Chapter 1- Pain.

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This book is a fanfiction from the Percy Jackson and Olympian/ Heroes Of Olympus series. All the characters, besides a couple, are Rick Riordan's. Along with that, the writing in this book belongs completely to me.

This writing is completely free so if you could do me a favor and point out any grammar or spelling mistakes. I am not perfect and it would really help me out. Thank you, enjoy the book <3



It wasn't the fact that I necessarily hated this school, it was that I hated the people in it. They were sick, hideous beings with only themselves to worry about.

Chiron was cruel to make me attend such a hell. Just walking into the building was enough to make me tense up, let alone thinking about what was to come. Why he thought it would help me 'expand my social boundaries' was clueless to me. It was doing anything but.

I take a deep breath to calm my anxiety that was building and crack open the back doors of the school. They weren't used much which caused them to have a rusty squeak. I winced at the loud noise, not wanting to seen or heard. Giving away my location now would it result in torture later.

I had just come to believe I was safe when the back of my collar was yanked forcefully. My eyes widen as my heart rate spikes. They must have caught on.

"Shithead, what happened to come through the front doors like a normal god damn person?" William Solace spits in my face, cornering me into the dinged up lockers. His bright blue eyes were nearly as sharp as a knife. They dug into my soul and jabbed at the most vulnerable spots. I froze in terror when they met mine. I was so close, I thought. The back of my eyes started to burn from threatening tears.

A sudden impact in the stomach throws me off guard. I wince loudly and clutch my stomach, doubling over in pain. I stumble over my own steps in a worthless attempt to get away. I throw my hands out in front of myself to protect myself from the impact of the floor. Flares of pain shot up my arms and my stomach revolted. Drops of blood splattered against my chin in a coughing fit. It hurt immensely, and always would, but not nearly as much the emotional rift it left in me.

"To be honest, I don't even think we have to do anything ourselves now." He laughs menacingly, "It looks likes he has that part all to himself. At least he has some brain after all. Or he is just a nasty sadist, " he pauses and takes a few steps towards my lumped form on the floor, "It would surprise me. Not one bit."

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from yelling at him. That I wasn't a filthy piece of scum like he so gloriously thought, but then I would just be lying to him and myself.

A pair of sneakers collides with my ribs. I clench my eyes hard, hoping and wishing to be anywhere but here. That maybe Will and his cronies would suddenly disappear off the face of Earth and I could be free. I knew that was child talk, though. Only a silly dream.

It goes on for what seems like ever until the haven of a bell rings. I silently thanked the gods.

The tormentors left in a rush to escape the crowd of people coming through. The people didn't even bother to care to bother looking at the bruised boy on the floor as they came through. It was a common sight.

Eventually, I willed myself up enough strength to stand up and get my stuff that had flown off. I was nearly ten minutes late for my first class. I cursed and ran towards the gym.

"Mr. Di Angelo, follow me, please." Coach Rickard says when I burst through the gym doors minutes later. I was a panting mess and barely holding my stomach contents in. Everywhere ached on my body but I just couldn't afford to miss any more classes if I was to graduate.

"Yes sir, " I respond barely audible. He leads me inside his office and tells me to take a seat. Instead of sitting down as well, he remains standing at an uncomfortable distance.

I fidget around with the skull ring on my middle finger. Leo had stolen it and made it where it could turn into my sword to 'surprise me' for my birthday last year. When I found out at first I was furious. He had messed up one of the only things I had left of Bianca. I almost practically had to get held back from tearing his head off by Jason. Later on, I realized it was only practical and maybe even thoughtful. Also that it would make killing him in his sleep much easier.

"-you aren't listening are you?"

My head snapped up and away from my thoughts. "I'm sorry sir, can you please repeat what you were saying? Also, I'm so sorry for coming in late. My grandma accident this morning. She fell in the bath." I knew he didn't believe it but enough for him not to catch onto the truth.

"Nico, that's not why I called you in here today."

I was hit with confusion. "It isn't?"

His tall, 6'11 form towered over me and he looked hard into my eyes. Slowly the changed from a dark green to a bright glowing red.

I gulped.

"No, it isn't."

I watched as the two eyes form into one giant one the center of his face. He was a cyclops. Faster than I could think, I threw my ring off my hand and into the other. It formed in mid-air and I pointed it against its an angle of course.

"Oh, I'm not here to kill you. Don't start getting all giddy on me." He grinned evilly. "Kill me if you wish, but I just wanted to give you a message."

I pressed the knife even harder into his neck. "I don't want to hear whatever taunts you have for me. Everything you have is worthless to me."

"Oh, so you don't wish to know of the upcoming war and what your pathetic camp will soon to surpass?"

"What?" I growl at him, my mood doing a complete one-eighty.

"Wow, a little feisty, huh? That's surprising. According to the bruises on your chin every day, no one would have ever thought of you actually standing up for yourself. " He grins again and cocks his head. "Oh, have I hit a nerve?"

I grit my teeth. Every bone in my body screamed in protest as I threw my arm back and threw his neck. He had dodged the move easily and now stood on the other side of the room. This was my new world record. Getting attacked two times within one hour. Truly wonderful if you asked me.

"Oh look at the time, it looks like I have to go...toodles my dear friend." The Cyclops says to then vaporize into a pile of golden dust.

I was left even more confused than before. Is a monster voluntarily killing themselves? I had never seen anything like it before.


Dead leaves and branches crunched under my feet as I went along the path. I had cleared this way a long time ago in hopes no one would be able to see me when I shadow traveled back to camp. The woods were right behind the school so I would still hear the lunch-chatter of my grade, but I was alone nonetheless. It was also a peaceful place where I took my lunch sometimes to avoid the glares of peers. If I ever ate.

I needed to get to Chiron immediately to tell him about the Cyclops and what he had said. Yes, it could have easily been a bluff to panic us, but it was better than if he had been telling the truth.

Eventually, I had found a spot clear enough to travel. I closed my eyes and pictured the warmth of my bed and the absolute death vibe of the cabin that we still hadn't redecorated. My ears popped suddenly and I fell face down on the black design of my bed. I regretted it soon after My ribs ached in pain and my nose started to bleed just slightly.

I groaned and fell off my bed with a thunk.

With my lasting strength, I picked myself up and walked to the closet. A stash of ambrosia was hidden there from me steadily stealing it over the years to deal with my injuries quietly. It wasn't a lot, only enough that the Apollo campers wouldn't suspect anything. I broke off a small corner of one and munched on it as my back slid down against the wall. The magical food started to work in action immediately. A bruise on my cheek faded into a barely noticeable green along with some other ones on my back and chest. Not all of them though, just enough that it won't be suspicious to an onlooking glance.

My eyes started to flutter close with the toll of exhaustion. I have barely slept without the burden of Tartarus coming back to me, but right now was an exception. Maybe Ambrosia could fix more than just physical wounds.

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