Chapter 6: Rejected

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Chapter 6: Rejected

Taehyung made his decision, he will stop Michael from dating him so Jungkook won't get mad. He told Michael to meet him in his coffee shop.

"I'm here" Michael uttered when he came inside.

"You can take a seat." Taehyung responded.

"Why do you call me to meet me here?" Michael asked, sitting down in front of Taehyung.

"I want to say that, I appreciated what you did to me and also for helping me. But I don't want to give you false hope." Taehyung started.

"What do you mean?" Michael inquired confused.

"I want you to stop dating me, I don't want you to continue it anymore. I'm sorry, Michael." Taehyung stated.

"Wait, what?! Why you suddenly said that to me? Didn't I give you everything you want? I dated you for 5 months." Michael replied.

"I know, but I want to end this. I want to focus on my career and Jungkook. I'm not ready yet to be in a relationship." Taehyung replied.

"Jungkook? That guy again? Why he's always your reason?! You told me you adopt him. He's not your real brother, Taehyung, don't be blind. He's ruining us, you can simply throw him away and we can date without him, without someone bothering us." Michael insisted.

"What are you saying throw him away? Yes, he's not my real family but that doesn't mean you can say those words like that. I rather want you to stop dating me than throwing him away." Taehyung argued, slamming the table.

"Aren't you using your brain? You almost give everything to him. He's at the right age, he can do whatever he wants. You don't need to take care of him. Stop choosing him over me, you're going to lose him one day." Michael stated, standing in his seat.

"I don't care what's your opinion, I knew him better than you. Look at you, you are saying nonsense, let me remind you, you are dating me but not now. I will choose someone who can accept me and Jungkook. But you, just leave my coffee shop now." Taehyung uttered, gritting his teeth, pointing to the door.

"You are stupid, you didn't even notice he was controlling you. Come on, open your eyes, he wants you just to be his alone." Michael stated.

"We're not even official, I rejected you so please leave me now!" Taehyung growled.

Taehyung flinched when Michael grabbed his jaw.

"No one can reject me, I can get what I want. I want you and I will get you." Michael uttered while tightening his grip on Taehyung's jaw.

"Let go of me, asshole!" Taehyung groans, pinching Michael's wrist.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, Jackson, and Bambam are going to Taehyung's cafe. They were going there to have free lunch.

"You said your hyung doesn't like coffee but why he had a coffee shop?" Jackson asked.

"He had experience being a cashier in a coffee shop, I guess, that's he used as his inspiration." Jungkook replied with a calculus book in his hands.

"Wait, isn't that your hyung? And who's that guy hurting him?" Bambam inquired which made Jungkook confused.

When he looked at the coffee shop. He narrowed his eyes and saw Michael, slapping his hyung. His hands balled in a fist, going inside the coffee shop. Taehyung and Michael both flinched when they heard someone get inside. Jungkook grabbed Michael's collar, punching him on his face.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung uttered when he was about to stop him but Jackson and Bambam came inside.

Jackson kicked Michael's stomach while Bambam held Michael's hand that he won't able to escape.

"Go, beat him" Bambam said, locking Michael's hand behind him.

Jungkook punched Michael on his nose while Jackson on Michael's face. Taehyung was watching them nervously. His employees can't stop them, scared they might get harm.

Bambam grabbed Michael's hair so Jungkook can have a proper way to ruin Michael's face which Jungkook aimed perfectly.

"Taehyung, Jungkook what's happening here!" Jin uttered when he came inside.

Taehyung just swallowed hard whole Jin noticed his swollen cheeks.

"Jungkook, stop that! Let him go!" Jin yelled, pushing Jungkook away.

"No, let me beat him!" Jungkook insisted yet he can't push Jin away.

"You can't make a scandal here, this is Taehyung's coffee shop!" Jin yelled trying to calm down.

"He slapped Taehyung hyung! I saw him, he hurt hyung!" Jungkook growled, he was in a rage.

"What? Why you didn't tell me." Jin responded, turning around and punched Michael's face.

Taehyung gasped, he thought Jin would stop them but instead, he joined with them.

"How dare you to lay your hands to Taehyung, huh?!" Jin growled.

Jin grabbed Michael's collar, throwing him on the table. Michael's nose was bleeding and he spat his blood due to the pretentious impact of getting hit on the table.

"Hyung, stop now, he's worst." Taehyung interrupted them.

"You! Throw him away, don't let this guy come here again, understood!" Jin ordered pointing to Taehyung's male staff.

The male staff nodded his head, nervously grabbed Michael out of the shop. Taehyung sighed in relief, at least, it ends.

"What happened here? I saw Michael was bleeding." Jimin uttered and came inside.

"Just a little fight, hyung." Taehyung replied.

"Wait, what's on your cheek? What happened to that?" Jimin inquired when he noticed Taehyung's red cheek.

"That asshole dared to slap Taehyung." Jin retorted.

"Why he slapped you?" Jimin asked curiously.

"I told him to stop dating me, I guess, I triggered him." Taehyung stated.

"How dare he slap you? You two are not official, he shouldn't hurt you. You shouldn't let them meet hyung." Jimin said, looking at Jin.

"I didn't expect he'll do that tho, I think he's obsessed with Taehyung." Jin responded, sitting on the chair.

"He hates Jungkook, he wants me to throw Jungkook away. I shouldn't let him date me. He's the worst person I've ever met. He's getting jealous because of Jungkook." Taehyung sighed, sitting on the chair.

"He's stupid." Jimin mumbled, shaking his head.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, he was still mad, and his hands balled in a fist. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand in order to calm him down.


What do you guys like to three of them? BTW, they were made by aisyx__

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