Chapter 23 - Golden.

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 Will's P.O.V.

"Hello, my sweet."

The words were hot on the back on my neck. Not thinking straight, I go to whip around and try to hit them. It collides with their sicking cold forehead with a wham, but they don't budge. I kneeled on the ground still, the pavement was most likely making indents into my knees.

Their arms snake around my waist making my whole body go tense. "Hmm, can't say that wasn't expected. " It was a male voice, silky smooth and laced with an underlining poison that brought warning tingles to my skin. The arms tightened, making it look from any onlookers point of view as a friendly hug from behind.

My mind was raced as the tears rushed down my blotchy face. It wasn't a pretty cry too, I could feel them ride down my face. Some staggered onto my lips leaving a salty flavor. All of my head felt like it was forcefully filled with concrete. It was heavy when I pulled harshly on the ends of my hair to stop the shaking of my restless hands.


They ignore me, standing up and letting go of their grip on me. "Ivy, grab the boy." The voice says. "In one piece too. A closer look at the boy suggests that he might have a little more purpose than what I first proposed."

I turn my body around to get a look at him. His hair was midnight black, so dark it could've been dyed. Although the distance, I could also see his eyes were a pointed grey. A sharp jawline accompanied the menacing glare. More people came into my vision then, maybe around two or three. One of them, though, had hooves and unruly hair covering the lower half of their body. Satyrs, I tell myself. It confused my panicked state more.

He moves forward to grab me, following his orders. The man wasn't as big as the others, a good 5'7 with his muscles being less buff too. But it didn't stop his firmness when their hand harmfully goes to snatch my wrist. I jerk back, leaning awkwardly on my elbows for a minute before fight-or-flight instincts kick in. My hand snatches my dagger from their sight and in seconds I'm on my feet with both hands gripping it, pointing it at the same man.

It's trembling, though, and because of that, I looked less intimidating than I wished.  I quickly maneuver my head so I could use my shoulder to clear my eyes. They could see the weakness in me. These people knew I was going to be here just like Chiron said. Meaning, they had to do something or be in with, the person who had killed my mother.

"Well don't just stand there you fucking dumb asses," the black haired man says, "get the boy!"

The only woman in the group bends down to her shoe and brings out a throwing knife. the satyr brings a wooden recorder out of who-knows-where and starts playing a quiet tune. It ticks a memory inside of my head. Malcolm, one of the Athena kids, had told me some of these guys have the ability to influence your actions with their music. Magic he had called it.

The girl's knife suddenly gets flung at me. I dodge it barely, it grazing my hip. The pain sent flares down my body. "Fuck," I whimper slightly, a hand now holding the injury. The last one is now lost in my vision until I see him barely in the corner of my eye, running at a fast pace towards me.

It was three against one and I was definitely screwed. So I bolted.

I swept down an grabbed my backpack and took off. Of course, I naturally ran the way I shouldn't of. The street was a cul-de-sac, rounded back on one end meaning a dead end. With three, deadly armed people behind me, I couldn't exactly turn around either.

While running, I had thrown the bag across my back again to have my hands free. My side was killing me and so was every other part of me in emotional trauma. With one hand on my weapon, I looked down at the tear it had caused in my shirt. The edges were rimmed with specks of blood.

The satyr was ahead of them both when I looked behind me. His goat legs pushing faster than any other mortals. The music swelled in my ears with him getting closer. It whispered to me like a lullaby while it slowed my pace. He was trying to make me pass out.

The second to last house was next to me. My house, or what was, is exactly on the on the other side on the street. With nowhere else to go, I sprinted my way in between the two remaining houses. A latter was built onto the side the one to my left as if it was a gift from the heavens. My white converse pointed on their tippy toes to reach high enough on the latter to pull myself up. I dangled there for a minute, rust digging into my palms, trying to kick my feet up to the first step. When I do, the three of them come crashing down into the small alleyway.

A knife impales the pale green exterior next to my face. I don't even have time to react because at the top of the lays the roof. Black shingles meet me as I pull myself up and away from danger. Metal banging comes from below showing that they were making their way up. I look below me, and sure enough, they all now had sharp and dainty objects to harm me with.

My feet kick at the latter powerfully, hoping to release it from its old hinges. Since all of them weighed more than me, you could hear the creaks coming from the metal. When there's enough room, the next person rapidly moves on right under them. It then finally gives away making both falls to the ground with a thump.

