Chapter 33: Baby

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Chapter 33: Baby

Taehyung was catching Hyebyeol, their adopted son. They decided to adopt a child since Taehyung wants to take care of a child. Hyebyeol was 6 years old and they adopted him when he was 5. They were taking care of him properly.

About Bogum, he was working properly with them. And they were loving his hard work. Of course, Jungkook was possessive and get jealous easily.

"Hyebyeol, baby, please be careful!" Taehyung yelled while running at the park. 

"Cawtch me appa!" Hyebeol giggled and he accidentally fell to the ground.

"See, I told you already." Taehyung chided worriedly.

He squat down to check Hyebeol's knee and he saw a bruise on his knee.

"Sowwy appa" Hyebyeol pouted.

Taehyung can't help but let out a soft giggle because his son looks so cute.

"It's okay, but we have to cure your bruise, or else if your dad saw this, he will scold you. So you should shush, okay." Taehyung threateningly teased.

"Okay, appa." Hyebyeol obediently replied covering his mouth with his both palms.

"That's my good boy." Taehyung smiled.

He ruffled Hyebyeol's hair and lift him up.

"Let's go home, we should treat your bruise before your dad comes home." Taehyung said.

Jungkook has his own company with his own money and the help of their hyungs. They want him to have his own work so he won't have any problem with his parent's company, besides, Jungkook was skilled and smart when it comes to handling the company. He wasn't part of his parent's company anymore.

Taehyung set down Hyebyeol on the couch.

"I'll go get the first aid kit, wait for me here." Taehyung said and went to his room.

He took the first aid kit and came back to Hyebyeol. He sat down on the mini chair and started to cure his baby bruise.

"Appa, please be careful, it hurts." Hyebyeol pouted.

"I will, but you have to be so strong like your dad. Do you want to be like him?" Taehyung uttered.

"Of course, I'm so strong, I want to be like dad. He's the strongest dad ever!" Hyebyeol proudly said.

He started to explain why he adores his dad so much and didn't even notice the cotton with alcohol pressing on his bruise.

"All done, now, what should we do? Do you want to eat or take a quick shower?" Taehyung asked.

"I want to eat first, appa. My tummy ish hungwy." Hyebyeol said with a bit of pout on his lips.

"Okay, just color your coloring book so you won't feel bored." Taehyung said when he stood up.

"Okie~" Hyebyeol muttered.

He took the coloring book and materials under the table. Taehyung didn't spoil him with gadgets since he was still a kid and luckily, Hyebyeol was understanding and he always listened to Jungkook. Jungkook was kind of strict but he is also a loving dad which made Hyebyeol admire him so much.

Suddenly, Taehyung heard the door open. He saw his hyungs coming with snacks and gifts for Hyebyeol.

"Hyebyeol, baby, uncles are here!" Hoseok screamed showing his gift.

"Uncle!" Hyebyeol yelled.

He stood up and gave them a warm hug while they were squatting down.

"Oh, what's that on your knee? Is that a bruise? Your dad will surely scold you." Yoongi uttered.

"Yahh, hyung, don't scare the kid. Look at his face." Jimin said shaking his head.

"Don't mind him, baby, he's a mean guy. Do you want to play with uncle hope?" Hoseok asked cheering up Hyebyeol.

"Sure, let's play!" Hyebyeol replied and his face lightened up.

"Now, let's go." Hoseok said carrying Hyebeol and sitting down on the couch.

"Do you want some help, Taehyung?" Namjoon asked in front of Taehyung.

"You? Helping Taehyung in the kitchen? Is that a joke?" Jin mocked standing beside Taehyung to help him.

"I'm okay here, hyung, can you please help Hyebyeol with his math subject?  He is having a hard time answering their lesson." Taehyung stated.

"Sure thing." Namjoon smiled and sat down beside Hyebyeol.

"I'm home" Jungkook suddenly arrived.

He removes his blazer and hangs it on the wall while undoing his necktie.

"Hello, dad!" Hyebyeol smiled waving his hands.

"What's that on your knee? Didn't I tell you not to get a bruise? Are you being disobedient to your appa?" Jungkook scolded glaring at him.

"I-I'm sorry, dad." Hyebyeol mumbled while fidgeting his fingers.

"Jungkookie, don't scold him, it was an accident. Besides, he's a kid, he was just enjoying everything. Please do understand him." Taehyung said standing beside Jungkook while caressing his arm.

"I'm just telling him what he should do. I'm scolding him for his good." Jungkook sighed pushing his hair to the back.

"I know, but please don't scold him for me, you love me, don't you?" Taehyung pouted looking cutely at Jungkook.

"This is so unfair, you know how much I love you, you don't have to ask me that question. You're the only person I love, you and my family " Jungkook sighed in defeat.

"I love you so much, Jungkook." Taehyung chuckled pecking Jungkook's lips

"Come on, let's eat, the food is ready!" Jin announced.

"Come on." Taehyung grinned dragging Jungkook along with him.

They went to the kitchen, Jungkook help his son to sit down on the chair. He was in the middle between his parents. Jungkook was feeding hyebyeol because he was eating messy when he eat alone.

They were talking while eating. When they were done, Taehyung and his hyungs were playing with hyebyeol. Jungkook was changing his uniform into something comfortable. He will play, read, and sing for his son after his hyungs will leave. And also, he had to finish a lot of paperwork so he had to take a rest.

"Appa, I'll open the door, someone is knocking." Hyebyeol uttered.

"Okay, ask their names, don't forget that." Taehyung said while arranging Hyebyeol's materials.

He come down from Jin's lap and went to the door to open it.

"Who are you, ma'am?" Hyebyeol asked looking up at her with his innocent round eyes.

"Ahm, baby come here, go to your dad. I will talk to her." Taehyung said and carried Hyebeol after seeing Moonchae standing at their door.

Taehyung gave his son to Jimin so he won't hear anything.

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