[nine] fortresses

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I'M IN SUCH A RUSH TO POST THIS BC I'M LEAVING FOR THE AIRPORT soOOO ignore weird mistakes and typos, see you in 3 weeks!!

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8:55 am

I snuggled further into Archie's chest as the doorbell rang. The resonance of it was ten times louder from where we lay on the couch. He huffed sleepily into my shoulder, making me breathe out a laugh. As annoying as it was to have what was probably the best sleep I've had in a while be disrupted by a morning visitor, waking up pressed up against Archie on our small couch was unsurprisingly pleasant. Especially after falling asleep utterly and completely content just hours ago.

AJ was going at it with the barking, persuading me to blink the sleep away from my eyes. I placed a kiss on Archie's chest before slipping out of his arms, telling him that I would get it."

A number of heavy, impatient knocks, however, urged Archie to quickly reach for my arm, his eyebrows furrowing down in caution as the knocks continued. The person on the other side didn't sound too friendly.

"Who the hell –"

"Oh, my god!" I gasped as I remembered one of the main reasons I was excited for this weekend. While I was waiting in the bedroom for Archie to prepare his surprise, I received a call from Katie who asked for an abrupt favor that required an extra seat at the dinner table for the next two days.

I tried to pull free of Archie's grasp, but he was clearly unnerved by the person who was being quite persistent on getting our attention. He tightened his hold on my wrist.

"Ellie, hold on," he whispered, glancing at the door. I rolled my eyes as he pushed me behind him, and I watched, amused, as he crept to the peep hole. "The person sounds like a drunk man who –"

"Isn't really drunk but is just an impatient man who wants to drop his daughter off at his sister's house for the weekend?" I finished for him

His tense shoulders dropped. "Oh." He finally released me, and I took that moment deliver a light punch to his arm.

"Thanks for your concern, tough guy," I laughed. Luca's annoyance and Caroline's glee were what greeted me as I finally opened our now bruised door. I'd have to inspect it later for any dent marks.

"Were you two that out of it that you couldn't hear me knocking?" Luca asked flatly as Caroline catapulted herself into my arms. I caught the bundle with a smile.

"No." Archie stood behind me, and Luca's look darkened. I released a sigh at his hostility. "We were sleeping and weren't really sure if there was a drunk maniac standing outside on our doorstep."

Luca raised a brow. "Drunk maniac, huh? I think those words described you perfectly after you believed that Ellie had finally dumped your sorry –"

"Dad!" Caroline chastised, saving me the effort of having to remind him to keep a clean mouth around his daughter.

Using my brother to steer the direction away from him, he asked, "So why are you here? Ellie forgot to mention it to me."

"Kate and I are going away for the weekend, and Caroline wanted to stay here with you two instead of coming with us." He handed over his daughter's bag. "I trust you'll take care of my girl when we're gone. Or are you still learning how to treat your girl right after so many months of doing a crappy job?"

Archie's jaw visibly clenched.

"Luca, stop it," I said quietly, letting Caroline slip down to the floor. "Honey, why don't you take AJ out to the yard? She'll probably need to do her business by now," I suggested, hoping that she'd get the hint. She of all people didn't need to be caught in the middle of this whirlwind. The tension radiating between the two men wasn't hard to miss, and even someone as young as Caroline understood. Still, she smiled as if everything was okay and happily led AJ to the yard. I pulled Luca in by the shirt and smacked his chest once free of her curious eyes.

"Luca, what the hell? If you want to start a fight with Archie, at least do it without your daughter in the room!" I hissed.

Luca remained undeterred by my chastise and Archie's glowering gaze. He folded his arms. "Tell me honestly, little sis. How many times have you cried since you came home?"

"Definitely less than the amount of times I've smiled and laughed." The quick response succeeded in backing him off a bit, but he still looked unconvinced.

Archie stepped forward, holding his head a little higher and his stance a little straighter. The seriousness of a businessman and the determination of a fighter perfectly described the look on his face as he stood before my brother as if he were getting into a streetfight. I in no way expected all these challenging moments to stop right away, just as I don't expect my relationship with Archie to heal the instant we finally opened our mouths, ears, and hearts.

The amount of bonds and relationships that could be broken after one cause was frightening.

"You can trust that your girl will be just fine in the hands of her aunt and uncle. As for my girl, you better believe that I'm doing my damndest not to lose her again. C'mon. Have a little faith in me, will you, Luca?"

Luca snorted as he turned towards the door. "I lost my faith in you a long time ago. Factoring in all of Ellie's tears and heartbroken moments, restoring that faith will be a long process, and you've barely scraped the surface when it comes to progress, Archie."

A flicker of hurt passed through Archie's eyes at the mention of my tears and heartache. Finding my hand, his thumb brushed along the band of the mood ring.

