who's that, hyung?" Jimin asked going out of the car.

"No one, how's the appointment with Jungkook?" Jin retorted inquiring.

"The doctor said he was doing good, maybe after two-three months, he will be fine. He seems to be gloomy during the appointment. And also, ahem, he looks like In love~" Jimin teased while looking at Taehyung.

"Stop teasing them, Jungkook are you hungry?" Jin asked.

"I'm fine, hyung, Jimin hyung treat me a food before we can get here." Jungkook smiled.

"Well, that's good to hear. Come on, let's get inside." Jin said moving aside.

"Hyung, why didn't you ask me if I'm hungry?" Jimin whines.

"It's because I don't care." Jin grinned innocently.

"Jerk" Jimin mumbled getting inside the house with Jin following behind him.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook suddenly asked Taehyung.

"Yes, why did you ask?" Taehyung retorted.

"You seem not in the mood." Jungkook said.

"It's because I'm tired..."

Taehyung stop himself and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

"And I miss you already." Taehyung giggled.

"Me too, hyung, you are only in my mind while I'm talking with my doctor. I guess that's why he said I'm in love." Jungkook smiled holding Taehyung's waist.

"I'm glad you are doing good, Jungkook." Taehyung said looking at him.

"It's because of you, hyung. I want to heal for you, I love you, hyung." Jungkook replied.

"I love you too, Jungkook." Taehyung retorted.

Jungkook leaned towards him and kissed his lips.

"Ehem, can we get inside first so you two can flirt? It's disgusting to see you two." Yoongi grumbled pushing them away.

Jungkook chuckled while Taehyung was snuggling on Jungkook's neck due to embarrassment.

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