"Fuck!" One of them screams followed by groans of pain. I don't stay long enough to watch them suffer. Instead, I turn around and face the challenge of not falling off the roof. One hand on the higher side and the other on the lower part. I crouched down and try to make it across stably.

"Ivy, make vines you idiot!"

The irony of that statement could be considered laughable if I wasn't about to die. A punk-like music starts to play after some bickering. My heart beat inside my chest and my stomachache starts doing flip-flops. This was going all to fast. Why was it going so fast? Couldn't I just sit and cry for once? Couldn't I just be normal and not have to worry about this god awful world?

I reach the end of the other side finally with no way across. It would be a highly risky jump from the fact the house was over two stories tall. There was no time and no way out.

Behind me, the first person had pulled themselves up. It was the burly man who had required a sword somehow. He wore a simple black tank top and his head was completely bald. Not once did he stagger when he stated confidently making his way towards me. I had no idea on what to do now. The only way out was to jump or fight. Looking back down at the ground, I gulped.

"Get the fuck over kid!" He yells at me as if it would change my mind. I just wanted to go home but I had no idea where that was now.

Below us, we had started to attract the attention of mortals. You could see them hold a hand above their eyes to look at us. The confusion on the faces of them was huge. It was practically just the few construction workers, but it was still causing a panic. Some were pointing us out to others. I had no idea what they were seeing, but it was still probably messed up.

The three was all up here now causing my breathing to labor. My hands shook with fear and sadness. I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry right here and now. The knife in my hand lifted pointedly at the man. With the steadiest voice I could muster up, I asked him the question that was digging into my mind.

"My mother... .what did you do?"

"We don't know shit about your stupid mother kid. Sean, grab the little twit!" The woman ordered. The guy was close enough to reach out for my arm. It locked on with a harsh grip. Surprising the man, my dagger cuts the crease in between his arm.

"Fuck!" He curses. Suddenly, I'm hit ridiculous pain in the legs. The pain almost made me crumble and fall. I look around and see the brown hair girl with a long whip. She laughs almost genuinely.

"I thought they made actual heroes at that little camp of yours. You're pretty pathetic compared to what I was hoping for."

The back of my nose burns at the comment. I wipe it away with arm and whisper, "Back away," With a threatening voice, trying to seem intimidating. It might not have scared her the slightest, but helped me in ways she couldn't imagine.

Black spots slowly danced into my vision. None of it was from pain, in fact, I could now barely feel now. It was the adrenaline coursing its way through me.

"I bet you don't even know how to use that knife of yours. What does he even want from you that's so special?" She is in my face, spitting harsh words. "What? Can you breathe fire?"

The other man's hand latches onto my shoulder firmly while I'm distracted. He also rips the only source of defense I had and throwing it off the roof. In the process of wrestling it from me, he had cut open my palm. It dripped slowly, drop by drop, seeping into the wooden house under us.

"Do some magic for us?" The girl continues, this time grabbing my chin and forcing it up. My heartbeat roared my ears loudly when they push me down into a vulnerable position to keep still.

"Or," she whispers sadistically bringing a knife to my throat, "-fly?"

It seemed to all seemed to go in slow motion. She kicked my chest sending me flying back. I was already close enough to the edge as it was originally, but the boost sent me flying over the edge.  I was airborne for what felt like minutes but was probably only seconds. It was terrifying, even if It was only two stories.  I stared up at the white clouds above me, eyes widening in fear. The edges of them were rimmed in light, giving them a silver lining. 

I shut my eyes closed in preparation of the pain to come as my back comes in contact with the ground.  Instead, though, I get thrown back up into the sky and back down once again. I'm shocked to look around me and see golden threads forming around me. It was a net. I did a double take of it, swearing it hadn't there before. 

It's martial was soft like it was imitating the silk robe, my mother. The net also simmered like pure gold and was glowing too if I wasn't mistaken. It buzzed with energy. 

"Holy shit," the bald guy spoke looking down at me. "He won't believe this."

Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine~~~

Word Count: 1955

What do you guys think happened?? Hmmmm, I just love cliffhangers. 

I've been actually wanting to write this one for a while now. Fun ;)

Anyhow, my birthday is in 2 days if anyone cares. I'm just hoping to get a new phone, mine sucks ass.

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