"Well, I'll do what it takes to make it all up," he said. His voice was so unwavering and confident, it actually raised my hopes that everything would turn out okay.

And, for a moment, I think Luca might've believed him, too.

10:37 am

Caroline assessed the menu of bagels with excitement. In compensation for her visit slipping my mind, Caroline has requested bagels from this specific bagel place for breakfast. Maya called Archie shortly after Luca's departure, and judging by stress and annoyance on his face, it was a work call. He stayed behind while Caroline and I went for breakfast errands.

She whiffed the carton of newly toasted bagels and smiled. "I wish we had a place like this back in our town," she said wistfully.

I ruffled her head and held the door open for her. "Well, we can always get some when you're here. It can be our little . . . " The remainder of my sentence fell short as a familiar woman passed by to get to her car. She was all the way at the end of the parking lot, but I could identify that person even from where I stood gaping like an idiot.

My inability to move or speak confused Caroline, and she followed my line of vision. "What, Auntie Elle? Who's that?" she asked, tugging on my arm.

The overwhelming guilt that had settled itself in my chest for months became ever so apparent as the woman looked up and met my faraway gaze. She held it for a long time, clearly knowing who was staring back at her, before she shook her head and got into her car. It wasn't until she drove out into the streets did I find the words to speak.

I ran a hand through my hair, struggling to take in a deep breath with the weight on my chest. And I thought I'd gotten rid of this feeling. But it was worse and heavier than before, because I knew that while we can hide behind the delusion of perfect times, the awful reality of my mistake will always be there.

"That was Archie's mother," I said to Caroline with a trembling breath.

It was also the mother of the woman I killed.

11:11 am

The sick feeling in my stomach caused by seeing Julia again wasn't comforted by the sight of Archie dressed like he was off to work. Tie around his neck and phone in hand, he stood up with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes as we entered the house.

Caroline spoke my exact thoughts. "Where are you going?"

I rubbed my arm, as if the disappointment was crawling up my skin. Talk about an exciting weekend.

"My boss called. A deadline where we originally had time to prepare for was moved up sooner than we expected, and I have to go to a meeting to discuss this," Archie explained, his tone expressing how apologetic he felt. I forced a smile. Caroline had no qualms in holding back how bummed she felt.

"Aw, this sucks! We just got bagels." She frowned and held up the carton.

"I know, I know. I guess I'll take one for the road," he sighed, taking the load off her hands.

Archie and I made our way into the kitchen once Caroline announced that she had to pee. "I'm really sorry I have to take off like this, but I'll be back by three, four being the latest," he continued as he agitatedly spread the cream cheese to the top of his bagel.

I took the knife from him as a precaution against any accidental cuts. That wasn't a butter knife he was wielding.

"No, it's fine," I said, because if I'm honest I don't know if I'd rather have him here or away when I'm still reeling from seeing his mother again. It brought back the memories and the guilt that I wished would stop coming back to haunt me. But my simple response and the silence that followed must've gave away that I was bothered by something. Archie took the knife back and put it down before making me face him.

"Something happened," he guessed, his eyes roaming my face for any indication that he was correct. I pressed my lips together and reached to do his tie. "C'mon, Ellie," he probed me further. "Talk to me. Why the tight lip?"

It took a full moment after I completed the task at hand before I answered him. "Caroline and I saw your mom when we were leaving the bagel shop. She didn't look too thrilled to see me, but I hardly believe that I've gained her forgiveness in the time that I haven't seen her."

"I wasn't aware that she was in town," he answered, surprised. "She didn't mention it when we were on the phone not too long ago. I'd given her a call around the time you were gone."

I raised a brow. "Was she one of the people who gave her very opinionated thoughts on our situation?" I asked, recalling his words from our phone call by the lake. "I doubt she believes in us, Arch."

"She doesn't believe in us just as much as Luca does," he said with a negative shake of his head. Julia's nonexistent faith and high hopes for us was nothing I didn't expect, but it didn't make the news any more comforting.

I tilted my head back with a sigh. "There's more people waiting for us to fall apart completely, you know," I whispered. The distinct sound of the TV running in the living room reminded me of the presence we had waiting in hunger. "Caroline's in no way oblivious to what's happened between us, but I feel like she's part of the small minority who actually believes we can work things out."

"Trust me I know," he muttered. "You were right in saying that all those thoughts being biased. I know the amount of people who are confident we can come out of this stronger than ever and it's pretty small." He sought for my hand that held the mood ring again, and the expression on his face was nothing short of determined. I've been seeing this face more and more often. "But their opinions don't sway what I think, Ellie, and it's not them who need to believe in us. Whether or not we move on from all this comes down to you and me, and you know which outcome I'm rooting for."

God. No wonder he's become such a successful businessman. The man had a talent for moving people.

