Chapter 27- Suspensions.

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Wills P.O.V.

The white bandages that wrapped around my waist had burned. Actually, that was quite an understatement. I had running off pure adrenaline yesterday when it happened. Now that it was at least twenty-four hours later, most of my body felt like it was sacrificed to the pagan gods.

Alex sat in front of me, changing one of my multiple wounds. Her straightened black hair was tied back with only her bangs hanging down, cupping the sides of her face. She also had on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black-and-white flannel. You didn't really appreciate how tall she really was until you were below her. My 6'0 was closely followed by her 5'11.

"I can't believe you were that stupid," Alex said for the fifth time, cleaning up the wound. "You're beyond lucky they had shown up or you be in deep crap right now."

I winced when she put on the rubbing alcohol on my arm without telling me first. "I'm sorry, okay?" I wasn't though. I had got the information I had wanted so badly even if it wasn't near my high hopes.

After Cecil and Izzy showed up, they practically almost killed me while swerving through various lanes of traffic. It was nearly a one and a half hour drive so we ran out of gas when Cecil got lost. We ditched the car too after a while. Izzy started blabbering on how it could have a tracking device in it. I compromised with her instead. We drove around a part of Manhattan until we found a homeless man sleeping on one of the benches and gave him the keys to the car.

"Look, if you drive around in this car for a good hour or two in a random pattern, you can have this car..."

He looked at us like we were crazy. "You have to be kidding me, right?"

The three of us looked at each other and back at the man. "We're not, sir."

"You look no more than fifteen, the lot of ya. How would you be able to afford such a priceless thing?"

He was right, It was a stunning black sports car. If I had to estimate, It would be a good one hundred grand.

"We won it in a bet," Izzy replied. " We can't drive yet so It's worthless to us. Would you do us a favor please and take it?" She held out her hand with keys dangling In front of him. He glared at us suspiciously before hastily snatching them up.

When I had regained my focus, my arm has bandaged back up again. Behind me, Argus, who I came to know as the camps security guard, was talking to Chiron. After a while, you get used to all his eyes. But what truly bugged me was the fact that they seemed to stare straight at me at the moment.

"All done," Alex revealed. She stood up and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Argus!" Chiron stopped talking for a minute, turning his head with the other to look at her.

"I'm ready," she states with a smile. It was Wednesday, meaning she was going off to visit her other siblings.

Chiron smiled at her sweetly. "I'm afraid we are going to have to make a detour on the way their child. Another camper seemed to get himself in a sticky situation with his principle. " He turned to me. "You will have to come as well. The school does not seem to have your new...change of address. I can use the mist to fool them that I'm your uncle, but that's all I would be able to do. Without your signed proof that you agree, they change a thing." I nodded agreeing, my brain drawing important detail on how he avoided the word home.

Alex frowned, "We won't be that late, will we?"

"Don't worry, the school will be near the foster home. I believe it is only a mile or so. William and I could be dropped off while you go visit."

"Okay, sounds good. Are we leaving now?"

"Might as well."


The van was decently roomie and smelled of strawberries. It had three rows so there was a total of eight seats. Whatever music that was currently popular was playing on the radio.

But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?

Alex whispered next to me, "They use these trucks to take the strawberries into town to sell. That's why It smells so good by the way."

Chiron hummed in the front seat. "That's actually just the air freshener I sprayed. Strawberries don't have a smell."

"They don't?"


"Have you ever learned something that doesn't really make a big influence on your life, yet it feels like it will never be the same."

I chuckled at her statement which made my right burn. "How long will it take this to heal?" I winced.

"Not too long. It's not major cut or anything so maybe about two weeks."

"Okay," I responded, not mentioning the fact that I've faced worse. My darker thoughts called to me from the locker cabinet I had filled them in a long time ago. However, I managed to push them back and make conversation.

"What camper was it anyways?" My restless fingers tap against the door. My body wasn't used to going so long without my ADHD medicine. "Do I know him?

"I would be surprised if you didn't. He was the one who had brought you to camp."

My face drained of color. Nico? That didn't make sense to me. He practically was invisible to everyone at school besides...besides me. How did he get in such a mess that the principal had to come in?