My arms found their way around his neck on impulse. The presence of the mood ring became a prominent fixture of thought in my head, the promise and the sentiment anchoring down my hope that had drifted farther and farther away with the months. Who knew such cheap piece of jewelry that could be bought at a souvenir shop could mean just as much as a beautiful wedding ring?

"Tell me you believe," Archie murmured, resting his forehead against mine.

I brushed back the strand of brown hair skimming his eyebrow. "I believe," I whispered. "I wouldn't still be standing here if I didn't."

Again, I felt the tension in his shoulder dissipate, his body loosening beneath my fingertips. "After this weekend with Caroline, we'll talk some more. About everything and anything that needs to be said. But after this damn meeting, I want to shut everything down for a few days and just fully enjoy having you home."

He smiled, and this time around it actually reached his eyes.

3:09 pm

My eyes strayed away from the plates I was putting away as Caroline padded into the kitchen with her arms full of devices. I watched, confused, as she took my phone off the dining table and added it to her pile. From the looks of it, I swear she had collected all the devices laying around the house.

"Woah there, sweetie," I laughed, reaching for some of the items before her arms gave way. "Let me help you with that. We don't want to risk damaging all this technology, now do we?"

As I picked some of the items to lighten her bundle, Caroline breathed out in relief. "Thank you. Those things were heavier than I thought they would be," she said, sounding winded.

"So would you like to explain to me why you're carrying all this stuff?" I asked and gestured to her collection. "I'm sure there's an easier way to videochat with all your friends back home without the use of several devices.."

She answered with a giggle and a vague response of, "I'm just following orders."

"Orders, huh? And who might be giving you such an order?" I smiled and poked her on the side, where she was most ticklish.

There was one sure way I could get information out of her and that was through a tickle assault. But Caroline apparently was in no position to tell as she did the universal zipping of the lips. And that's how all my technology, including the TV remote, was gathered and stored into a spare pillow case. I shot my niece a mock despaired look as she threw a blanket over the technology filled pillow case for good measure.

"Now how am I supposed to keep contact with people outside the house and prevent myself from boredom if you've hijacked all my technology?" I asked. Her smile feigned innocence, and my eyes narrowed playfully at her.

4:12 pm

Caroline was writhing with laughter due to my probing fingers when Archie came home. An hour later and I was still trying to squeeze – more like tickle – the information out of her. She'd completely forbidden me from using any of the technology that she had stored away, and I'd tickled her endlessly since I had nothing better to do with my time.

She caught a break as Archie came up from behind me and pinned my arms together behind my back. "Better run and hide now, Caroline," he warned, playing along. I smiled and pretended to put up a fight, struggling to free myself from his hold when in reality I had no chance. Our niece's scream followed her all the way to the bedroom that she then locked herself into.

I relaxed into Archie as his hands softened around my arms. "You don't happen to be the head voice in operation take away all technology, are you?"

Archie chuckled as he helped us both get up from the floor. "What'd she do with them?"

"Stuff them into a pillow case. Wrapped it with a blanket as an extra precaution."

"I knew she'd be a perfect accomplice."

"So," I began, wrapping my arms around his neck, "are you shutting down for the weekend yet, Suit?"

"Literally. That's why I had Caroline gather all the devices so we wouldn't be distracted. Now that she's hidden them so well, we won't be tempted."

This whole no-technology rule brought back memories from my time up at the lake. It worked out so well up there, Riley and I wouldn't have spent our afternoons swimming each day we were there if Tony hadn't set down that rule.

I held out my hand expectantly. "Phone."

With a chuckle, Archie took his own phone from his pocket and completely just threw it on the couch before tugging me closer.

"Now I'm yours for the weekend," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss between my brows.

"As well as the minority's," I added softly, tilting my head just enough to see Caroline peeking from the door with a fail concealed smile.

6:08 pm

Caroline and I stared at Archie, bemused as he stood beneath the archway that lead out of the kitchen. She'd been in here with me to watch as I cooked dinner and had briefly left to go see where Archie had gone, only to return draped over his shoulder a moment later.

"Hey, Caroline?" He extended his arms to either side of the wall, blocking our only exit. "Remember when I came to spend the day with you to make up for missing your birthday party, and you doubted that I was still a cool uncle?"

"Well, you're all about the suits nowadays," I pointed out, gesturing to the clothes that he'd stayed in since he came home, tie and jacket now missing.

Archie pursed his lips as he looked down at his clothes. Despite spending the afternoon playing card games with Caroline and I, he hadn't changed to anything more comfortable. He must be so used to be wearing suits and dress shirts all the time.

"Oh, this? Not a problem." He waved his hand in nonchalance and retrieved the apron from the drawer. I shook my head at the wink he directed at me before bursting into laughter.

"At least we know aprons and suits will never be the next trend," I commented, pressing a hand to my mouth.

Archie smiled as Caroline joined me in expressing how hilarious he looked. "All right, you two. Stay here in the kitchen until I'm done setting up in the living room. You're not allowed to leave."

He smirked as I sent him an unamused look. Banishment again? At least this time I had company.

My company stood and tried to sneak a peak but lacked the finesse and speed to get past Archie. He hauled Caroline into his arms again. "I wanna see what you're setting up," Caroline whined.

He tapped her nose. "Be patient, all right? You'll see in a little bit. In the meantime, Elle, I'm going to need those Christmas lights you stored away."

7:29 pm

The more scraping of furniture across the floor and thudding Archie was making in the living room increasingly made me worried. He better not destroying the house, I thought as I put down the deck of cards I was using to keep Caroline entertained. Unfortunately for Archie, there's a point in time where you just can't handle another round of goldfish and slap jack.

I jumped as something crashed. "Archie?" I called out, creeping towards the hall. "Are you okay? What are you doing in there?"

"I'm fine, don't worry!" he shouted back. I frowned at the hint of exertion in his voice.

"Are you almost done?" Caroline groaned, joining me by the archway. No other lights but the kitchen lights were turned on. A faint glow reflecting on the hardwood floors was enough to let me know that our Christmas lights were set up on the walls. I promised Archie I would keep Caroline, as well as myself, from taking a sneak peek, but my sanity was slowly dwindling due to complete and utter boredom. I looked down at my niece, at the impatience written on her face, and I caved.

"What are you doing?" she whispered as I crept closer to the archway.

I put a finger to my lips. "I'm just gonna see if he's almost done."

Caroline slipped past me so she was ahead. "I wanna see, too."

The phone, however, had awful timing. Caroline slipped from her ready position and released a small squeak when the home phone began to blare, loud enough that Archie heard her from where he was standing. Although the room was dimly lit with the Christmas lights strung along the walls and I had all of five seconds to look, I could see the rearrangement of our furniture, and I had a pretty good guess as to why.

Caroline confirmed my thoughts as she cried, "Oh, cool, a fort!

"Yeah a fort. Who's the coolest uncle now?" Archie asked, sounding very proud of his work. I hurried to pick up the phone as Caroline erupted into excited chatter, but as soon as I heard who it was, my mood plummeted.

I walked into the living room with the phone in my hand. I'd disconnected with a promise to call back shortly, just so I could see Archie's work without being pressured to send him away before I could say anything. Seeing the whole fort built in its entirety was amazing. Our couches were the endpoints, and Archie had moved the furniture around to lengthen the perimeter; the tall lamp in the corner lifted one end up. The bright yellow bulbs emitted a soft light against the fort, giving it a comfy and romantic feel.

After hearing who was on the other line, it was hard to fully admire what Archie had transformed our living room into with the use of all our living room furniture. It felt like my own heart's fortress was being strengthened and guarded again. But the man who put so much effort and thought into this project little stood grinning at the front of it all, and he was the only one who was capable of breaking down those walls.

Caroline emerged from under the fort, her eyes twinkling. "Isn't this cool?" she asked me, then retreated with another squeak as I pulled Archie into a kiss.

"The coolest," I answered her, smiling softly. I bent down to look inside and was happy to find a nest of blankets and pillows within.

"Do you like it?" Archie asked. His hand found the mood ring again, and I was beginning to think it was a mindless action that he did, to reach and to find it. To make sure that it was still there. The phone was in my other hand.

The call.

I forced a smile. "It's absolutely stunning, Archie. I could have never been able to pull this off, or make it half as good as you did."

Archie's smile dropped. "Something's bothering you again," he said, making me inwardly scowl at how terrible I was at hiding my feelings. Either I'm an open book or Archie's good at reading people – both of those being the truth made me more incapable of tricking him about anything.

I gave him the phone. "Your mom called," I mumbled, terrible feelings arising in me that I wished would just go away. "She's pretty mad that you haven't been answering her phone calls, and she wants to meet with you tomorrow to speak about something."

The glow of the Christmas lights was enough for me to see his jaw visibly clench as he looked down at the phone. He took a moment to collect this thoughts before he shook his head and put the phone down. Apparently, those thoughts broke the promise I made to Julia about him calling her back.

"I'll get my phone and text her that I'll get back to her about meeting up some other time, because I'm spending my weekend with the minority."

And I realized, then, that maybe there was reason behind this whole total device shut down.

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Hey, guys! i don't have enough time to write a chatty author's note this time bc i'm off to the airport really soon and i wanted to upload this chapter before i leave for the philippines! i'll be gone for 3 weeks and will be finishing this story when i get back - just one more chapter + epilogue. this chapter was kind of hard to write as it'd been a month since i last wrote and it was kinda hard to get back in the flow.

this week's chapter question is: what are you doing this summer?


I love you to the moon and back,

- a rushing jesse xx

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