A thought came to me that made my heart beat quickly. It was the only day I was gone. He could have told somebody about me. About what I've done. The more the thought played around in my head, the more it made sense. It made perfect sense which made me want to cry. It wasn't a rumor around camp anymore that my mother had died. It spread like wildfire last night when I came knocking at the door of the big house last night, apparently muttering something about her and how she was gone.

He knew that this was all I had at the moment. That if they found out, they would send me away. I would get sent into foster care. But another part of mind whispered that it was a good thing. He would finally be free of this burden and torment that I pushed onto him. If I got sent away, at least I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.

They'll hate you, but after everything you've done, it makes only sense. He is only doing what he needs to protect himself. He's doing the right thing even if you're going to be cast away. You're going to deserve anything that happens. You're a bully, the worst of them too. Your mother would be proud  of that he is doing because it's the right thing. You know you deserve this.

My brain rambled endlessly which made me slowly start panicking. I tried not to show my concern, but it was unnecessarily hard. By the time we got to the school, I could barely breathe. Next to me was Chiron in his wheelchair, moving the electrized wheels down the hall.

"Are you alright?"

I gulped as he opened the principles office. "Yes, sir."

There sat Nico in one of the two plush seats of the mahogany desk. The other adult sat on the other side looking like he was midway of scolding. Instead, he just smiled at the sight of Chiron. "Good afternoon. Brunner, I'm guessing?"

"Correct," He confirmed next to me, pushing his way to the desk. I stepped through the doorway, but after that, it felt like I was a deer frozen in headlights. I kept my back to the wall and watching the scene play out in front of me. The black hair boy hadn't acknowledged my existence yet as he was still glazing out one of the tall windows. I followed his gaze to see cars passing by on the heavy populated road. You wouldn't think that they would put a school so close.

"Mr. Di Angelo here caused quite the ruckus today."

"Yes, I have heard."

"He had set off one of the fire alarms in the B7 hallway today." I snapped my attention back to his words. What did he say? "Looking back into his records, he has no other discipline referrals. Why he had suddenly done something so reckless is clueless to us here on the staff. We tried to get him to answer us, but he has been extremely uncooperative.

"Hitting the fire alarm had caused the whole school to evacuate and the fire department to come. This usually would end straight in impulsion, but we have taken special consideration into him. Mr. Mayson, one of the teachers in the hall at that moment, said he had been evacuating the school when he found him curled up on the floor. Blood was coughed up on the floor and his chin. The teacher had to hold him up to get him out of school. That's when he noticed the pulled down alarm."

Chiron looked worryingly at the boy next to him.

I was confused. Firstly over the fact that they weren't here for me. Second, over the situation. Nico pulled the fire alarm? Was he bleeding? A suspicion grew on me. Did one of the people that had edged me on as I...hurt Nico, finally stepped up? Was I going to be in the same position as before? I rung my hands together painfully. Most of my concern though at the moment was on Nico.

"Are you okay?"


The principle seemed impressed that he got Nico to talk so easily. His face turned into a funny expression that would have made me chuckle if it wasn't for my current anxiety.

"Okay then...just sign here that you know of the suspension. It will be two weeks until we figure out what happened."

The two blandly discussed until I heard my name being called. "William Solace?" Nico's head swung towards the name which made me cry mentally with self-hate.

"Yes?" I whispered, with my head looking down. I had no idea if they could even hear me.

"You agree to the fact you are now living at this location?"

My blonde hair shook, confirming my answer.

"Then come and sign on the dotted line, will you?"

A/N hi

Guess who is depressed and usually-well-dressed.


On Saturday my state is having its south region pride festival. I was planning on going with my friend and volunteering in one of the kid's booths with her. Then I asked my dad if I could go...He said that it wasn't a clean place to be. Like, what the FUCK. Your wife is legit bisexual, your older daughter is pansexual, what's your problem???

Anyhow. I got the flu shot today at school and my arm has been sore all day -.- Fr though, all I could imagine was divergent and if it was like, the serum they used in the first book. #YouKnowYourALittleObsessedWhen

Goodbye, all my lovely children.

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